I am a Catholic, AMA r9k

i am a Catholic, AMA r9k

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Will you pray for me that I survive this pandemic

I was brought up a Catholic, but as soon as I was able to think for myself I started to know what's up.
Haven't believed in like 20 years.

you're the worst strand of an already defunct religious virus and mental illness is all that keeps it together

Hi, I am a Catholic too

How does it feel to be so unfathomably based?

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Sorry to be curt if I'm wrong, but at what point in Jesus' life did he ever ask to be worshiped? Especially in the exorbitant way most mainline Judeo-Christian churches conduct their masses?

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How do I get back into the faith? I had a bad childhood experience with it due to the religious cult that I was in always threatening hell. There is also a part of me that is very doubtful, for example
>why did god create sentient beings if he knew that they would doubt his existence?
>why did god tell people to be fruitful if he knew about over population?
>why is god allowing people to live in poor conditions?
>why didn't god reset the world once he seen the many failures of the human race?
>why did god create inferior beings?
>why is god letting this terrible world go on for so long?
>is this all that there is to life or does god have something different planned?

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Do you think P=NP or not?

"A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion"

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Y arr yoo geh?

I remember when I was a good catholic boy at 13. I promised God I would wait until marriage to have sex. Now I am 23 and I lost my virginity at 18. I do not believe in marriage anymore.

I swear to fucking god it has to be some insane god forsaken coincidence that every single young adult that get into basic bitch philosophy are fat, wear glasses, wear fedoras and grow a neckbeard. Why is this infuriating combination so common? Someone please give me an answer it's going to make me insane

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If you don't know why you're holding on sex until marriage, then of fucking course you won't believe in it.

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I am never going to get married desu. Girls I like never like me back. I have to settle for girls who are 5/10

But isn't 5/10 the majority of women?

Yeah but I only want to marry a hottie

everyone gets ugly eventually

i hope you find your way back to the church
Christianity isn't a virus
feels good man
i don't believe He ever asked to be worshiped but it is mentioned that we should worship the Son as we worship the Father in the Bible
>why did god create sentient beings if he knew they would doubt his existence
what would be the alternative?
having all of us forced to worship Him?
i don't think He would be comfortable with enslaving all of us
>why did god tell people to be fruitful if he knew about overpopulation
i don't know but i think that He didn't want us to reproduce this much
>why is god allowing people to live in poor conditions
i suppose it's the same reason that evil exists. how are we mortals supposed to know what good is if we have no evil to compare it to?
i believe that evil and sufffering exist to make those of us who are fortunate enough to not be suffering more grateful for what we have
>why didn't god reset the world once he seen the many failures of the human race?
He tried to reset it once during the flood but He made a covenant with Noah to not flood the Earth again.
also, when you say "failures" what do you have in mind?
>why did God create inferior beings
why wouldn't he?
everything that has been ever created is inferior to it's maker.
is the V2 rocket superior to Von Braun?
>why is god letting this terrible world go on for so long?
it's not terrible user
stop being so pessimistic
God's creation is wonderful
>is this all that there is to life or does god have something different planned?
He's got a plan, yes.

>i believe that evil and sufffering exist to make those of us who are fortunate enough to not be suffering more grateful for what we have
go to Africa and tell the starving people that their role is to make everyone feel bad about their suffering. then, nobody actually needs to do anything about it, because then we'd all feel too good. so, just eat your food and say thank god i'm not an African.

Good thing I am not planning to live past 30

I've been thinking of getting into Christianity and have been really looking at Sedavancinist Catholicism, what do you think of it? And could you give me a reason to choose Catholicism over some other denomination? What are the major differences between them?
Cringe. Religion is a major benefactor to why and how we evolved throughout history. Even if the individual himself doesn't believe, the group must believe so as to uphold moral action.

Stop letting wetbacks and rapefugees enter White countries, you subhuman baboon.
Then again I am expecting too much from you since you're most likely a nigger.

What denomination are you, or are you just a general Catholic? Ethnicity?

>i support molesting kids and producing more little fags

>ignant christian the post
You people are awful believing you are so much better supporting an evil church led by evil people. If god existed youd be far from him very far. Not that you would even go to hell for that. Christianity is so outdated its not even funny.

Why do you have anal beads with a cross on? Seems a lot like blasphemy.

i'm not against helping africans user
>and have been really looking at Sedavancinist Catholicism, what do you think of it?
i think they are correct in thinking that some popes are heretical and have used their position for evil
> And could you give me a reason to choose Catholicism over some other denomination?
the fact that the Catholic Church was started by Christ is a pretty good reason
>What are the major differences between them?
between catholicism and other denominations of christianity?
well, for one, we believe that the one true church is the Catholic Church, established by Jesus Christ. and we believe that the Pope is the successor to Saint Peter and the Bishops the successor to the Apostles. unlike most other denominations who do not believe in a church
i do not condone letting in hostile foreigners
there are no denominations within the Catholic Church. just rites and shit like that
i'm a Roman Catholic
my ethnicity is german
i do not support molesting kids
the Catholic Church is not evil.
i hope that you find God.
the rosary is not anal beads

Have you ever read a Graham Greene novel?

Yet you are a member of the catholic church and give them power. Its sad you cant see your moral wrongdoing.
The catholic church is very much evil because they pursue so much things in this earthy life that arent valuable at all. You can be a good person without all that church bullshit.

what are you a protestant?

Why, you shouldn't think like that, it aint healthy.

>i do not condone letting in hostile foreigners
But your kind surely does let them in regardless of that either way.
Just google how many immigration services are Catholic affiliated around the world.

No im not religious, exactly because of institutions like the catholic church of protestant church for that sake. I do believe it can offer a social framework but IMO not a great one. I believe people have it in them to do good things without the fear of going to hell otherwise.