My problem with this board over the years

I've been on r9k for years now, this is and always will be my home board, and I just gotta ask one thing about you guys on here: Why the fuck are you faggots so goddamn obsessed with talking about women?

Here's the thing, I don't like roastie dykes as much as the next guy on here, but you don't see my dumbass constantly making posts about the subject. I still remember when some actual discussion could be had on here, or maybe just a fun and refreshing larp/collaborative writing thread would popup. I don't know if it's simply simp orbiters or obsessed leddit incels, but threads like those get far less attention now. I mean, we do have other interests right? Why not talk about them? You understand that one of the common stereotypes that the users of this board are known for is the ease in which we are baited, right? I mean, I would've thought by now you faggots could at the very least recognize what is or isn't race bait, but no, you disappoint my dumb ass every fucking time by responding to racebait. You understand there is probably a secret discord group out there, who's sole purpose is to post cuck and racebait content, because it's their collective fetish.

Well, I guess it's true, that old saying about this board:
>"r9k doesn't get raided, it raids itself"

Not necessarily, and you don't have the luxury of socializing with people who have the same or similar history of abuse and ostracism as you.

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It's mostly underage zoomers

Too many people started coming here from reddit and the like because of screencaps and the like. I'll agree with you that there's way too much talk about women and chads and stacys; femoids; femanons; doomer meme bullshit and hardly any threads of interest ever get bumped with actual conversation. I always love to hear an user talk about their collections of stuff like model planes they pain-stakingly assembled or stories about how their lives are in another part of the world dealing with the same issues that others are elsewhere. Unfortunately, most of the threads are the same recycled topics of racebait and low-effort blackpill bullshit.

I kinda understand that, but goddamn is it frustrating.

Yeah, there aren't really any autism threads about hobbies and interests anymore. You'd think there would given the number of autists on this board, but no, you rarely see that now.

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Some of my favourite discussions on Yas Forums have been on this board, but those opportunities are very rare these days

Me as well. There's plenty of great potential discussion that could be had. At times, you need to derail threads into a better topic to be able to get those discussions.

I remember having a very deep discussion with a brazilian girl in a thread about fetishes. Stuff like that is why I still come back here, cause I think interesting stuff like that can still happen here

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>Brazilian girl
user I...

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She wrote like a woman so I believed it

In the past, everything in the universe was inanimate. You could think of them as rocks. The world was full of rocks. Eventually, however, RNA caused some rocks to become animate. These rocks could move and they varied in their proclivities to do so. You could divide all the rocks in the world into three groups: rocks that could move and wanted to, rocks that could move but didn't want to and rocks that couldn't move and couldn't want to.

But why would a rock need to be able to move? Because tragedy can strike. Being animate requires a fairly specific order to your composition, which means it takes very little to make you inanimate again. When a volcano erupts and pours lava over the rocks, whether they remain rocks or not is unimportant, but surely they cannot remain animate. For this, it behooves a rock to be able to move, so they can move out of the way of their own destruction.

The inanimate rock doesn't move; the animate rock that doesn't wish to move doesn't move; the animate rock that wishes to move does so, and thus animated rocks become defined as having a proclivity to wish to stay animated. In other words, the reason anything is alive right now is because living things have a desire to keep living.

But living is difficult. You are constantly running from your own mortality. If you were immortal, that might solve everything, but the environment is constantly changing and you can only change so much. For this reason, it's better to be able to clone yourself and teach your clone what it needs to know to live a better life than you. But that's only an environmental solution, not a genetic one. That clone is still you. As some genes become more advantageous and others less, you'll find that simply teaching your clone how to live is not always enough. There is another solution: to shuffle your genes with another person's.


By reproducing with another person, you create clones that are a mix of the two of you. This clone may be better or worse off for the environment, but you can create multiple clones in order to have multiple assortments of genes. These clones - let's call them children - will then be thrust into the environment; some may lose, some may succeed, some may die, some may have twenty kids of their own. The end result is you have achieved a kind of immortality as a version of you, with genes best suited for the new environment, has carried on.

Thus, it is your implicit desire to be immortal, and you achieve this immortality through procreation, and you procreate by having sex. This activity must be done with the opposite sex; so in the case of a man, a woman. This person is going to mix genes with you, so you want them to have the best genes, which sometimes means having your genes, of course, because it's yourself you're trying to immortalize. You may not explicitly know what kind of partner you're looking to reproduce with, but your genes know: they'll let you know when it finds them.

Men are primed to always want sex, but women are primed to want children. This way, men do the deed and women produce the children. But men are only burdened by this activity for a few minutes a day at most, while women are burdened for months at a time. This means there's something advantageous in a man impregnating multiple women, while for women, it's better to go for quality, meaning it's better to be impregnated by the best man. Thus, men want all the sex they can get, and women want the best man they can get. This is not the best arrangement and so, in higher civilizations, they've culturally corrected for it, but the desire persists.

Nah, kids are nice and all, but the meaning for ones life is informed by one's arbitrarily assumed and assigned values. That is to say achieving your biological goal does not necessitate the achieval of all your goals, which are determined by what you value in life and what your morals are. Achieval of biological goals is actually quite empty of any meaning you yourself don't give it.


If men go around raping, other men will find this unfair and kill them. As a result, men agree to not do that and instead let women choose men to breed. This means when sex happens, it's a woman choosing to have sex with a man she considers the to be the best.

Sex in and of itself is just a fun activity. It's fun because our bodies reward us for doing it. Our bodies reward us for doing it because it's how we reproduce. Our bodies want us to reproduce so we can achieve immortality. We want immortality because rocks with a proclivity not to continue living, don't.

"But we're smarter than that," you're thinking. And you're right. It's not really "you" that lives forever, it's a mutated copy of yourself. For individual genes, that's perfectly fine; for your specific composition of genes, it's just okay; for your specific composition of genes which exist within your body right now, it's a scam. It's better than nothing, but from your perspective, just having sex is enough, right?

But I find people forget part of the equation here, and that's a woman's desire to have sex with you. What is happening when a woman sexually desires you? It's her body signalling that you're the best man and you should be immortalized - and she proves it by putting her body on the line, letting you violate her and lower her sexual market value (as her word for who the best man is depreciates every time she says it, or in other words, has sex with another man).

Even though the immortality game is a crock of shit, having someone express a desire to have you live forever is powerful. I dare say it's the most important feeling in the world. Sure, we're not actually achieving it, but her body is telling her she is, and that's what she's telling you.

Your friends and family want you to live this one life, doctors and public servants might want you to as well, but only a woman can want you to live forever and prove it. To not receive this blessing is to be told, "You can die."

its R9K dude, this board is full of desperate, degenerate, ugly retards who do nothing but be a NEET all day every day. do you honestly them to act any differently than the people they despise?

*think they will

don't know how i botched that last bit up

Morality is just your feelings. You feel certain things are good or bad because it behooved your ancestors to feel that way. That's nice, but there's one behavior we all share and that's the desire to keep living, which I just went over. You might have a desire to not eat ham and I might have a desire to not let homosexuals into my community. That's nice, but those feelings are just amendments to what's really important.

I also don't think there's any value in achieving greatness or helping others - on their own. A man's desire to do these things is specifically because they elevate him up the male dominance hierarchy, making him a more attractive mate for women. Those things on their own tend to be ephemeral pleasures and are often more beneficial to society than yourself. The problem is, if no one wants to have sex with you, you have thus been judged by society as being unwanted in their future. Humanity will continue on to its next generation of existence and you will not be a part of it; you're one of the minority of men who were left on the cutting room floor, and for all they care, you can go die - unless you contribute to them, in which case, they'll pay you to keep contributing, but they will in no way reproduce you. That, no, they don't want that. Keep sweating for society and run your expiration date out, please. Thanks. Keep propping up people who shunned you; keep saving the lives of people who don't care about yours; keep entertaining people who have denied you happiness. You're really "enlightened."

You know, my friends think I'm a fucking genius. My family thinks I can do whatever I want. Old ladies give me free candy, old men tell me they wish all young men were like me, my boss says she wishes she could clone me, kids look up to me, married women pity me and tell me I'm really a great guy, and men my age pat me on the back and say, "You're awesome."

What a load of shit! You want more "me's"? There's a way of making that happen! Is it?

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I honestly don't get your ramblings, guess I'm a rock with nothing better to do than to do rock things.

I don't know what's difficult to comprehend about what I said.

I remember some of the better stories to come out of this board, I've been here 9 years.

Steven and Mai
Pizza user
Uncle user
Tramp user (though that story came from /g/, but was discussed here)
Most recently, the pizza delivery user who dated a disgusting/destitute deaf girl and they move out of their town together, went to school and went into law.

You remember any of these?

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>morality is just your feelings
I agree! Morality is based upon your values which are simply just assumed and arbitrary axioms.

>we all share the desire to keep living
I wouldn't say all, suicidal people generally do not have that desire, they just stay alive because of loose ends they need to take care of or emotional attachment. The desire to keep living is also not a lonely set, some people need to find a reason to desire living, and although they may have the desire to live, it's not a primal animal desire.

>Truly important
There's nothing that is "Truly important", importance is subjective or based upon logical truth, and logical truth does not equate to universal truth. There is such thing as logical importance, but that can only ever exist inside a system, systems always being quite arbitrarily defined. Your system is founded upon the arbitrary assigned axiom of sex and reproduction as being the most important. Or if it isn't arbitrarily assigned and is based on something else, then it can only ever be based on another arbitrarily assigned axiom, such as the value of life(which also has no inherent value unless one arbitrarily assigns it value).

>all men do things because they want to rise in the male dominance hierarchy in order to attract mates
Some men do, some men don't. The existence of males who don't is an exception that disproves this assumption/assumed notion.

Some land mines don't explode when you step on them, the worthwhile discussion to have is still to tell people not to step on land mines. Some people want to pour acid in their eyes to blind themselves. That's nice, but they're an outlier and there's no reason to base your observations of human existence on them. They're an anomaly.

You sound like some cucked counter-enlightenment philosopher who thinks there's an existence outside of our own, but that's just the delusions of men who are afraid that empiricism has disproven their beliefs, which used to be the belief in God and Heaven, but nowadays, with postmodernists, is the belief in whatever political system they've replaced God and Heaven with, typically socialism. There's no inherent value in life in the sense that there's no God (or state) which can give it value for you, but there has to be value in life to propagating life, because had this never been the case, you would not be here to say anything at all.

And you can say some men don't want to rise up the male dominance hierarchy, they just like making themselves or helping people or whatever, but the reason those things even feel good to them at all is because their bodies are rewarding them for climbing the male dominance hierarchy. This is like saying, "You play video games because it gives you a kick of dopamine," "No, I just like completing objectives." Yes. You like completing objectives. Why? What about it feels better than slamming your head against the wall or doing a handstand or watching CSPAN? Oh, look, we can just take a peek inside you and find out why you think it feels good: dopamine. Whoops.

A thread with actual value gets almost zero replies while easy, no-effort threads get tons of replies.
We whine, agree in unison that it's bad, but we do nothing
The cycle continues

I guess if everybody made an collaborative effort than we could have some good thread, but it seems everybody's too busy with women and faggots

But despite that, I've had some good talks with other anons. I still remember talking with this one user about Miyazaki's works. I hope you're still somewhere buddy.

Nobody older than 23 should be using Yas Forums, to be fair. I guess there are a lot of pedos and retards out there whining

The valuable threads slip through because they are more rare and require some time for people to think up a good reply. I think there has to be truly leading edge discussion not on the same old stuff like inceldom, women and what have you but niche topics need some good timing for the right anons to reply which depends entirely on luck so bump a good thread shamelessly if you see one and it may gain some traction

>no reasons to base your observations of human existence on them
But why though. Human anomalies are anomalies, doesn't make them any less human unless your definition of human arbitrarily excludes them.
>who thinks there's an existence outside our own
Do you believe abstract objects don't exist? If so, how do you explain their effects on tangible reality? Math and logic exist, yes? You yourself are applying arbitrary meaning and value to tangible physical reality. A rock exists, there's no inherent meaning or purpose to that rock, it just is, unless you arbitrarily give it a meaning or purpose. And you talk about me being afraid of empiricism.

>there has to be value in propagating life
No there doesn't, life propagates without the knowledge of any such value of said propagation. Unless I misread it and you're saying, "there has to be value in life for life to propagate", a statement that is kinda stupid. There doesn't have be value in life for life to propagate, it just does.

Yes, I fail to see how getting dopamine equals to only deriving pleasure from climbing the male dominance hierarchy, or pleasure only being derivable from climbing the male dominance heirarchy. You can do drugs, and get dopamine too, but doing drugs doesn't get you higher or lower on the male dominance hierarchy. I'm sure there's plenty of masochists out there who get dopamine from being whipped and humilated as well.

Low value threads and topics are popular because they're easy to talk about.

I wouldn't say good threads are rare, I think their frequency is normal, they just get drowned out from the masses of shitty threads.

I agree with you op.
Even though I am relatively new I hide types of threads you mentioned and hardly see any meaningful thread.
>inb4 browse the catalog
Nah, I like the element of surprise, and I hide disgusting threads so I dot want to see them again.
What is there to discuss in this board anymore, is my question.

Seriously none of you have been here long enough to remember any of these? the threads lasted days. Are you all this new? Tough to think that I might have been browsing this board before most of you had pubes.

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>What is there to discuss in this board anymore, is my question
Anything. This board was known for good discussion because of the number of crossposters from other boards. /tg/ crossposters like talking about worldbuilding and writing, Yas Forums crossposters nice music, etc. A good thread creates content, in conjunction with discussion.

I never paid attention to those, always thought they were larps.

These stood out because they were far too detailed and far too long to be simple LARPs. Steven and Mai was so gripping to Yas Forums the drawfags made their own fanart of it. If you've never read it I'd recommend it.
It's sad but stories like the ones I mentioned happen so very rarely in this shithole and now when they do happen they're posted and backlinked on cancerous shitholes like reddit and instagram almost immediately (with the posters acting as if they're the OP to get followers/loser gold etc) so most people dont bother.

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I'm a 25yr old neet. Where else can I post? Reddit is terrible for live conversation