Women are being protected

>females live life on easymode
>can't say this online without being called an incel by males and females alike

Why is it forbidden to say the truth about women?

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Normie males get off on protecting women

>Why is it forbidden to say the truth about women?
Gee I wonder

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>women are inferior to males in every way except they look better

>they run the fucking world

>they look better
The only reason they appear to look better is makeup and other cosmetics specifically tailored to women. Under all that product is their real skin, broken out in red rashes and acne because it's pores are clogged with chemicals and cannot breathe.
Without makeup, and with actual proper skincare, man and woman look as equals, but clearly separate with their own separate attractive traits that show they are clearly the opposite sex. A more simple attractiveness.
That is what men are, beautiful men are attractive but simple, the natural state. Women put on a mask to change how they look entirely. Some asian women even put nose extensions on underneath to appear to have a more European nose, rather than their own natural, smaller asian nose.
Imagine putting a woman under a shower and watching her "face" melt off, revealing a complete stranger underneath, someone with terrible, terrible skin that they need to cover more and more with the same product that's destroying it, not seeing that they should just stop so their skin can fucking heal.
That is the nature of woman. Sacrifice your own health just to look better, throw anything you can under the bus just to get better social standing. We need to fix this.


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Dramatic lol

The truth scientifically is that male privilege dominates the culture and white males in particular fuck everything up for the rest of society.

Why you get called an incel is because gender wars is only an interest of complete losers. If the complexity of life is what you value, then you would only surround yourself with people who have a lot of problems. If somehow you believe a vagina solves all problems then you should just start taking hormones now so you can one day live life on easy mode per your own beliefs
>but muh passing!
Trans girls look better than most natural girls dumbass

Ask me how I know you're under the age of 18. Ask me

>Trans girls look better than normal girls
You're just a coping faggot. Understanding evolutionary psychology and a changing ideological paradigm in society doesn't mean you get to characterize the people mounting the argument as "lmao dumb loooser" that's just quite simply fallacious and intellectually lazy.

Why would I ask you anything? You have no useful information to provide. And I can almost guarantee you are younger than I am. Otherwise you are more pathetic than I thought

>word salad
You didnt evolve to attention whore on Yas Forums about how badly you want to transition your gender

None of that was a word salad. If you can't understand like 2 sentences that I wrote without any thought or effort then that's just being retarded on your part. I don't think you understand how to apply the word salad label and it's fucking embarrassing. When did I mention a desire to transition? You're the nigger that literally ended his post with "trans grils look better than reel grils!!!!!!!!!!"

lmao go eat a fucking tide pod dude

All of it was a word salad. Try again in English.

Do you honestly believe incel post #364.789 deserves anything but low effort mockery?

I think you're just too retarded to actually refute most incel talking points so you have to resort to shuffling around in that reaction folder of yours containing hundreds of soijak variants so you can scrape together the smallest amount of internet validation possible by spamming low effort retard posts to every thread you think you can shit up with your stage 4 faggotry

You didnt refute his point about mocking incels. Cope more and have sex.

>refute most incel talking points
You seem to think there's a point in arguing with people like you. There isn't. Your entire worldview is based on delusion and bitterness. You can't convince a delusional person that reality isn't as they perceive it to be.

This guy is a walking brain turd.

This guy is a walking brain turd.

Imagine the smell of a virgin guy who dreams of being a girl

>want women to be submissive waifs who rely on men for protection
>don't want to protect them

It's a conflict of interest. Society could make women completely fend for themselves but do men even want that?

you're retarded and don't know anything about women. so how in the fuck do you figure you know the truth, little man?

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Source? Do you have actual qualifications to make this assertion or is this just online reddit psychology?

>You can't convince a delusional person that reality isn't as they perceive it to be.

This could literally be said about you.. Oh but you're correct, right?

Based and proving OP correct-pilled

why would any woman want to fuck a morbid detriment to society? get lost, reject

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For money
For pleasure
Because hes still funny
Millions of reasons. Sex is a basic biological function

and yet here we are and he's not having any

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There are no girls in moms basement simple as

sure whine about your mom some more i can hear the ladies getting so wet

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Why do you care at this point? Its over

So you have no qualifications.

Nice ad hom. You now admit you have low intelligence and have little self awareness. very well.

Men even age better. Just saying.

Mom gives virgin incels tendies and thats all they want


you smell like shit bro brush your goddamn mouth you're assaulting me rn

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I fucking hate women. If it were up to me id make all attractive women onaholes and all unattractive women slaves. Literally nothing else they are good for. All they fycking do is bitch about literally everything.

yikes calm down incel who hurt you

It's sad to see, as now that very theme is starting to occur right here, at the very place that gave birth to a lot of memes that are now typically prescribed to "incel culture". An open forum to actual robots that gave a feeling of unity through our shared feels, to now which many people here are quick to defend women and women are openly posting whilst recieving attention and collecting orbiters whilst the gap between a true robot and the average r9k poster is widening at a quite alarmingly rate. Truly sad to see. Give it a few more years and it will be totally noticeable.

Based gay user. Let the hate turn you into a loving boyfriend to a beefy black god.

R9gay general still has those comfy feels.

each gender comes with pros and cons. It really depends on topic to topic on what the pro and con really is.

Girls have advantages boys don't have and vice verse. No one has the perfect easy life.

come over to my house and ill suck your dick you will be like a new man but also gay

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