Madonna-Whore complex

Any other anons suffering from this? I'm married to a beautiful woman who I love and have shared hardships with, however she just doesn't do it for me sexually. I'm at a point where my self-esteem is incredibly high and my sex drive is higher than hers, but she doesn't fill the whole in me. I (31) keep sexting with other girls, several years younger than me who are complete sluts, send their assholes and beg for me to breed them. It always gets me off and I've fallen trap into viewing my wife as a wholesome caring person while seeing other women as more attractive and sexually depraved, which just does the job for me. I feel like I'm at the peak of my health and sexuality but I'm struggling with settling down and continuing my life this way while I could be out there smashing dumb sluts all day long.

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enjoy hell. the industrial revolution and its consequences has been a disaster for the human race.
go get your dopamine boy. you might as well break up with her. imagine your kids having a father like you. nobody has any loyalties anymore.

Does she have your kid?
If no, get a divorce
If yes, get a divorce and get ready for the most volatile 15 years of your life
Also, don't breed any of the new broads, that is doubly stupid

Oh, I forgot to mention. The problem is with you as a person because you haven't spent nearly enough time in your life practicing introspection. You are doomed to repeat this cycle, or end up alone.

Yep. This is pretty much the problem I have. Once I know I've conquered them and they're into me, I just lose attraction completely. Nothing turns me on quite like a complete whore.

>industrial revolution and its consequences has been a disaster for the human race
Hello, this is 2020. I see your point, but it's more that hypersexual society, access to promiscous women and the internet have created an easily exploitable system for degeneracy. I'm aware of this, but I've still succumbed to it. It's certainly not helped to have been on Yas Forums for the past 13 years.
>go get your dopamine boy
Trust me, I know my brain is probably fried in some regard but I fully enjoy the serotonin aspect I receive in my marriage. Turns out you need dopamine too.

No kids, we've been together for 3 years married. I wouldn't subject a kid to this kind of dynamic.
>Also, don't breed any of the new broads, that is doubly stupid
Yeah, I know. They're just pump and dumps and they know that themselves.

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Humans were never built for loyalty, we are meant to sleep around. Why do you think cheating is so common? We get bored of doing the same thing over and over, be it eating the same food everyday of fucking the same girl every night.

if this guy didn't have his phone then there would be no problem

>The problem is with you
>you haven't spent nearly enough time in your life practicing introspection
user, I don't think so but go right ahead and assume this. I've majored in psychology and have extensively helped myself and others around me. I've just lied to myself for some time about the reality of my complex and was simply sparking a discussion here to see if others have the same affliction.

Many people in the Victorian era used to have a wife and several mistresses, it was common place. I wish we could go back. I feel like if you're a guy in your late 20s/early 30s and good looking, have wealth and you know how to seduce women you're shooting yourself in the foot staying with just 1 woman. I'm just having trouble reconciling my feelings for my wife with what my dick wants.

you have to live with yourself.
cheating is common because of technology and the cultural effect of it. it has nothing to do with biology. are you just a dog? are you a dog? a bonobo? or are you a man capable of controlling his lower nature? monogamy is lindy from an evo-psych perspective. Children's risk of abuse is multiple times higher when a step-dad or mother is involved. you're full of stupid excuses. you're not a man. you're just some dopamine pumped lizard brain with no roots, loyalties, values, morals, culture, tradition, so on. You are a rat in a cage that presses a button for cocaine and blames it on biology because it has no control over itself.

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