>no friends
>bored all the fucking time yet too lazy to get out of bed
>gave up on life
>all I do is browse Chan, YouTube, sleep and eat
Fembot thread
basically me except I'm in college and disabled
I have no future
Yeah I dont care you faggot
are we supposed to care because you're a woman
I'll be your friend
I'll be anyone's friend really, I am incredibly lonely and want someone to talk to without being paranoid and anxious
help me
fembots dont exist and femcels most certainly do not exist. now please stop shitting up this board
>>no friends
Without feminism these would have actually been seen as huge positives for a woman.
What would you talk about with a friend?
If you are not just memeing I would not mind giving talking a try.
Join the club user, that's everyone here.
my tag on discord is Gyro#6128 if you want to use that platform, user.
I Don't really feel like you're looking for help, what gives?
quahp#2622 for a loving robot bf
just kill yourself then
I don't understand how all the girls on here are so useless and somehow have parents that are willing to support your sorry ass
the only time period in any country when the majority of households were able to be supported by a single income was the USA during the 1950s-1970s. this was only achievable because the destruction of manufacturing capability of every other developed country during WWII gave the USA comparative advantage in producing basically all goods, which resulted in a massive trade surplus
no, women were not NEETs before feminism. they may not have been wage laborers, but they were producing goods in the home such as clothing, soap, linens, textiles, and other housewares. the only NEET women were aristocrats and it wouldn't be seen as an attractive quality in any other social class.
t. I study economic history
who cares youre a cheating whore like every other woman just here to complain and attention whore even if you got a bf youll just cheat on him
I don't know, anything I guess
I can be boring or not know what to say about certain topics, which makes me anxious when talking to people
hm well would not mind giving talking a try,
aside from trying more and slowly getting used to talking there is not much to be done there after all
That sounds like me when I was younger, and still mostly me now. It also sounds like what I want in a girlfriend.
Does it make more sense for a dude? My family supported me when I was a NEET.
No one cares about the majority, though. The majority of people can't support a household because they aren't worth a household. That's why people have credit. The majority today can at least support themselves, though.
Congratulations and welcome to the hell that is keeping yourself alive for no determinable reason. Enjoy your stay, should you choose to do so.
both of the guys that contactfag on soc trying to get pussy posted on here. youre all pathetic fucking dorks.
That's not nice! NO BULLY! Shame on you!
any fembot wants to hear me talk about how cute feet are
once in a lifetime opportunity
How old are you?
Do you wanna help me lose my virginity?
Don't bully gyro! At least he offered it when someone asked for someone to talk to
This isn't a dating site - why are you advertising yourself?
Just date a robot, ez
It's better than dying at least.
user, if I can't get a fembot, who can I possibly get? I don't like anyone and no one likes me.
he asked well thinking it might be a femanon. guarantee if he knew this was a guy he wouldnt post a thing.
Is that a JoJo reference originalio
>tfw this describes my life exactly, except being male
So lonely all the time it hurts. I am too shy to try and make friends even online. I feel I have nothing to contribute to someone anyway and am not worthy of someone's attention.
I've been told JoJo references are prime panty-dropping material.
I know that feeling, user. That's why I'm turning my life around. I want to take care of a cute NEET girl. I know how it feels to be afraid of failure, for everyone around you to have this laissez faire attitude like you'll just figure it all out yourself or it's okay if you rot alone, for people to think your avoidance of others is because you don't want to be close to anyone when really you just can't bear discovering the proof that no one wants to be close to you. I want to be someone who can save someone else from that.