It's ironic that people that aren't conciously seeking to self improve are the ones who usually improve the most through activities that they love to do or through hobbies they like. They don't have to constantly seek out things to make themselves better. I just feel as if everything that I do doesn't add up to anything, my brain makes the same mistakes and it feels like I stay in the same place. Am I doomed to be a loser forever?
It's ironic that people that aren't conciously seeking to self improve are the ones who usually improve the most...
Kind of true. Chad played football because he wanted to. Football required him to be strong. Chad lifted to get strong.
Meanwhile virgins wanted to coom and play lol. You dont have to do anything to do that.
So in the end authenticity does amount to a lot. I saw it in person so I didnt swallow up the improover meme. You really have to figure out what do you like to do and figure out what will bring you more satisfaction fulfilment and maybe money and go through with it. You have to persevere its not worth it to settle for some materialistic whore whod dump you at the chance she gets. Youd be more miserable than you are now
People who think cold showers are somehow better than hot showers are either masochistic or are self-improvement delusionals.
Damn i am like this Guy in the pic
just accept that it isn't going to get better no matter whether your a virgin or 'chad'.
It's true that improovers are people who think doing various things that are good for your health will somehow fix their life. It's also true that people who are autistically in love with their craft are usually successful and more than happy. But most of us are not autistic. Instead you need to figure out what the world NEEDS. You need a "noble" goal. Your noble goal can even be your search for a noble goal. This is how you will be fulfilled op (which is a better feeling than being successful or happy).
TLDR: Stop improoving and searching for your "calling" and start searching for a noble goal.
>Face strained from trying to force tongue on roof of mouth
why would you do that? Im constantly doing this subconsciously and need to remind myself to relax my tongue
Your thinking is shallow. You should not try to "figure out" what you like to do. You should figure out what you NEED TO DO. Not for your sake, but for the sake of world (or beyond).
They're better for waking up.
And only a reptilian would like a hot shower in summer.
>You should figure out what you NEED TO DO. Not for your sake, but for the sake of world (or beyond)
That's extremely subjective
No shit it's subjective. It's my opinion and I think I'm right. Men should follow this line of thinking if they want to be "happiest".
a lot of people on Yas Forums are unironically losers because they autistic, i mean literally autistic. people with autism come across as strange to normal people because they will have unusual mannerisms and generally act different in social situations, which is why you are ostracized. normal people dont have to self improve to be able to talk with woman or make friends, they can do it naturally. not being able to fit in is not because of how you look, its because you are autistic. and this is coming from an aspie. know yourself.
>But most of us are not autistic
I have been using Yas Forums for years and i believe many users here are autistic. its like moths to a flame
So even if we are autistic (which is often an excuse for being a coward imo) how do yiu fix it?
this self improvement shit is mostly just about control. the people who really go hard into this self improvement thing are control freaks, or control freaks in training. that's why they always start with lifting, because working out gives you a sense of control, a schedule, a routine, and it makes your body look better. it doesn't seem like there could be anything very wrong with that, but if you have ever been in an argument or witnessed an argument on Yas Forums with some Yas Forums guy or anyone who is really into working out you'll notice they honestly all sound like the same person, its a very odd thing. i think the problem with this is the mentality that got them into working out in the first place, they sort of got memed into it, and they don't want to admit it because they got some benefits out of it like a sense of control over themselves and it made their body look better. they keep doing it because if they stopped they would lose their sense of control because they don't have anything else to base that control on.
they then try to take this mentality and apply it to everything else in their life, everything can be controlled. you see a lot of this stuff in books by tony robbins. control control control. it's a very psychopathic way of looking at behavior.
No shit, regular people also don't need to make a deliberate, conscious effort to try to make themselves not feel depressed every day, but depressed people do need to do that.
Obsessing over self-improvement, especially using advice from imageboards, definitely is extremely autistic and likely to hurt you more than help, though.
Just do what you want to do in life. If you want to be muscular, work out. If you don't, don't. If you want to spend all your time on hobbies, then do that.
If you're suffering from some kind of addiction, and if nothing you've read online has helped, then try to seek a therapist/psychiatrist who specializes in addiction.
Same. I've been around the Internet for a looong time and tried various autism communities (wrongplanet comes to mind).
I didn't initially post here looking for an autism community but I've found it to be the most authentic one on the web.
>Just do what you want to do in life. If you want to be muscular, work out. If you don't, don't. If you want to spend all your time on hobbies, then do that.
this right here
Why does my purpose necessarily have to align with what the world needs? Sure I can monetise it and feed the neoliberal system and myself but a lot of times just freeing yourself and going off on intuition is just better and more rewarding
didn't read the op or any replies but cold showers lower cortisol not raise
Set small goals first. Also be logical and use real data rather than projections and analogies. Theres no irony to what you said, people who are more motivated by doing something spend more time doing it. Motivation itself only comes from doing something and becoming more comfortable with it. There are a million ways to find a reason to do something more
who is the female on your picture?
cortisol is a stress hormone, so cold showers would raise it
you people are fucking retards
I know not.
Just a pic I had saved.
You can be an eccentric ENTP aspie chad.
...Raise it so it lowers it out of the shower.
Did you not read the memo?
Congratulations for seeing the truth. Your insight is correct (in my experience). Nothing ever changes. Chad was always chad. We were not. You can't become Chad.
You can't really "fix" it, that was my point. You can still find a partner, some woman will still like you (they will be rare), it's just that it will be especially difficult for you because most will find you strange. Best bet is to date aspie woman
They can be the worst. "Eccentric" aspies are usually the type that never know when to stop talking and will say inappropriate stuff because they lack awareness, so they come across as creepy and annoying. Met too many autistic people like this
I take cold showers because it's good for hair.
What does it do to your hair?