The face pill is so fucking brutal

the face pill is so fucking brutal.

i've lost all will for life after realizing what a disadvantage i have been at because of my face. i've given up on almost all fronts now.

Attached: 39f939e3.jpg (1024x598, 42.5K)

So what are you waiting for? What's even the point of this thread?

to speak up. i cant do it in real life so I do it here.

How the fuck does that even happen? I thought human skill shapes were all universal

mouth breathing is a huge factor. i had a stuffed nose as a kid and nobody gave a shit so here we are.

>retard realises they have even a minor inferiority
X-pill, bro, have you taken the Y-pill yet, its over bro

this particular image is shopped though

is that kyle from nelk

But why are you speaking up?

its always enjoyable watching people like this have a shitfit because someone dared to complain about something

I don't think the skull shape its self changes, but how the muscles and fat are formed around the skull and jawbone makes both the shitty 'ishouldjustkillmyself' look on the left and the 'good' look on the right.

i come across that mentality a lot. i think it stems from the fear that they themselves might get depressed if they learn enough ugly truths.

There's nothing brave about whining on an anonymous imageboard. Complaining always has some utility behind it, seeking solutions etc. If someone is dead set on suicide, why bother writing about it on here? What does it matter?

Try to be funny, even if it's self depreciating. Don't pity yourself leave that to others. Learn a lot of jokes that are not offensive to people around you. Learn to play a musical instrument. Women will often date someone that entertains them even if they are not attractive. A pretty face is only useful when you're doing the sex, even women realize that except the most vacuous ones they you should be avoiding anyway. Take advantage of your ugliness or whatever you think is wrong with your face by enjoying being with anyone who doesn't laugh at you. You know for a fact they like your personality which is a big confidence boost.
Get fit and strong, be the guy that fixes problems instead of bitching and needing help.
Remember almost everyone thinks they are ugly sometime during their lifetime, especially when doing poorly socially.
Join a local club where they do something you're good at. Volunteer somewhere to show your humanity, hospices and dog shelters are good as they mix you with beings that are literally worse off than you. Get your own dog if it's practical as then you know your life is important to another living thing.
Don't give up until you've tried everything. At the worst just go full hedonist and live entirely for yourself.

Yeah lmfao. Shopped to hell though obviously. Love Kyle though. Funny as fuck dude. Fratty as fuck.

i actually fucking love their channel, i actually laugh when i watch their videos. wish they'd upload more.

you are complaining about complaining right now you unaware bitchboy

I know a shit ton of men who look worse than left guy and they married 9/10 hotties.

If women evolved to pick men based on face aesthetics the human race would have been wiped out because 1 chad would have knocked up all the women and left them all in a forest to fend for themselves.

Grow up.

do they have similar jaws?

well yeah he knocked them all up then betas raised the children

I never said there's anything wrong with complaining. I only said it seems pointless if you're not interested in change or finding ways forward. Don't you agree?

>fucks every single Chad in her town during 16-26
>Chads don't fuck women older than 25
>"G-grow up! Looks don't matter! Marry me!

>facelet beta kills the chad

>all the tribeswomen now sleep with faceless beta (and are attracted to him) because hes the one in charge, feeding them and caring for them, until the next facelet beta comes along and takes over

everything doesn't have a solution... i can tell you've never had a girlfriend because women do this kind of stuff all the time

You still haven't answered what the point of the thread is. Even a baby screaming has a reason for doing so and this seems like a cry for help. OP hasn't truly accepted that everything is over, if he had he wouldn't have created the thread. He still has hope for life.

yes what op should do is just stare at a wall for eternity just to satisfy you

That wouldn't satisfy me

Attached: quote-the-only-serious-question-in-life-is-whether-to-kill-yourself-or-not-albert-camus-46-71-65.jpg (850x400, 55.46K)

To spread the blackpill, obviously.

okay how do you explain ugly people getting qts

Imagine if in every story ever the hero just gave up when they were at a disadvantage. What a joke!

okay how do you explain ugly people not getting qts

So you think crying will help you now? You could still bist your lazy ass to get a good paying job somehow and then you could afford a plastic surgery to get a proper face. If you care that much about dumb stuff like this you could start acting too

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>okay how do you explain ugly people not getting qts
cause they have no redeeming qualities or they
are mentally ill