Weekly Family Thread

Quarantine Edition!

Ask for advice, share stories, give advice, the usual. Keep it generally family-related.

Archive(still not updated)-
pastebin.com/3G5CJ4xZ (embed)

Previous Thread-
boards.Yas Forums.org/r9k/thread/57509326#top

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I remember someone asking near the tail end of last thread about how quarantine actually is in the US, and I suppose that I can give something of ana answer. It really depends on what state you're in. For instance, where I live(SC), we have a pretty relaxed governerGood ol' McMaster, so we have a pretty relaxed quarantine. Non-essential businesses were closed, but you can still go out pretty much wherever. Grocery stores are still open, restaurants are still open, hell, even a dry-cleaning place is still open. The most major thing is that grocery stores now have an occupancy limit, and won't allow anyone inside if the number goes above that. There have been rumors that at some point you might need some sort of note allowing you to go places, but most cops won't enforce that.

>nii is working out
>just watching him
>he asks me to sit on his back while he does pushups
>do it and he works out
>somehow become his personal dumbell
>sit on his shoulders as he does squats, hold his feet down as he lifts them up, lay on his chest as he does sit ups
>feels wierd being used as gym equipment
>just accept it
>he finishes and goes to shower
>go shower with him
>he keeps grabbing my wet hair and throwing it over my face
>we finish and make salads for lunch

Good day so far, kinda been boring lately we are getting stircrazy.

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Bumpity fuckity faggity philosophically bumping the thread

Damnit I really need to check before bumping.

Did you lick any sweat off him?

>these threads always get shit up by autists who yell about old trips who aren't even on this board anymore

why do you keep bumping these threads? end the roleplay shit already it's cringe

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Man, just go ahead and fuck off if you dont like it.

Name on manga?

Look up Qualidea Code incest doujin for the source material, though the dialogue is added here.

Bumpity fuyckity faggity it is not death or pain that is to be dreaded, but rather fear of death or pain

Bumpity fuckity faggity how's everybody doing?

bumpity fruckity faggity it's time for some bumpage

Oh there's a thread, hi. My job is ruining my life and I wanna kiss coworker, that is all.

>Brother: Are we at the point in our relationship where I can stuff your pussy full of mini raviolis yet?
Dang that sounds kinda fun. My dumbass brother basically stopped working out and I'm scared he's gonna get fat.

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>I can stuff your pussy full of mini raviolis yet?
Are you?

No but I might die from all the raviolis I'm putting in my other mouth.

Then let him try eating some from your lower mouth

Bumpity fuckity fsgggity bump shit philosophy bump

>I wanna kiss coworker,
Invite her over for a threesome

Quarantine, dumbass. Though she could when this all dies down.

>parents fighting
>little brother has spergers, likes similar things to me is a little awkward sometimes but nothing weird
>he acts like a little uppity pussy sometimes, like if reddit was a person
>dad yells at him and tells him to not be like
>mom coddles him and makes him more of a pussy
>get yelled at for being honest with him once and having a drink with him for telling him things that would help him (don't beat your dick a lot, stop being on your phone watching youtube all the time, find productive hobbies aside from video games)
>he goes back to being a pussy in a few days after my dad tells him not to be a pussy
and thus begets the cycle. When I move out I feel like I'll be able to be a better brother to him because I won't be under my parents thumb in any type of way but it's difficult because I just lost my job and this fucking pandemic isn't doing me any favors. I am working with a few recruiters and I have okay experience a year and a half out of college, I have tons of career paths to take because of my field but it's stressful and I have to study for a professional exam too. Not to mention I'm trying to not beat my dick and drink myself into a fish

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>being honest with him once and having a drink with him for telling him things that would help him
Did he listen to anything that you told him, or did it just go in one ear and out the other?

I gave him the advice sincerely and brotherly, but effectively yes. He cried to my parents that I hurt his feelings, then my dad got on his high horse saying "your life isn't all in order so don't give him any fucking advice." Aside from still needing to complete this professional exam which will help me in my career, my life is totally fine. I know he thinks I'm usurping them as parents, but my brother needs a balance of leadership that's not total pussy mode mom or kind of mean dad.

I think that you're going to have to not really try to help him out until you're in a position where he will give you a lot of respect. If you are able to move out, get a nice job, and generally paint yourself in a positive way to him, your advice is much more likely to be taken seriously. That might mean that you'll have to let him trip and fall a couple of times before then, but that might just be something that has to happen.

This is the conclusion that I've come to as well. I am trying my best to lead by example or just include him in more things, like if I'm just watching an anime or hanging out with a few friends, but he is so indignant and bitchy sometimes that it's hard to want to be nice to him. I'm just kind of venting. Thanks user

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>Thanks user
No problem. If you ever need to vent, or just want some advice, come on back to the thread, we'll be here most of the week.

>I have tons of career paths to take because of my field but it's stressful and I have to study for a professional exam too
If you don't mind my asking, what is your field?

I've had to move back in with my family now that everything's closed and I fucking hate it. My mother especially. She's an evil whore and I dread being near her.

do you dudes fuck your siblings?

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Accounting. There's tons of avenues to go into.

Every time I think my life is hard I'm reminded other anons have it worse.I'm sorry your mom's a hoe. Happy easter user if that helps!

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What exactly makes her so horrible?

Some of us, but not very many.

God no
My sister's objectively physically attractive but no, I've never felt that way towards her we mostly hate each other besides
My stepsisters are both ugly as sin so that's a no-go, one's a depressed fat coalburner and the other's an actual autist with the mind of an eight year old so that's definitely not an option

For years and years I hoped my dad would get remarried so that I might have a snowball's chance of getting a hot stepsister to bond with and fuck but I'm in my twenties now and my dad is still single, getting fatter, living with his mother because he feels he has to support her and actively hates the world so that never happened and never will happen