Astrology reports

Sorry for the delay! I'll still keep returning

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You're indeed a sadboi! You're good at empathizing and that's why you're forgiven if you start complaining too much. Well I would forgive you. Don't be insecure, the soft side of you is very appreciated. Do talk to your neighbors and acquaintances when you're sad, your chart literally shows it's what could lift you up.
When navigating dark stuff, I'm sure you can find charisma in you even if everything's hard, explore it, and if you go deep enough you can find treasures most can't find. Maybe you have lived through coercion but you've come to bear it. You might like strange people. The weird ones. Even shady women.
Now. Where others may be naive in playful love and romance, you're certainly not. You don't play and you don't get played. You know what some women are all about... You could devoid yourself of harmless fun without knowing sometimes, but if for others going with the flow is what comes natural, for you it's just the opposite. You could even have a lot of preconceptions when it comes to playfully engaging in any sexual activity but at least you won't get anyone pregnant and get in trouble for it..? Actually, you could see children as a burden even?

I don't know if you skipped me or are doing them out of order, but here's me again! August 1st 1987, 10:34 PM

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Thank you for reading me, user!
I have to admit... it's very accurate. Thank you

Can an user who understands these things very well interpret my map? I want to know everything, I am very curious.

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Oh I skipped many, I'm picking randomly. This type of chart is also a bit tricky to read, thanks for adding day and year and time, but you missed to specify which time zone

I am Aquarius can I have reading ?

post mine last night but didn't get anything.

may 14th 1990 at 5:43am EST

Oh okay, Tullahoma Tennessee uses Central Time (GMT -5) :D

Why is it hard to read? Should I get my chart from some other site?

An addendum: may 29, 1998, at 5:25 pm (UTC -3).

I don't see the north node and roman numbers are a no for me

What website should I use?

I recommend this one:

Vigor, talent, an uncontainable desire to start big things, to enlarge the world. Waiting for a current to bring you up.
You don't like obstacles do you? Then don't allow yourself to be dishonest. As long as you denounce dishonesty, you can make people fall in love. You're born to be altruistic and philantrophic, as long as you keep this in mind and don't let yourself budge, you can have a good time....and keep enemies away.
Your sense of identity will benefit from spending energy in what makes you feel alive, really alive and not just surviving. Go in that direction, don't give into laziness, and you could inspire someone.

Are you a Taurus rising Capricorn moon? Just making sure

More accurate than MBTI at least.
Also aries is the most based sign

Taurus yes, not sure on the other stuff.

I keep noticing capricorn moons are thin with fair skin (if you're white) and have freckles but it may not apply to you
A lot of earth here, a lot of charm, but sometimes you might be a closed door, you want to know where boundaries start and where they end. Unless this is clear, you won't be impressed. You'll only share anything with whoever shares your principles. It makes you solid.
Sometimes you may feel anger run through your psyche and your body but you won't reach any explosion, you'll just wait until it wears out. You do not allow yourself tears either unless it's crucial to allow them. You can stand anything... and that's your cross to bear.
You place value in integrity and self mastery.

I have mercury in the 12th house just like you and you might have lived your tennage years in an unordinary state.
You might hide a lot of what you really think, you might have strange intuitions and omens you don't speak about and no one understands what you're up to. You might have difficulty expressing yourself and you could have been afraid to talk. This makes you understand people who have trouble with self expression.
Moving on, your woman might be a foreigner.

aries is the pioneer! aries starts where everyone else is still stuck on *making sure*.

Here you go user.
August 1st 1987, 10:34 PM, Central Time (GMT -5)

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i wrote yours here :

September 5th 1998 11:55am cest in case you're still at it

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I would be happy if you look at mine, OP.

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June 8th, 1995, 6:20 AM EST
Am I gonna make it, astroanons?

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>Am I gonna make it
maybe if you go gay

currently in my saturn return years

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Why do the magic space lines want me to be gay?

march 7 1995

will i ever touch people with my music

well mars in virgo is a pretty limp dick, sexually submissive placement.

That's weird. In the few encounters I've had I was definitely the dominant one. Imagine failing your birth chart down

>In the few encounters I've had
dude, why are you here? go be sexually dominant somewhere else please