Just go blackpill.
Just go blackpill
>implying most people here arent lanky white boys who could get coochie if they seriously attempted
In all the tiktoks I've seen, the girls say they like "scrawny white boys" instead of being muscular. Why is that?
i'm on a small misson of sorts to spread the blackpill as far as possible. I think blackpill facts hold enormous potential of shaking up the unjust hierarchy we live in.
Because it's more about face than anything else. Body for a man is important but face is the first thing people look at then then the body is the icing on the cake.
The same applies to women too but men are willing to use body as a barometer too and will accept a 4/10 face with a decent body.
its face and frame, that's where all the gymbros fail. you can't workout your face and frame
true. height is obviously important too, but it is somewhat overemphasized because of its easily conceivable nature which has lead to women speaking abruptly about it. face is the single most important metric for attractiveness and that's why normies fucking hate face blackpills: height blackpills aren't nearly as scorned because it's mostly incorrect.
Women want to have their cake and eat it. They want handsome AND rich men. Men just want literally anything with a pussy. I have been black-pilled on my personal situation for years now. I am ugly and fat, and will therefore never get anywhere in life.
I guarantee that guy is not a virgin. If you found his socials you would see he has had gfs
found the coping mad gym rat
Let the incel cope in peace, user. They don't want to listen to reason, they just want someone to pat them on the head and tell them "you aren't wrong, it's every girl in the world that's wrong".
lose weight worthless lard-ass
you are both so successful that you ended up here
By your logic, getting laid = coping hard.
im a gymcel though, i realized a long time ago it's a retarded cope
I come back because I grew up on this site, and even though I've ascended to normality, there will always be a bond between me and this place. I'm not Chad, but I've achieved most of the social milestones I've wanted to in my life, but I can talk to girls just fine.
i've run into you before lol, you're here constantly always posting some text conversation to prove how "normal" you are
you're a complete weirdo
Deep down, of course, but I can get my shit together for long enough to have reasonable conversations with girls. And if a weirdo like me is getting laid, what does that make you?
Are you really denying that guys with top 5% Facial Aesthetics exist?
been laid, talking to a girl right now, have a text conversation going back weeks in my phone right now. i guess i should be more of a creepy weird fuck like you and make a compilation of our conversation to prove how normal i am
you even type like a fucking creeper
No, but we are denying that you are unable to get laid without top 5% facial aesthetics
im not lanky im big and burly but got too fat
What, so if you're not film-star-levels of attractiveness, there's no point in trying? It's like saying that there's no point in earning money because there will always be billionaires richer than you.
You were never really one of us
You don't really know what it's like
why the fuck would you care about top 5% of anything? its 5% lol
post physique with timestamp
Depends on your definition of getting laid. Having sex in the context of a relationship in your mid 30s? Or having casual sex at age 13 and taking the virginities of dozens of girls? One of these can only be accomplished if you have top 5% Facial Aesthetics.
Well, I'm glad you're actually talking to someone and not just some incel who thinks he's better than me while crying about girls never talking to him.
Eh, maybe you're right, I always feel like I need the credentials to show others that anyone can talk to girls, but maybe this isn't the right way to approach it. How much can one person do anyway? Maybe I can't help, maybe this is something they need to figure out on their own.
someone can't follow the rules
Hahaha I remember when that first came out and every normie dismissed it as bullshit making up reasons why that study isn't valid
>How much can one person do anyway?
what do you think you're actually doing lol? you aren't helping anyone by posting text conversations, you just come off as a person trying to brag and show off. i could go in my phone right now and do the same thing you're doing but i don't give a fuck because it's just going to make me appear like some show off douchefuck
Yeah thanks Mr Gatekeeper, you can tell me exactly what makes a robot and what doesn't. You're acting like being a robot is such a unique experience, but you're not a teenager anymore, you should be past the "no-one understands what I'm going through" phase.
You sound very fat.
Are you fat?
Not a good comparison, if you have money then you can invest it and make even more money. But even if you had all the money in the world, it still wouldnt be enough to purchase top 5% Facial Aesthetics- its something you have to be born with. The privilege that comes from being born handsome is only comparable to the life of extreme luxury enjoyed by ancient Chinese and Roman emperors.