WouId you date a rape victim?

WouId you date a rape victim?

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Yes, but that's only if she meet other requirements that follow that experience.

Why? Seems like a troublesome person to deal with.

It's one to lose your virginity
It's another thing to lose your repgility

No I date only repgiles, unrape yourself and I'll date you

It wouldnt bother me at all

If I loved her, sure.

I wouldn't reject someone for being one

damaged goods is damaged goods.
girls aren't interested in guys who hurt on the job, down and out while collecting disability.
its the same thing.

my SO was molested (not raped tho) when she was young. And she definitely has some issues but i can deal with them and i love her. I think it does put me more in a position of power and guardianship status and sometimes it leaves me wondering if im her lover or her dad. But i think im steering her in the right direction and she's shown much growth.

definitely not advisable for younger dudes who have much to work on themselves. You will only end up hurting each other i think.

If youre hot enough to rape, youre out of league

Sure, my rape victim.

They tend to be messed up and are either completely loose or mentally scarred and afraid of any intimacy whatsoever. I really don't think it would work.
Maybe as friends, but I don't associate with loose people and I'm pretty sure the alternative is her being afraid and paranoid around me, so I don't even know how that would work.

I'd try to make it work yeah, as long as you aren't one of the ones that turn into turbowhores

I tried to, she only wanted fwb

When i knit her a scarf she ghosted me, then heard from her friend i had met that i was raping her

Into the trash, where they belong

Yes, but only if they have it solved. Im not going to deal with your baggage

btw, she had a good family and strong religious background that kept her grounded. I think if it's an immediate family member that fucked her up, and no real guidance (be it religion or otherwise). I think they may end up more difficult to deal with.

Women whom have achieved rape are then more prone to rape. And if your prone to rape, you will most likely be raped again. What if you get raped in front of me? I wont be able to take it when you lose yourself to the rape and get off on it. Like seriously, don't be happy about it.

I really don't understand people who wouldn't. Everyone goes through trauma at one point in their lives, what makes this any different? It wasn't their fault they got raped.

I guess she'd be easier to manipulate, yes. Depends on what her mental stability was prior to getting raped.

Only if she became one because of me.

No one is blaming the raped for being raped, not their fault ofc. But whatever damage that comes of it is something a partner must deal with together. And maybe people dont wanna deal with that. Why is that so hard to understand.

Been there, done that. Being raped made her hate men and I eventually got fed up with it. I also didn't appreciate her going "you just wanna fuck me" from time to time. So I left her before it could get serious. She tried to verbally tear me a structurally superfluous new behind for it, but in the end, it would've been worse if I stayed behind. I could tell she was just gonna keep using me for emotional support without actually working her issues out.

you are very obviously a redditor, please go back

vast majority of girls who say they were raped are lying / it wasn't actually rape (getting drunk and regretting sex is not rape). you are putting yourself at great risk by being with a BPD girl like this

It's simple. Some girls just wallow in it and let hate and fear run their lives, lashing out and hurting whoever is unfortunately enough to be close to them. If they have issues, but have a handle on it, it's fine, but if they just wallow in hate, anger and self pity, they'll just go down and drag down whoever they can.

nah i'm just an oldfag in this imageboard since boxxy days.

I.am dating one and she's a cunt
Women are awful

i dont date used goods so no

sounds like youre drowning in pussy

> Women whom have achieved rape are then more prone to rape. And if your prone to rape, you will most likely be raped again.
Why is this the case?
Is it the same is a woman is molested, are they more prone to rape?

I've gone out with 2 girls who were raped and they were both nuts - the last one I went out with for 7 years and she had no motivation, was very into sex but had no hygiene so that was a turn off and when I wanted to leave her she always tried to pull something like commit sudoku or make out that I'm being abusive.

I'm with a normalish girl now - she fucking cut herself at school didn't she - but compared to being raped she seems ok

Yea, I have before she was sweer