Where is my knight in white shining armor
Where is my knight in white shining armor
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Somewhere in the 12 century probably
I'm dating him sis
if you have cute face and you are willing to gain weight, I am all yours.
Stop ERPing faggot
very nice
Shagging your dad
Post more negress vocaroos
didnt read a single word of this thread if im honest
Imagine this 7 foot tall giga chad yeeting an entire tribe of zulu warriors with his girthy warhammer and impregnating all their women.
100% of black women fantasise about this. u mad black boi?
Trying to marry anything either than black. Black women are our last choices. Dont ever think otherwise you stupid nigger.
lel speak for yourself faggot
Doth a fair maiden call upon a knight in white?
Shit remake of a superior game.
MFW I was 18 when warband came out
t. Seething black boi
Since the afrikaneers are dutch (giant whites) and they defeated the zuluus with ease and south africa is filled with kolored mutts, don't doubt it, that happened
you sure thats what you want, shining armor has never been through battle
:( do not say the n word
Hello there
It's not about being offensive, it's about bravado, she needs to know that I'm not afraid to defend her from jealous black incels who might want to hurt her for her choices.
Here I am larper.
>White (mix of English and Dutch heritage)
>Light brown eyes
>Long brown hair
>Calm disposition
>High cheek bones
I actually have a credit score and house too. The only catch is that I'm a virgin and I really hate ghetto nigger culture. I used to feel bad about blacking my bloodline, but I'm pushing 30 so I have few options left.
It's funny because the only women who were ever even remotely attracted to me before I became a shut in were either black or indians(from india, not natives). Probably because I'm the polar opposite of the men in their race.
You have such a nice voice please post discord
>white shining armor
Probably a faggot larping as a knight.
A good and true knight would have a rusty, full of blood and used armor.
With dents on the front of the armor and none on the back. That's how you see if a knight is a worthy warrior.
No one answered you, I recommended you tinder, or to try really hard to talk with black females near your area in any social media
I'm not a knight, nor does my armor shine. But I'll fuck you good, make you breakfast the following morning, raise our kids well if you choose to take my last name-- and make your parents like me.
SUp leafy