What is a simp?

Ok im tired of zoomers making up new words to describe already existing scenarios but I'll bite anyways to get a better understanding.

So is simp just an synonym for cuck, beta male, incel and orbiter?

It started out as a word to describe people that donates money to e-thots but slowly digressed into *doing anything for woman.

So is the oldest dating technique of buying a drink to a girl then simping?

Is planing a holiday with your GF also simping? Is giving her a birthday present simping?

Is literally anything BUT fucking her in the ass simping? Because if so then it's really just some dumb made up word that has no correlations to reality because every fucking guy simps then... even chad or the rich Millionen simps because anyone that has social interaction woman are giving something or are doing something to gain their attention.

I can understand it if you are overdoing it to an extent it becomes an obsession but then you are just a cuck.

Tell what the fuck the definition of simp really is because it just feels like a word was made up of angry incels.

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Simp is a retarded word and you pretty much answered your own question


This is a simp

Simp means white guy who pays for porn because he has no chance with a real girl

>I can understand it if you are overdoing it to an extent it becomes an obsession but then you are just a cuck.

Nope, a cuck is something different.

So a beta orbitor?

Simp is just he cool new zoomie word I guess...

Nah, someone in a relationship can be a simp. It's just a word for someone who places women on a pedestal, adapts too much for women, does too much for them for little gain.

What does it say about society when people think protecting a girl is being a simp, and acting like a chimpanzee is somehow the good behavior?

With its current context, it's an old redpill word going back years and years, but now zoomers use it.

"Simp" is a Black-American slang term used to refer to men who devote substantial amounts of time, effort, and money towards women in hopes of gaining their favor. It serves as the antithesis to the word "pimp", and has been around since the early 90s.

An example of "simp" being used:

Attached: 1559344382847.png (365x161, 70.32K)

isn't that whiteknight?

Look I feel like the word simp just confusses people with other words and just put's them all into one big messy word

It's not confusing at all. I know some people want it to be confusing and are actively trying to confuse people because they hate the word but it's already been explained well in this thread:

Yeah it has always existed since dawn of man that someone men are boot licking cucks

Protecting a girl who is not your gf or your sister or your daugther IS being a simp.

An orbiter is someone who, as the name suggests, orbits around a person he knows. He always asks what the woman is doing, talks about boring stuff e.g. "Hey, did you watch the new StarWars movie" etc. all over WhatsApp/iMessage and his life probably revolves about that person with the hopes of dating her. Meanwhile that woman is probably occupied with being pounded by 6'3'' chad who she just met at the mall 3 hours ago.

Internet meme terms always lose any meaning within a few days once retards latch onto it

Nice work user. Helps a lot but isn't there another word for it which doesn't derive from nigger culture?

Simp originally was an acronym, it stood for "Sucker Idolizing Mediocre Pussy". Think of when some tech company billionaire marries an average-looking woman, clearly not for personality because she divorces him, that's a simp. He could have had a much better woman but idolized and married some mediocre pussy. Also, when a man who's excellent in every regard, hardworking, honest, responsible, etc, settles for some used-up whore who can't even cook a proper meal, he's also a simp, because he's done essentially the same thing as the tech billionaire and gone for some mediocre pussy that's far lower quality than he deserves.

Now simp has been degenerated to just mean "beta orbiter", and that's unfortunate because we used to have two terms to describe two different people (simps and orbiters) and now we have two redundant terms to describe the same person, and no term to describe the actual SIMP.

It just means giving women attention, pandering to them or giving them your money or time in exchange for anything other than sex. Or doing those things in a way that makes you the submissive party in the relationship, even if you are getting sex.

Not the user you replied to but maybe boytoy. Anyways, what wrong with simp being forged in the black community. I didn't even know that until now.

Simp is any guy who gives anything to a woman without her first allowing him to fuck her in the ass. So if you open a door for a woman you're a simp, if you help her change a tire, you're a simp, etc. Basically anything that was considered to be mark of a good man's character before 2010, you have to roleplay a ruthless sociopathic industry captain cum porn star to avoid being called a simp.

This is just what trannies and feminists want to happen because they want to ruin the word. Everyone knows what a fucking simp is, we've all seen it. There's no confusion.

Not really. The problem is that women are generally stuts who still feel entitled to those things.
They aren't anymore, that's why doing those things to women these day makes you a simp.

>He could have had a much better woman
Better in what way though, you think the "better" one wouldn't run off with the money?
>settles for some used-up whore who can't even cook a proper meal
What do you think the ratio of "hardworking, honest, responsible men" to "women they deserve" is in the wild? Just a rough estimate.

women are generally sluts*

>before 2010
That sort of thing stopped being considered a positive in men LONG before 2010. Try the 80s.

I don't understand your point, are you trying to say that you're not a simp if you do these things?
I'm not American, it was still a good thing well into the 00s here.

>Better in what way though, you think the "better" one wouldn't run off with the money?
a 9/10 russian virgin for instance.

A cuck if in relationship

A orbitor if not in a relationship

either way you're a beta male

No, holding a door for a woman once does not make you a simp.

>What do you think the ratio of "hardworking, honest, responsible men" to "women they deserve" is in the wild? Just a rough estimate.
7 to 1

How is that better, you'll have to elaborate on that.
Yeah, see the problem now?


oh user you have much to learn about russian woman. They might look good but are all crazy psycos like their manly counterparts

So you propose returning to medieval-tier clan mentality like Afghans and Pakis? Lol

>How is that better, you'll have to elaborate on that.
It's better because they are prettier than most western women and they are not used up hags.
>Yeah, see the problem now?
Yes, there must be some legislative changes to put the control of female sexuality back into the hands of men.

Funny how simp is an old term used 20 years ago

Are any memes original except incel? Cuck is an old term to kinda weird how terms get memed online as something new when it isn't

>It's better because they are prettier than most western women and they are not used up hags.
Why not just buy a sex doll then? She won't leave you and take your money like the Russian bride will and you'll get the same level of emotional engagement.

I'm sorry, using the word medieval or Afghan or Paki supposed to invalidate what I proposed?
Doesn't make any sense.
Why would a woman need the protection of anyone other than her father brother or husband if she is not a slut?
Why should anyone bother with protecting a slut?

>be me
>go to a door and open it
>see people behind me
>guys walks in and thanks
>woman walk in


Protecting a woman online is pathetic. If they are in actual danger that is a different story. Not being harassed in a vr game.

I just said I agree it would be ridiculous

A imagine a doll doesn't give you the feeling of dominance

The idea behind those words are as old as human relationships. The only difference is that we have a place for free speech where we can voice our opinion instead of only keeping the cuckoldry to ourselfs

Why do you need that, do you have a tiny peeny? Just torture small animals and leave other humans out of it.

>Better in what way though, you think the "better" one wouldn't run off with the money?
Either a better personality who won't run off with his money, or a hot woman who will put out so that at least he's getting something in return for the money.

>What do you think the ratio of "hardworking, honest, responsible men" to "women they deserve" is in the wild? Just a rough estimate.
Do you mean in modern western society or in a healthy pre-1945 society?

Sure, there are similar words, but none that quite fit the same niche enough to merit their usage over "simp" to me. Unlike the term "orbiter", the term "simp" doesn't necessarily indicate a lack of success with women; instead, it's a reference to one's strategy regarding women. A simp may do things like going to a club, buying a woman a drink, telling her she looks nice, asking her on a date, giving her flowers, and lavishing her with gifts; all to have sex with her. A simp is also more likely to desire long-term relationships with women. He doesn't have to be socially-awkward, lacking in friends, or anything of that sort.

Another example:

Attached: 1565037014480.jpg (570x450, 31.38K)

It's just another word of the month. Ignore it, because it'll only get overshadowed by the next trendy internet word. Obsessing over these things is what gives normalfags validation and fulfillment; all they want is attention and to fit in.

20 years is literally nothing in terms of human behavior. The internet is also a new thing but these phenomenons like simps, alphas, betas etc. are as old as humanity.

I'd just wanted to add more to your point with a silly greentext :)

Holding the door for another guy behind you is just common courtesy.
If it's a woman you need to make a point of letting her open her own doors.
It's unfortunate but this is where we are right now. You shouldn't be moving a finger to make their lives any easier unless she is having sex with you (ALREADY HAVING not thinking of having).

>Why do you need that
Not even gonna bother answering that. You are clearly not a male.

This is a woman, by the way. Very upset at even the slightest criticism directed at the status quo.

So "simp" is just a slur for a normal dude? It's like calling someone a "cis white male" derisively? Why would other men engage in that shit?

Damn this was some fucking funny bait lads

Wanna fight? Plane tickets bitch.

Be me 8 years old
Bell rings for lunch break in elementary school
Was autist af
As soon as bell rang I ran out the class room to go computer room
Back then I found a way to hack the school computers to play rune scape
Rush to the door
Teacher behind the door, didn't notice her at all
Just Zoom zoom and slam the door behind me
Jam her fingers
Hear scream
Turn around it's a teacher

Think this was the turning point in my life ever since then I became harassed by a the teachers in that school, like completely bullied

Romeo was probably a simp...

Actually a lot of powerfull guys have been simps throughout history and let their mistress rule over them...