how come ive never heard of abbo people before going on Yas Forums? what country are they from? if a whole race of people looks like this that must suck, i feel bad for them
How come ive never heard of abbo people before going on Yas Forums? what country are they from...
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They're from Australia. Abos are probably attracted to other Abos. So I don't know why you'd feel sorry for them.
too busy playing tony hawk underground 2
One thing I've never understood clearly is: Are these things black or another race?
They're another race. They have DNA that blacks don't have.
aaand I just learned of this shit too after being here off and on for 8 years
Imagine not being Australian.
completely different race. they're descended from asian people who migrated to the australian continent.
dark skin is an evolutionary adaptation that protects from UV radiation (which australia has in abundance)
They probably don't know how to use computers. Their average IQ is like 60
Yeah pic related is the mean for full aboriginal women over here. They're more manly looking than African American women with the prominent brow ridge and flattened nose.
In the 50's and 60's the Australian government had a program essentially to remove full aboriginal children from their families and raise them as whites, then these 'white' abo kids would be bred with whites against their will. Their children were called half castes if they had a full abo and full white parent. These half castes children were raised as whites and bred with another full white, continuing until their aboriginal genetics were pretty much erased and they were considered genetically white.
The abo kids taken by whites during this period are known as the stolen generation. It's a dark part of Australia's history that I'm surprised to find isn't to well known outside of Australia. Considering it was essentially a post wwII eugenics program, I would have thought it to be more widely known.
Feel bad for the white people that have to put up with them.
They're even dumber than they look.
>It's a dark part of Australia's history
The only thing dark about it is the fact they they reference this for the sake of leveraging white guilt and getting more free shit.
I would fuck an abo girl just to be able to say i've fucked an abo girl.
they can be pretty though
>posts a visibly mixed woman as an example of an attractive aboriginal
This woman is obviously not a full aboriginal.
hm well shes kinda pretty though, just the jaws a bit off
A lot of them are quite friendly though. Those that don't commit crimes or suffer drug and alcohol addiction.
Look at that tiny forehead
>In the 50's and 60's the Australian government had a program essentially to remove full aboriginal children from their families and raise them as whites, then these 'white' abo kids would be bred with whites against their will.
*Fucks your women*
a whole race that literally look like cavemen
>In the 50's and 60's the Australian government had a program essentially to remove full aboriginal children
No it wasnt retard. Bleeding hearts dont even know history. The kids that were removed WERE the half castes. Full blooded Abos were left alone in their squalor
No they didn't. Whites are more closely related to asians.
Abbos diverged 60,000 years ago, and whites from asians 40,000 years ago
mogged so hard
Here are some Aboriginal Chads that could wrestle your average robot into a little crumpled ball
I thought abos are from denisovans on the Indian subcontinent
I've met dravidians who look essentially look like gracile/less robust abos
Denisovins aren't what we'd call modern asians. They were another species. Very very similar to neanderthals.
Australia is far too apologetic. Had some 1/8 aboriginal blond hair blue eyes crackhead go off at me for unknowingly swimming in a waterhole where a massacre happened in the 19th century. Cunt was pretty much white but he identifies as aboriginal for forced sympathy
Admittedly all I know about it is watching rabbit proof fence or whatever that movie is called as a junior in high school
Why the fuck should that mean you can't swim there?
denisovans are extinct, I don't know what these people are talking about.
aboriginal people are evolved from south and southeast asians who crossed the torres strait. they came from indonesia iirc.
Can confirm. Was homeless and this abo fella gave me a mattress when he found me sleeping in his spot. God bless.
Here's some more racial information
>This suggested that Denisovan mtDNA diverged from that of modern humans and Neanderthals about 1,313,500-779,300 years ago; whereas modern human and Neanderthal mtDNA diverged 618-321,200 years ago.
Neanderthals and modern humans diverged at least 800,000 years ago, research on teeth shows
And finally a pic showing modern ethnic divergence levels. Modern humans started 2-300,000 years ago. Out of africa started about 60-70k, so abbos were first to split, and then whites and asians, then lastly about 20k ago native americans split from asians. The moment whites and asians split, and whites first appeared in europe neanderthals went extinct immediately. Not before being raped though, as no neanderthal y chromosomes exist today. Asians and abbos mixed with neanderthals and denisovans.
Disrespectful to 'his' people I guess. Guy was fucking mental so I just nodded along until he calmed down, then I got the fuck out of there