Madonna-Whore complex

Any other anons suffering from this? I'm married to a beautiful woman who I love and have shared hardships with, however she just doesn't do it for me sexually. I'm at a point where my self-esteem is incredibly high and my sex drive is higher than hers, but she doesn't fill the whole in me. I (31) keep sexting with other girls, several years younger than me who are complete sluts, send their assholes and beg for me to breed them. It always gets me off and I've fallen trap into viewing my wife as a wholesome caring person while seeing other women as more attractive and sexually depraved, which just does the job for me. I feel like I'm at the peak of my health and sexuality but I'm struggling with settling down and continuing my life this way while I could be out there smashing dumb sluts all day long.

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enjoy hell. the industrial revolution and its consequences has been a disaster for the human race.
go get your dopamine boy. you might as well break up with her. imagine your kids having a father like you. nobody has any loyalties anymore.

Does she have your kid?
If no, get a divorce
If yes, get a divorce and get ready for the most volatile 15 years of your life
Also, don't breed any of the new broads, that is doubly stupid

Oh, I forgot to mention. The problem is with you as a person because you haven't spent nearly enough time in your life practicing introspection. You are doomed to repeat this cycle, or end up alone.

Yep. This is pretty much the problem I have. Once I know I've conquered them and they're into me, I just lose attraction completely. Nothing turns me on quite like a complete whore.

>industrial revolution and its consequences has been a disaster for the human race
Hello, this is 2020. I see your point, but it's more that hypersexual society, access to promiscous women and the internet have created an easily exploitable system for degeneracy. I'm aware of this, but I've still succumbed to it. It's certainly not helped to have been on Yas Forums for the past 13 years.
>go get your dopamine boy
Trust me, I know my brain is probably fried in some regard but I fully enjoy the serotonin aspect I receive in my marriage. Turns out you need dopamine too.

No kids, we've been together for 3 years married. I wouldn't subject a kid to this kind of dynamic.
>Also, don't breed any of the new broads, that is doubly stupid
Yeah, I know. They're just pump and dumps and they know that themselves.

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Humans were never built for loyalty, we are meant to sleep around. Why do you think cheating is so common? We get bored of doing the same thing over and over, be it eating the same food everyday of fucking the same girl every night.

if this guy didn't have his phone then there would be no problem

>The problem is with you
>you haven't spent nearly enough time in your life practicing introspection
user, I don't think so but go right ahead and assume this. I've majored in psychology and have extensively helped myself and others around me. I've just lied to myself for some time about the reality of my complex and was simply sparking a discussion here to see if others have the same affliction.

Many people in the Victorian era used to have a wife and several mistresses, it was common place. I wish we could go back. I feel like if you're a guy in your late 20s/early 30s and good looking, have wealth and you know how to seduce women you're shooting yourself in the foot staying with just 1 woman. I'm just having trouble reconciling my feelings for my wife with what my dick wants.

you have to live with yourself.
cheating is common because of technology and the cultural effect of it. it has nothing to do with biology. are you just a dog? are you a dog? a bonobo? or are you a man capable of controlling his lower nature? monogamy is lindy from an evo-psych perspective. Children's risk of abuse is multiple times higher when a step-dad or mother is involved. you're full of stupid excuses. you're not a man. you're just some dopamine pumped lizard brain with no roots, loyalties, values, morals, culture, tradition, so on. You are a rat in a cage that presses a button for cocaine and blames it on biology because it has no control over itself.

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>I'm married to a beautiful woman

If she was willing to marry you she'll probably let you cheat.

>Any other anons suffering from this?
I kind have the exact literal opposite. I have had real women offer themselves to me, but the only woman I want to have sex with is my wife. Wanking is different, I will imagine who or whatever, but when it comes to seeing her in the kitchen bend down to pick something up, or get undressed to have a shower, I get stiff as a board and must molest her. We have been together for half a decade and I am probably more attracted to her than when we first met.

It's come up, the reality however is such that cheating can fall into categories of physical and emotional. She's more likely to let me be promiscuous if it's the former, because there wouldn't be a connection there. I've explained it to her as well that it's simply carnal desires that I'm not in control of. She would however be left unsatisfied and left feeling unwanted or not enough which she technically is for me. Again, the complex creates a mental dichotomy in how I perceive women.
user, stop going full free will route.. read some Hobbes. We're not blank slates and certain concepts can most certainly take a hold in your mind and change your brain's pathways. You're not in control of any of this, just as you're not in control of your sexual orientation or attraction. If you can't get your dick up for a Chinese girl, I'm not going to sit here and yell at you to settle down with a traditional Chinese woman because of some abstract concept like loyalty and culture.

That is so wonderful for you user. What is it about her specifically that is different from another woman? Are you submissive or more dominant?

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>What is it about her specifically that is different from another woman?
She is genuinely my best friend. Every single other woman I have ever interacted with have been shit eating retards. I have been told by her family that we are replicas of each other. We are autistic little humanoids with strange traits who just crack each other up. I have never encountered a funny woman before her.
>Are you submissive or more dominant?
It varies. Sometimes I want to be molested, sometimes I do the molesting.

>She is genuinely my best friend
I can empathize, my wife and I have been through thick and thin and there's no other woman that really gets me like she does. I am happy for you, user. For me sadly, the distinction I've drawn in my mind about how perfect she is ultimately renders me incapable of sullying her image or actual self. For example I'd want to have anal sex, but I'd never be able to do it with my wife simply because of how degrading it would be for her. Instead, I see the act of humiliating a dumb slut as much more feasible and fulfilling because I don't have to be myself with a whore. I can lot loose and just bask in the filth, something I'm unable to mentally let myself go with my wife. It's fucking killing me considering this beautiful human being is in love with me and I don't want to disappoint her or make her feel unwanted.

Shouldn't have gotten married if you werent willing to keep these sorts of things under control.

Get her involved. Get her to work out, looksmax, start trying to be more sexual, etc. Otherwise you either gotta eat shit and divorce or learn some mental fortitude

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I don't understand why you are conflicted over this. Your wife doesn't own you and you obviously don't owe her anything. If it makes you happy just do it.

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You crave other women because you text them OP and it killed your desire for your wife. You let the idea enter your mind, acted on it, and this didnt satisfy like you thought, but rather expanded more ideas that distract and tempt you daily which is why you find it hard to resist. Stop texting them. this whole "but I need muh dopamine must cheat on wife!!!" is incredibly fucking feminine and vapid and I promise you it wont be worth it with the guilt and shame that follows

I just cant relate to any single part of that. Obviously I would put her in the trash if she was to touch another mans dick, but I do not wrap her worth or value in her sexuality. It is but one wall in the house that is her personality, rather than the foundation she as a person is built upon. I dunno. I like my wife and I like to bend her like my little dirty slut. Once it is finished and she goes and makes dinner not a single part of it is sullied.

just get some side pussy and keep it on the side, why is this so difficult?
men have always had mistresses.

It doesn't matter if it's my phone. Hell, if I go out and get groceries, there's girls there who look at me, wink and move on. Part of me knows instinctively how depraved girls are in our current society and how easily they'll let you shower them in your seed. I don't think you understand, there's nothing in me that wants to cheat on my wife; I simply don't enjoy our sex life due to the complex and details I've shared in this thread. It may be because I've sort of hit gold with my looks at this point and my confidence. It helps that I'm fairly well off, too. I didn't have the opportunities I know I have now when I was an awkward 18 year old. You say it's feminine to lust after other girls, but I don't see it that way at all--I'm simply ready to take what I desire.
>Get her involved. Get her to work out, looksmax, start trying to be more sexual, etc
I'm at that stage right now with her. We've basically come to the agreement that she needs to change. She literally can't say any swear words, that's how fucking pure she is. I thrive on verbally humiliating girls, so it's sad when she doesn't reciprocate.

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Yeah. Pretty much. Or you have to be sure the sacrifice is worth the woman. In my case it just isn't

This is beginning to sound a lot like a Chad larp to me.

Don't take this the wrong way but people like you should should be killed

>I'm simply ready to take what I desire.
Clearly you shouldnt have gotten married. You are not ready to settle down, and ironically have more in common with your 18 year old self than you will ever admit. This thread serves no purpose. You wont receive an answer that satisfies you. You come across as a dickhead in all honesty. If the thrill of the chase is more enticing to you, you shouldnt have married her.

>married to a beautiful woman and also regularly cheats with hot sluts

Cant believe people fell for this bait. Although normies like this do exist and they are abhorrent.

Why did they make her face shape so retarded in that doujin? Crappy artist tbqh.

Because you love your significant other? You don't want her to feel unwanted or screw her up because of your lust for variety and pussy? We all know there's a difference between a woman you'd marry and one that's just good for a night. But when you conduct in the latter while trying to keep your house in order it ultimately destroys you. I don't want to see my wife suffer because I have this complex.

everybody is so englufed in their own 'needs' and 'pleasures' forgetting everything else. Man, woman, old and young it doesnt matter. As long as YOU feeeeel gooood, because in the end that's what it's all about isn't it?

>monkeyman reaches prime
>monkeyman extremely horny
>ooga booga must breed multiple women
>muh diiiiick
>what do guys, ive a major in pyschology but I come here because I just cant figure out what's up?
Get a grip man

pic related
user, I'm an oldfag. Some of us remain autistic inside but blossom on the outside; somehow I managed. I'm sorry about yourself. I just thought I could come to the one place I've always known to be full of cryptonormies who might feel similar to me. Perhaps I was wrong and I'm met with a bunch of tradfags.
Agreed, but the story is admirable.
It's easy when you reduce the issue down to simple forms of nonsense like you just did. I'll try to place that strawman in my backyard.

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