I miss 2016 so much, I want to go back

I miss 2016 so much, I want to go back

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really? i miss 2007

Why 2016? The last 4 years have been the exact same except for the corona bullshit

2018 was a lot more based.

2013 is the year I feel the most nostalgic for. I had so many friends, and life seemed good and I was optimistic about the future.

me too user. i still feel attached to my first gf just because of the great times i had back then both with and without gf

Just everything. The internet was the highest energy it ever has been, there wasn'tbullshit Terms of services on most websites so you could do and say whatever you want. There was new internet and youtube drama every single day. I always watched Leafy, pyro, nfkrz, idubbz, filthyfrank and h3h3 after school. Discord just came out and still uncucked. The games were good, the music was good, the memes were good. IRL It's when I feel like I gained actual conscious control of my life and stopped being a retard.

2016 and 2017 were good years... 2018 to today has been nothing but struggle and emotional hardship

I so desperately hope this is bait

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I feel the same way about 2004 and 2006/2007. I havent been happy since.

it's not bait, I'm serious

2018 was the worst year in my existence.
I want to go back to 2012

I barely even remember 2012. 2018 was my jam

The 2000's decade has so far been the best of my life. 2007 was good and 2010 was even better (probably the best year of my life)
Since then it went to shit ... everything went to shit

I don't know about you but I wouldn't count youtube drama as something positive. Plus wasn't it the year that filthyfrank left youtube? You can correct me if I'm wrong. I don't know about discord because I never used it because I didn't play a lot of videogames. Speaking of video games it was the year when such shitty pov's like CS: GO and Dota were at the peak of their popularity. It was also the year when mumble/emo rap started becoming popular alongside the the cancerous hypebeast culture (which is probably one the main reasons I hated that year so much). Actually the time span of 2016-2018 I could best characterize as the peak of poser/hypebeast/mumble rap/pretending to be depressed. Don't really know about the memes. Although the fact that you felt you've become a better person in 2016 makes it easy to see why you miss that year. Looking back on myself in that year I can say that unlike you I had even poorer social skills than I have now, I acted kind of retarted, and yeah...

this. 2012 was the best

The drama was entertaining, especially if you followed everything like I did. The memes were mostly tied to this, otherwise it was dabbing and We are number one edits. Filthyfrank left in 2017, so did leafy(although he's back now).

Please, start a life. For your own sake. Following internet drama so closely is pathetic.

for me, last few years were like 2017>2016>2018>2019. 2020 looking a little better that the last two years thanks to coroners unironically.

Where did I say that I still do?

If you didn't anymore you wouldn't look back on that time with fond memories. You'd realise how sad and pathetic it was

That's totally me, kek

I don't regret any of it, it was the best reality show you could ask for. I started re watching some of the videos just for memories sake

this. 2012 was the shift of how different everything became
zoomers dont realise how bad they have it

i feel like 2016 was when Yas Forums was finally buried. it brought more normies. not to forget discord gaining popularity, but it wasnt spammed everywhere as it is now.

But the minuses like the hypebeast culture, mumble rap, popularity of shitty video games (CS:GO and Dota 2) kind of made that year and the years of 2017 & 2018 as a whole shit. Also I don't see how following youtube drama would bring positive memeories/nostalgia to anybody. I also kind of followed YouYube drama in those years but I wouldn't say it evokes any positive memories for me. I wish I could've actually sociallized more in those years. It's a complete waste of time just like binge watching tv series on Netflix. Suddenly you realize that browsin Yas Forums is also a waste of time but at least it's more fun than watching youtube drama.

>reality show
Only watched by sad people without a life of their own.
You could've used all that time to gain new experiences or to learn new things or skills.
The memories you've made aren't your own. They're manufactured garbage made to appeal to dumb kids.
>2012 was the shift of how different everything became
There's no one year where things became different. Some people say 2016, some 2012, some 2007, some 2001 and so on. Things have been changing for a while.
>zoomers dont realise how bad they have it
Nostalgia, for whatever it might be is a poison

For the same reason oldfags think that Flash animation posting was fun.

CS:GO and dota/league only really affected you if you were part of it. Hypebeast and rap shit was memed pretty hard.
All the channels had millions of subscribers and I know I'm not the only one nostalgic about it. I did plently of other shit

>All the channels had millions of subscribers
Trash is popular, what else is new?
>I know I'm not the only one nostalgic about it.
That makes it even more sad and it's not my point

ok then retard? what's your point

Have you skipped out on learning reading comprehension? Should I make a Youtube video about it? Internet drama is useless noise. It's the antithesis to valuable information or entertainment. Remembering it fondly is on the same level as reminiscing about staring at a blank wall, or about watching commercials.

I don't think you know what what I'm actually talking about

2016 was shit
I miss 2019

Testing post 23

2016 can get fucked