What video games are you playing while shut in?
What video games are you playing while shut in?
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Fallen Order, although I'm not shut in unfortunately. It's jut my day off.
I'm an "essential" employee. Fucking sucks.
I never knew there was a Jersey Shore video game
I'm playing pic related, Mafia 1, and Skyrim
Lots and lots of L4D2 and TF2
Clicking circles in rythm
>been playing the same songs for years
This is fun
animal crossing, probably going to start a new heart gold save and actually play it this time
me too user
wanted to quit a while ago and was back within a week
it never ends
sup guys
i used to play video games in my youth, however, since early 2018/late 2017, i have been using heroin semi-frequently.
i'm 27 and literally on the cusp of being kicked out, i sold my mom's iwatch because i was dopesick and she knows, but hasn't confronted me about it. i'm ashamed at the person i've become and hope that i'll be dead soon
as for the near future, i'd like to stop using needles and go back to smoking it as a means of harm reduction
i wish i could play video games, hope you're having fun user.
never do heroin.
Warband. I avoided it because it sounded like Chivalry or Mordhau. A buddy recommended it when I mentioned watching streams of Mordhau getting launched. I really hate multiplayer games. I don't care about being competitive and most multiplayer games basically nerf whatever I like to do. It almost seems personal, it's not like old multiplayer games where it's just this is suppose to be rock paper scissors and they'll nerf anything for being too good and I'd play in tournaments all day for fun. It's like anything and everything you can possibly do should suck, my game sucks, nobody should play it. I just don't think multiplayers are fun, so when people talked about how that game has similar game mechanics I sort of flinched away from wanting to play it. I tried it out, and holy shit it's cool as hell. It's got it's faults or whatever but it's called MOUNT and blade, emphasis on the mounted part. It's not the motion sickness inducing swing your camera around clicking 30 times at different angles like those other games. It's somewhat infuriating it's not as good at that then those things even though those were mostly made to be a bit better on purpose. It almost kinda feels out dated after seeing how much more responsive and complex combinations can get watching the other stuff and it'd be sick if there was a mod to fix it to be more like that. It's such a wonderful hidden gem of a game though. Basically there is little to no info, if you play an older game there use to be guides written up from start to finish and there is basically no way any single person playing through could ever figure out all of it let alone even some of the smallest chunks of it, it's not random at all. Mount & blade basically wishes someone could make a straight forward guide to that but part of the fun is figuring out those sorts of questions you want answers to and adapting anyway.
Seriously I always wanted to play a vidya where archery is gay. Warband comes so close and is almost right on
I hope you're not actually playing Invisible War, user. Unless it's just to see how shit it is after playing the first Deus Ex.
Recently finished Mario Odyseey. Now I'm playing animal crossing. I'm going to finish up some homework and then play Animal Crossing in a bit. I'm excited to see what all this bunny day stuff is about. Pic related is my decorations and outfit for bunny day.
>surviving mars
>fallout 4
>company of heroes 2
this user knows what's good, warband is very nice.
i spent a good chunk of my alosence hunched behind a computer playing this fucking game lmao. i miss the early 2010s
i can't wait for bannerlord to be more fleshed out
>I'm excited to see what all this bunny day stuff is about. Pic related is my decorations and outfit for bunny day.
>caring for bunny day
who hurt you user?
are you okay?
are you some kind of serial killer?
>hidden gem of a game though.
I'm catching up on the Star Trek Online expansions I've missed. The game is 'okay' but its elevated to great by all the fanservice and actors constantly reprising their roles.
>Seriously I always wanted to play a vidya where archery is gay. Warband comes so close and is almost right on
I mean were archery isn't gay, don't drink and bring up a different related subject when you're at text length limit. Archery sucks in every game that ever exists, even dark souls it's basically just there to trigger agro and it's stupid multiplayer crap, no rock paper scissors. Maybe someone uses a dragon bow for meme youtube videos. Not fun. Warband archery is extremely difficult to use and I prefer throwing weapons so much more, it's like the throwing weapons hit the sweet spot out of what you'd want out of archery that you can use tactics for it. I can't believe how bad archery and bows suck in every other game. It's like nobody bothered to actually make a cool archery game before ever and it just gets thrown in because of dex/rogue memes. It's not a serious option to use. Warband has a few tricks to make it work, and even though NPC's are filthy fucking cheaters with it basically aim bots and it's fake and gay they can use a bow with no power draw and shoot it across the map when a person would have to aim up at the sun in the sky and have no idea where the target is below it from weapon drop and do that repeatedly, there are tricks and tactics to use it and make it work without being a total faggot like a bot or anything.
I got it a week before Bannerlord got an early release. I'm goign to avoid it for a few years. Since I dodged warband and it turned out fucking amazing, if I do the same with bannerlord I won't jynx it.
?????? I don't even think the studio that made it is very common or well known at all. At best the only thing I heard is they're Turkish? I don't even buy turkish firearms irl over political reasons and I really like me some firearms.
Dude, everyone knows about Mountain Blade. Just because you live under a rock doesn't mean it's hidden.
bannerlord's rock solid mechanics
bannerlord's broken or non existant mechanics
>everything else
the game is fun at it's core but every one of my playthroughs has been like
>trade and kill looters until i can be a merc
>trade, kill looters and raid villages until i can be a vassal (every faction will accept you as a vassal regardless of who you are or what you've done, you don't have to prove yourself in ANY way)
>get random fief based on nothing in particular, AI king just gives it to me
>spend the rest of my game running between fiefs defending them from endless randomly generated wars that begin and end randomly and for no reason
No, I've just been spending the past week collecting eggs and crafting decorations, and I want to see what reward I get at the end
modded Minecraft and some smw hacks
i see, i was mildly interested in the reward for all the recipes but it's probably something painfully egg-related so i'm not bothering
Warband was one of the most popular games 2010. If you mention it on Yas Forums people start frothing at the mouth.
I played IW first so I had nothing to compare it to.
I don't live under a rock, I just avoid anyone and everyone as a matter of principle. It's you or me and there is unfortunately more you's laying around than I care to live with on my conscience.
Don't tell me about it, the only thing I can find interesting mechanic wise is if you have 8-16 NPC's at once trying to do the same thing. Half of them attack one thing autistically like a bethesda NPC, and you got 4 of them so the game picks one of those things for you you and you'll swing clear through 3 guys and hit a fourth one. I don't even want to get into any of the stuff your talking about because most of the game is either pick a faction and everything gets reset so you fucked up early game not playing mid game from the start, except starting game you're suppose to tournement and it's real comfy playing a Knights Tale. It's kinda s hit doing world map fights if you're not a noble because it's like 20 minutes to find your inventory box if you don't have a fucking banner next to it, and like 15 running around the map trying to spot your banner and inventory box. It's basically impossible to find your battle map starting point after initial contact no matter what. There are 30 minimum warbands of hostile NPC's. Basically all you have to do is get your fief first and then care about the rest of the game. If you do anything else it'll reset. You could be like fucking 40 positive points with a faction and sell on as a mercenary and go to zero. It sucks so bad to do that except the early game encourages you to do that and buy works in areas that can get sequestered. I'm not even going to get started on the random map encounters since it's just I'm so use to destroying 30 fucking dirty cheating sons of bitches at once that skull counts are entirely meaningless even though I get a chuckle out of particularly taking out that son of a bitch here or there and I'm just turning off the game or starting a new character when I think this is bullshit usually.
Megaman ZX collection and SFV
Mother fucking Early game is about making a bank roll. You have a thing where you're saying you have to do this. Okay so I thought it was a cheat exploit first time I figured this out, prisoner management. Early game NPC's will start asking if you're a man hunter. Fucking Get a blunt weapon off the looters and avoid the slave broker. He's trash and it's evil. Find a ransom broker. You're dealing with trash units meant to annoy if you're making more money off the slave bastard. The ransom broker is doing legitimate work for lost people that got displaced. Early game you can ransom and tournament. buying stakes in cities is the only way to bank roll an army. Except you're a fucking scrub and it's fake and gay till you join a faction, basically you can play a thousand hours if you mercenary once you're worse than a faction traitor and it gets reset. It's so fucking dumb. how hard you get fucked on this. It's entertaining how random the factions can play out but the faction reset is just so fucking ridiculous it's like the devs never bothered to play that part of the game or just expect you to swear vassalage out the gate. This gets me worked up so much since I played restarts so much.
>Yas Forums people start frothing at the mouth.
You mean the you will get banned for posting here about anything or anything board? There isn't any point in talking about older games with people there. It's all I took some screen shots and samefag about what to do about it stuff. I can understand if people actually have some strong opinions about what to do in warband. There are just so many ways to do it wrong. Fucking I turned into a mercenary company after so many battles and was thriving off murdering the living shit out of NPC's till I exhausted them. I could have maybe saved that game if I destroyed their lay and they reset. Didn't do shit about making businesses just thrived off battle and loot. Getting robbed of an item or two just fucked the entire game play through after one bullshit lost battle. Son of a bitch seriously fucking mercenary army it's like childs play you're suppose to learn in increments, bankroll from businesses, but business after fiefs. Except I'm probably wrong because I haven't played around witht he fief system but anything and everything you do gets destroyed and the game resets if you don't go fief first. I'm going to have to reset and make another game probably.
doing a terrible job at league of legends over here
jesus, i hope you figure that out
dopamine fasting?
or will withdrawal kill you?
I usually only play till late midgame, if you've managed to survive till then there isn't much to do till the end game crisis hits and even then combat isn't that great. Wish they'd add more threats to your empire, both internal and external. Still a fun game to just mess around in.
goodbye nigga
It has a bit of a graphical boost, but everything else is really cut down and simplified. It has to do with them targeting the original Xbox as the lead development platform, rather than PC like the original was.