How have you been spending your time stuck at home, Yas Forums?

How have you been spending your time stuck at home, Yas Forums?

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For some bullshit reason, you had thought that posting this thread would make you the better person, ausfreak.

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And then you had also thought that doing so would somehow be an epic BTFOing of who you're attacking.

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lol you are dumb retard

About the same but I'm doing more to improve myself since I'll probably be getting back into work once the quarantine is done I hope the job market is ok once this is all over

Just what went wrong with your life that this is the legacy that you want to leave this world with, only being known for making photoshops just to antagonize someone for not liking a show

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Imagine being this much of a scummy waste of life that you devote this much time trying to make some bullshit crusade against someone who keeps telling you that you're not special for falseflagging a shit show where it doesn't even belong.

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What in the fuck is wrong with these "people" who just reject the idea that there are others out there who don't like a show that's not even made for them to begin with

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How goddamn obsessed must you be that you consider this trivial garbage to be a high point compared to whatever else goes on in your usual activities that you feel you need to boast about it

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Why's your life so engrained with trying to dehumanize only one person that you feel the need to constantly make these threads to push your own personal agenda?

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At the end of it all, what makes you supreme?

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But not only that, it also sets a terrible precedent.

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It sets a precedent that if you somehow are willing to lose your integrity, ignoring history so you can do a bit of doxxing and spam it hard enough, you can force an agenda that everyone who doesn't like something are just one singular entity.

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I think it says something that you think this thread you made is somehow more important and more worthy of people to look at than the one you pushed off the board by doing so

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What the fuck am i missing in these threads? Who are you talking to? What is this pasta? Is it in coordination with a chat elsewhere?

I think it's also kind of funny when I see someone complaining "WAAAH I got banned for doxxing Barneyfag! I'm being oppressed!"

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But I think they realize you're just using this person that you hate as a scapegoat for the mods since there is already a rule against complaining about the mods on this site.

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When it comes down to that, who holds the moral high ground?

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And who really is the destined decision maker?

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What kind of person put you above everyone else for you to claim that your actions are justifiable?

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You don't realize that what I do is reply to tell people that their opinion means nothing if they choose to associate themselves with a certain image or fandom.

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But here you made this thread to say that somehow, they have the moral high ground by doing so

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Honestly, I feel that it would be a more worthy cause to eliminate you freaks who let someone live so rent free in their heads that you feel it would be beneficial to the site to take up space on the catalog to show how much you despise this person

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So is this really how you want to say you're better compared to who you're attacking?

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informing myself about CIANiggers and flashing my huge 10 inch dick on omegle.
OP would need to lose 64 faggotry points just to become BI

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>post in thread.
>start reading after posting
Didnt realise this was an autistic battle thread, sorry lads. Continue.

My daily schedule has not changed one bit since quarentine started

It's pretty baffling how anyone can be this ignorant of history to completely misunderstand the intention

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Rather than playing vidya I've played tinder instead and got several potential gfs

And it should be obvious by now that anyone who hops on this bandwagon to begin with clearly has no integrity, just a huge inflated ego.

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It's an ego that's inflated enough to forget everything that brought them here to live in this moment.

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Just a reminder that this is the statement you've made that you feel crowns you above all.

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There's quite a bit of delusion you would need to believe that.

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But the problem is that it's only you and a few other bottom-of-the-barrel scum who have really no other credibility to speak of.

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And if they did, they wouldn't be wasting their lives complaining about someone else.

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I understand that a common alibi for that is they don't want to end up like their target.

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They can deal out some garbage but they couldn't take any of it if it was dealt onto them.

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It seems there's a high chance that no one will remember you if you suddenly died from covid

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If anything, I think it'd be a net positive.

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Because I really can't envision anybody clamoring for you taking up catalog space to see you go "Hey everybody, I hate [PERSON]! Aren't I cool?"

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But the cold harsh reality is that you're not cool, you're pathetic.

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You're a waste of a being that only degrades the numerous accomplishments we've developed since our inception.

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I do not believe there is a more worthless existence than that, existing just to impede progress.

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Problem is you don't, because you just want to avoid any confrontation as to why you are the way you are.

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