Just ordered my first dildo, is this the point of no return?
Just ordered my first dildo, is this the point of no return?
The first time you have a prostate orgasm is the point of no return, you cant go back
the feeling of grinding your prostate while face down is one of the best
We need to cleanse the west already, jesus christ. This is not ours, "this" has been implanted into the weak by malicious entities that seek to cause our ruin.
I already have, and I stopped.
The orgasm by the butt is way stronger, but it's too high maintenance, too much effort and preparation, and too much stuff to clean afterwards. A regular fap is just putting pants out, throbbing your dick, cumming in some toilet paper, and trowing the paper out. Easy.
I think the point of no return is a bit further. when he's got the dildo in his hole and a big cock in his mouth and everyone is coming at the same time he's past the point of no return. Until then he's okay.
I know its too much trouble, I don't plan on making a career out of it, I just want to see how much of a faggot I can become without actually fucking men.
Getting fucked my a man is dope though, better than sex with women, and better than any dildo. If you want to try, do it like me, and pay for a male prostitute, it's way better than interacting with faggots. Plus, they are like half the price of a regular female prostitute.
But once again, too much effort. You have to clean yourself, get lube, shave, and deal with the damage he makes on you. Fucking a woman is way easier, just take off your clothes and go to it. (My dick does not get up to man, so I don't fuck them. Guess I'm not enough of a faggot for that)
Everything i don't like is the fault of da joos, so i just need to kill them and everything will be perfect.
Just look at what a fascist paradise Germany has become now that it has no more joos.
probably. did you suck a cock yet? eat cum, even if your own?
The first time you use it and eventually climax, that's the point of no return.
You'll realise how good it feels and want to do it again.
I bought a dildo a couple of years back, I regret it, but I still use it.
Why don't you go choke on a tranny cock then
My local gloryhole is closed because of Covid-19 :(
Make sure you die too so your kind don't mud everything up, filth.
You should go anyway, I hope you die.
>tfw too much shame to by a dildo from a store
>don't want any record of it either so online is no no
What a mean thing to say. Why so mean user
Just sneak into your mom/sisters room and steal theirs. That's what I did.
It's not like they're going to confront you and ask "Have you seen my dildo, user?"
wait,you have to cum in toilet paper? i've been cumming in my wall since im 8
I coom on my belly/face
>cumming in some toilet paper
>not cumming directly into your mouth
I destroyed mine. You should do the same if you can't cancel your order.
That's really gross user. That's 1000x more degenerate than ordering one.
Having that filth saved on your hard drive is the point of no return.
>>don't want any record of it either so online is no no
you don't have to use your real name when ordering or even on your account
I hate that degenerate shit like this turns me on, I want to hatefuck a disgusting faggot like this
user, why not check out pmohackbook.org instead?
what is this pmohackbook.org thingy my mom told me not to click on stranger's links
I washed it first
There is no point of no return. You'll get bored of it in a month and go back to the basics.
The makeup and bows are too fucking much.
as long as it's not black you can still recover
could you fit the knot?