What do we robots think of women making six figures of onlyfans?
What do we robots think of women making six figures of onlyfans?
what the fuck you simps fucking doing with your life?
their looks will fade by 30, and they will be broke and will have to settle for one of her paypigs to make a living
>no comma
Inspecto elemento
Based original. this was original
Its legit go on twitter original comment
Pretty disgusting but pathetic men are ultimately at fault.
This. Imagine unironically paying for onlyfans. The absolute LAck of self respect imo is just disturbing
Look around this board. For all its reputation for misogyny and smut, what are the recurring themes among the men who post here? What are the recurring themes among women?
Who is posting about how they want marriage and companionship, and who is posting about "pathetic men" and "it's muh body" shit about the right to be skanks?
I actually think it's a fair wage, honestly. All jobs have some kind of cost-benefit or risk-reward relationship.
To be a doctor you need to sacrifice long years of difficult study
To be a drug dealer you need to be willing to accept the risk of being murdered at any time.
To be a whore, especially a public one, you ruin your reputation, social life and family relations. As well as either force yourself to be childless or accept the fact that your kid will be bullied for having a literal whore for a mom.
I wouldn't be an e-whore for 100k/year. I value my dignity too highly. Ruining my reputation would require a higher payoff, likely in the several million dollar range.
idgaf, she will probably kill herself by 35 because her appeal will disappear with age and she will have nothing else to live for
If she were only humble I would not wish her death
I think robots are overlooking something, this is economics 101. A whore has what she has to offer, and the market will dictate the value. But this is completely cutting out the industry jews and allowing "content creators" aka whores to deliver demanded product for direct pay. It will be interesting to see the larger effects over the next decade or so
Men's fault for making the market. Nothing you post could convince me that you wouldn't choose getting paid to jerk off and neet over working at jimmy johns
Yeah this happened because *men* all decided long-term monogamy was oppressive.
>making bank from onlyfans
>putting the money towards computer science degree
>"your looks will fade and you'll have nothing"
Are u retarded? being an E-Whore is socially acceptable now. Where have you been all this time? Are you living under a rock?
So honestly user...
Doesn't that feel like you're setting yourself up to expect some CEO (since you'll be a high earner yourself), except the CEO may not necessarily be enamored by your passion for algorithms?
It's not rhetoric. I'm curious to hear your take.
Have fun working in viral advertisement
Then why won't my oneitis sell some content?
>being an E-Whore is socially acceptable now
you are delusional. That's a meme. Being a whore is the lowest of all occupations. Just because a bunch of e-whores and extreme sjws spam "sex work is real work" on twitter doesn't mean it's socially acceptable.
Being an e-whore has disastrous consequences for your life and reputation. The vast majority of parents will disown their children for doing it. Most siblings will stop talking to their sister. Most high value men will flee and never consider you for dating, let alone marriage. Most employers will refuse to hire you. You can bet your sweet ass that anyone who knows you suffer because you are doing it. Plus you can never really make it out because trolls will track you down and send pictures of you to anyone who knows you, including future children and future partners.
It's selling your soul for a quick buck. Don't envy these women.
We're going to reach the point in the next 20 years or so where women finally have too much power to the point where even normalfags will have to acknowledge it, whenever your average man is struggling to survive and a mediocre woman can make six figures just by being born it's going to be impossible to ignore
We'll never reach that point because spooks will just use their spectacle to blot out reality, and women are content to reify the necessary worldview and play hallway monitor now that they've been brainwashed into thinking entertainment culture is their village.
Our would-be waifus are all married to the IC and to the cast of CNN.
>How do they exist, and in such large numbers?
It's kinda acceptable now
i don't care what hoes and simps are doing
Most people here would do the same if they had the ability to. Absolutely no problem making easy money from people who are falling over themselves begging to hand it to you. If you were born an attractive woman and could do it without showing your face, why the fuck wouldn't you? Showing face is another matter, but that does greatly increase earning potential. I'm a programmer and I definitely would be like if I had the ability.
The only question is what the fuck is with these orbiter type people? How do they exist, and in such large numbers? Are most of them just delusional and feel like they're getting a personal connection? How many men are truly unable to think with anything but their dicks? (reposted to fix typo)
None of this is remotely true unless you live in the Deep South or similar, except for the troll harassment part. If you live in such a repressed area, I feel sorry you grew up this way. There are risks, but nothing like that for most people doing this, if they live in a reasonable part of the US
Please take your Seroquel, user
I understand most humans aren't that intelligent and have poor self-control, but still
>Please take your Seroquel, user
Any idiot can see the truth in what has been written.
You might want to get the message because this laughable trash
>Please take your Seroquel, user
isn't going to change that.
Way to make make the same post and delete it over and over because you decided you didn't fit enough replies into your debunking of misogyny, you completely new and fucktarded shill.
The issue is conflating this board with pathetic men. Like if you look at this place, you'd definitely think that Yas Forums has some of the most pathetic men around, but in reality most of Yas Forums still isn't paypigging for whores, there's a whole another layer of absolute shit under Yas Forums.
OK so what are the various layers of women, and how do we find the not whore one?
>hey guys how do i edit posts? it's my cakeday btw.
It's simple supply and demand and it's great for people looking for a normal relationship as it's now possible to identify all the money grabbing whores. For someone wanting to earn enough money to not need to work after and live comfortably they would have to do this for at least ten years every single day or work hard on new content ever week. If that's not repetitive work I don't know what is. Plus all the negative social shit already mentioned.
Only the biggest whores can do it cos if more people started doing supply would go up and prices down to the point where you would be whoring for just breakfast.
Just ignore them and let sleeping bitches lie.
Symptoms of a broken society.
That said I would't mind punishing everyone involved be they simp or thot.
What if there aren't that many simps but these are whores that have found some sort of a tax loophole by laundering their money through onlyfans?