COVID is fake as fuck

COVID is fake as fuck.

Attached: ReOpen Goat Fruit.jpg (3034x1448, 792.43K)

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Shitty bait but ill bite.

>Everyone walking around not in lockdown and only 80k people die of it
>Everyone in lockdown and still over 100k world wide has died from it

most people know that but the vocal minority will tell you to take your meds

650,000 people die from the flu worldwide each year, you little bitch. Sack up.

Attached: Good One Toast.jpg (375x500, 55.03K)

>2 million estimated deaths if we did nothing
>200 thousand estimated deaths if we kept slowrolling
>60 thousand estimated deaths if we continue soft lock-down

i swear to god niggers like you are the ones that needed to die

Yes, imagine how many people would be dying if we werent on lockdown.

>comparing mild shit like influenza to shit that literally explodes your lungs

I like how even OPs picture proves itself wrong. It shows the lockdown is working.

remember this very flu season?
I work in a hospital, why don't you stop spreading embarrassing conspiracy theory because a man child on youtube told you so

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About 650,000 from all viral infections

Isn't that the island where they normally bury people in New York?

Reminds me of the pigs buried alive video, except with the actual living people they actually just welded them into their own homes. I wonder what's worse?

Yes Hart Island, they have been burying people there since the Civil Car. Pretty sure they did the same thing with the Spanish flu 100 years ago and aids in the 80s with the mass graves.

okay, so it's actually normal

>Civil Car
I think you mean Civic car, retard.

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no, its not normal they bury people there during wars and plagues not during flu season

Yes but most people don't know about it for some reason even people that live in NY. Its mostly for people who have no known next of kin like homeless people and for shit like this with pandemics.

none of this means anything
>yes flue kills but it dosnt do lasting daamge to the lungs
>covid is another virus so those are extra numbers increasing the death toll
>of course its killing the old but people dont actually want nana to die
>99 percent have other illness well no shit every one with HIV die from other illness
>joblessness might have slowed because the governments are coving peoples wages


Ok but whether this shit is real or not:
What are you going to do to survive the upcoming financial crisis?

Kill everyone responsible for the quarantine and sell their consumer electronics.

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you're a fucking retard OP

1. the issue isn't the raw number of deaths, it's how COVID is overwhelming the healthcare system because 20% of people who get the virus require hospitalization and a significant portion of those 20% will be disabled for life (a lot of SARS survivors had their bones rot inside their body years afterward)

2. 99% of the dead having comorbidities doesn't mean anything if 90% of americans have comorbidities (obesity, high blood pressure, etc.)

3. they're literally having to dig mass graves in new york. how can you possibly think this is equivalent to a normal flu season.

>expecting to win against preppers
Enjoy your plastic coughin'

There are people who smoke 4 packs a day and are alright, how can a virus do that much damage?

How do you know if there's permanent damage to the lungs? Post pneumonia always has damage to the lungs. Healthy people heal it.
Its been like one month since most recoveries and people are throwing around the terms permanent irreversible damage.

google ARDS
the virus causes your immune system to indiscriminately attack all lung cells and turn them into pink goo

3. yes and you're a fucking sheep

lung damage = reduced breathing capacity = less oxygen in the blood = brain damage from hypoxia
you don't see this with the flu because most people who are severely affected by the flu are already super old and somewhat cognitively impaired
COVID is much worse because it's putting young people in the ICU at the same rate as old people

Uh oh, who let you out of your cage user?

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nice shameless samefagging

Except the fact is even treating this like ARDS is causing deaths.
The doctors don't know shit and its been two months.
And, no it isn't putting young people in the ICU at the same rate. You're a fucking retard. The statistics say otherwise. The anecdotal bullshit about young people only emerging in the last month can easily be explained by people with undiagnosed diseases making their cases complex to stabilize or the fact that maybe they have genetic mutations allowing easier binding by the virus. The fact is that this disease overwhelmingly just knocks over people who were blowing in the wind anyways, before.

Not samefagging, I just joined this thread purely to mock you

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also here's a source
Treating it like ARDS is causing deaths.
Somehow it's not as funny when it's real

Attached: MP-Disease-1-600x315.png (600x315, 60.31K)

>Except the fact is even treating this like ARDS is causing deaths.
>The doctors don't know shit and its been two months.
what are you talking about??? ARDS is how people die from corona and other respiratory viruses

>And, no it isn't putting young people in the ICU at the same rate.
Yes, it is, with the exception of children under the age of 20. People under the age of 55 are actually more likely to be admitted to ICU after being hospitalized. See statistics here:

do you realize that I could see the poster count not going up?
fucking newfag