It's Sole Sunday, folks. Time for a girl feet thread. Fembots, do you have cute feet...

It's Sole Sunday, folks. Time for a girl feet thread. Fembots, do you have cute feet? Would you ever send pics of your feet to a robot for him to get off to?

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As I see you are encryptively defrauding me as attempts to defraud me adheres as attacks at me as you encrypt to defraud me as Christ as I have omniscience as your family is getting shot for trying to defraud me

I knew you were a foot fag, father.

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So this is the true potential of Bidenposting?

I for one am glad that foot fetishism is the official fetish of r9k

I wonder what crispys feet look like

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My GF started giving me a footjob after a gave her a massage
We got interrupted by a phonecall sadly
Felt pretty good tho

It's either feet or gentle mommydom
Sounds comfy user, shoulda made her continue while on the phone.

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white girl mob has entered the thread

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>tfw you finally get to worship some soles

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>watch foot video
>tfw girl looks uncomfortable or she's very giggly / laughing
>those occasional videos where the girl looks disgusted

nope, cant fap to that

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post exampless pls

basically every foot video it's just a ugly bimbo whore with nasty ass feet

If you are a loser and you like cute feet join this server


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>actually liking 2d feet

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Last i checked, she was asking other e-girls how to go around selling them.

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Burn in hell faggots.

Holy fuck Kreayshawn's feet are cute as fuck, who'da thunk?

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I ain't paying for nothing unless i get to touch or lick and be the first male to do so which i would be since dyke

ill send my feet if someone likes

>ill send my feet if someone likes
do it

For free? Are you a biological girl? If yes to both I'll drop my Discord.

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Yeah, same.
It does mean there might be some guy who did pay for it actually, and the pics are just waiting to be posted.

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>only worshiping soles
>not whole legs

Attached: dla anonka.jpg (1200x1200, 159.29K)

yes, now drop your discord


Hoe Hoe Hoe#3175

thats the perfect wife right there


Damn she's for real too.

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damn I want some aswell please

i'm intrigued

Hoe Hoe Hoe#3175
please I want some aswell