
Happy chocolate day, edition

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Fresh tuck posting because ive noticed a severe drop off recently lads

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thanks lad l'll send this to my bf

fourth for cutey wutey apus

>i like troooks

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i want to kiss andy samberg so much


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the co-op is the best shop in Britain, not only were they the only ones open today but they had what i wanted the staff were polite and theyre cooked sausage bacon baps are delicious
if you work at co-op you are based

They do my favourite brand of instant noodle, ko-lee noodles. The packet ones have so much goddamn flavour.

>bump into a girl I haven't seen in a while
>get chatting
>ask her "so how are the kids?"
>"the kids...?"
>"oh, you don't have any yet? I thought... nevermind"
>wind completely taken out of her sails


very comfy post lad, continue and ignore the seethers who just want to talk about personalities and noncing all the time

>he doesn't like trucks

Are you gay or something lad?

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based and truck pilled

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Wish I could get away with this with the ex but I reckon 6 months probably isn't long enough.

i havent had them yet but i might ry them

*eats his 15th easter egg of the day*

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Not him but, I love ko-lee bang bang chicken noodles in the pot.



For me, Deadwood is probably the best written series of all time.

Did he try to pour more on to put it out?

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shit OP pic. last one was better

Those are good too, i'm sure the ones I had were in a packet though.

>mum bought me a Flake easter egg
>have told her time and time again that Cadbury's chocolate makes me feel sick

Did she do it on purpose? Do I need to teach her a lesson?

That's exactly the sort of thing I'd expect a cocksucker such as yourself to say.

that's as much as disgusting as me with my fattie

this is peak form
fuck i wanna smell his armpits

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afternoon lads, the baby jesus got me a crunchy easter egg so we are eating good today

Good moaning

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All your dreams are made
When you're chained to the mirror and the razor blade
Today's the day that all the world will see
Another sunny afternoon
Walking to the sound of my favorite tune
Tomorrow never knows what it doesn't know too soon

Need a little time to wake up
Need a little time to wake up, wake up
Need a little time to wake up
Need a little time to rest your mind
You know you should so I guess you might as well

What's the story morning glory?
You need a little time to wake up wake up
What's the story morning glory?
Need a little time to wake up, wake up

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I think I've seen the packs of them down the crazy world food aisle in sainsburys. The pots were in with the other noodles in pots down some aisle though.

>who would win between these fictional universes
>includes 40k

gee I wonder

good moaning up early this moaning fans

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saw one comparing the Empire in Star Wars vs Imperium 40k. lmagine thinking ONE planet destroying ship is a big deal

>shit OP pic. last one was better
*pats you on the head*
Yes you done good last thread you good boy blahblah

I want to marry Grackle. Simple as

Watched Okja with my girlfriend last night. She looks like the girl in it.
Ended up having an argument about whether it's ok to eat dogs. She defended the Chinese/Africans saying it was "cultural" and that I should respect that. Had to remind her that some cultures are better than others, there's a reason we're a first world country and they're not.

Film was ok, ultimately the 'bad guys' won. Made me crave steak.

i want to smell and lick his armpits, is that so weird?

i want to kiss andy samberg so much

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Can't believe he's gone lads.

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remember pirating films off DivX/Stage 6 la's? 05-09 internet was peak internet

Go wank over yer bfs mates gaylord

she's a busted up slag mate
you can do better

for me its lucy verasamy the Sky News and later ITV weather girl

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remember stripping off info from a movie so it'd fit into a 700MB cd?
then rebuild index

man i want to kiss andy samberg

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Fucking shut up about andy samberg you utter bell.

this is not a wank
he's like my consistent tv love
i will never get over it

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that is me on the left

I feel bad for all the parents of youtubers. Look at the poor woman, you can see it in her face
>when your daughter is an absolute thot but that youtube money good

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but i like him. i know, i know, i've overstepped

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The mum is just as bad. Look at how much makeup she's wearing. Absolutely munted.

20 inches
rammed in yer annus
from 2 metres away
10 litres of manfat
bends one in again