I've been on r9k for years now, this is and always will be my home board, and I just gotta ask one thing about you guys on here: Why the fuck are you faggots so goddamn obsessed with talking about women?
Here's the thing, I don't like roastie dykes as much as the next guy on here, but you don't see my dumbass constantly making posts about the subject. I still remember when some actual discussion could be had on here, or maybe just a fun and refreshing larp/collaborative writing thread would popup. I don't know if it's simply simp orbiters or obsessed leddit incels, but threads like those get far less attention now. I mean, we do have other interests right? Why not talk about them? You understand that one of the common stereotypes that the users of this board are known for is the ease in which we are baited, right? I mean, I would've thought by now you faggots could at the very least recognize what is or isn't race bait, but no, you disappoint my dumb ass every fucking time by responding to racebait. You understand there is probably a secret discord group out there, who's sole purpose is to post cuck and racebait content, because it's their collective fetish.
Well, I guess it's true, that old saying about this board:
>"r9k doesn't get raided, it raids itself"
Not necessarily, and you don't have the luxury of socializing with people who have the same or similar history of abuse and ostracism as you.