Does anybody else not really believe in God but still feel that Christianity is incredibly important and beneficial for...

Does anybody else not really believe in God but still feel that Christianity is incredibly important and beneficial for society because it prevents (or at least it's supposed to) shit like pic related?

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>but still feel that Christianity is incredibly important and beneficial for society because it prevents (or at least it's supposed to) shit like pic related?
Those are the fruits of sin and faithlessness user. "secular christianity" is one of the branches of what's wrong with society.

Apparently one of those dudes got her preggo, another one of them chimped out and smashed in the babby's skull

Short answer: yes

Long answer: yeeeeeeeeeeeahhhhhh das rite

gib saucey plzzz

Christian beliefs and mores are predicated on belief in God and the trinity. You can't have one without the other.

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I always thought bottom left would be the psycho. Bottom right actually seemed the most normal to me.

No real man would ever participate in a relationship like that. You don't need to be a christfag to realize that kind of relationship is cuck shit. Men are naturally possessive and the only reason those cucks are in that relationship is because they don't have another choice and are desperate for a female. All of them would rather have a monogamous relationship with her.

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although she is very overweight, i gotta admit. she has a certain childlike cuteness to her. anyways i would stay far away from those kinds of people.

I think seeing your face used as the posterboy of a cuck would cause most people to snap eventually. I bet he couldn't go a day without someone shitting on him directly.

how does this land whale have 4 bfs and i cant even get one :'(

Sad thing is top left and bottom right, with some muscle and new haircuts, could probably do way better than her on their own.

No matter how many times I see this image it revolts me. Imagine the smell.
You really want one of those things for a bf? I'd consider it a positive to be single if that were the alternative.

Christianity helps, but islam is the true cleansing agent you're looking for.

idk chief, submitting to something you know is fictional because some fags are being cringy seems pretty cucked

Bottom left never gets left alone with the kid, though, because no one trusts him. You gotta remember that.

You can just look at that pic and know that they found some disturbing shit on the communal laptop that nobody owned up to.

>calling someone a land whale
i would hazard a good guess why

If you need Christianity so you can dictate what other people do with their lives according to your own moral righteousness, that is the definition of craving a degenerate and morally bankrupt society. Forcing others to bend to your will based on your views about socially acceptable behavior is basically like saying you want the US converted to a communist dictatorship. Also, in such a society, you likely would be summarily executed if the entirety of your browsing history, search history, and hard drive were inspected.

What an absolute alpha male destroying his rival's offspring.

maybe it's his kid.
lol this dude couldn't even kill a baby

the bible was written based on lessons learned from an archaic time, its unfortunate that people not only choose to forget these suggestions but willingly go against them as some form of smug defiance

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Don't brloeve in god? yes
Think christianity is important? no
Is spirituality and focus on something greater important for the human soul? yes

You won't have that problem if you are Christian. Join us brother.

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I feel like Christianity has become too politicized and is just a cudgel that Republicans use. I don't understand how people can be against medicare for all. I wish we had more than two parties.

christianity and religion is heavily politicized. most republican politicians dont even believe in god or practice christianity but they shill it to look good to voters.


Not her but the ginger dude is fairly attractive. And the far left guy has a sort of cuddly nerd appeal. However if I had to put bets on it I would definitely have had this guy down for the actual evil one.
Other guys just really ugly.

Anything polyamorous always explodes, humans can barely deal with normal relationships. I'm going to use this as a example going forwards.

Still confused on how this troll got 4 guys.
I guess she wasn't looking so smug when it all blow up in her face.

Where was this said?
Nah hes just really ugly. That just shows how people view uggos


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