As a fembot I find sexy female confusing. Do these women train themselves to be sexy or is it just an instinctive thing?
As a fembot I find sexy female confusing. Do these women train themselves to be sexy or is it just an instinctive thing?
looks absolutely disgusting
-t. male
Make up, Photoshop, filters and eating healthy while working out.
Of course there are sexy females, but most woman give a false perception of what hey really look like because most are wearing a mask.
Some people are just born beautiful femcel. I know, its pretty crazy.
They are on strict diets, lean meat, veggies fruit no carbs or sugar and run/workout six days a week. Then they are photographed by pros and photoshopped
Muh pointy elbows. Shut the fuck up fag
Wait do you mean like, how they act sexy? That comes with a little practice and some mirroring. If you have to ask then you have no chance of ever figuring it out.
i get a feeling fembots are just males pretending to be women
Metaphorically or literally? The brain of girl with autism tend to act more like boys then girls.
it's not about the ellbows but the overall appearance. The face has the shape of a jerry can whist simultaneously looking like a sharpened stick. Skin too tanned and body to fit for my liking but thats subjective
I dont like squareface bitches either.
>They are on strict diets, lean meat, veggies fruit no carbs or sugar and run/workout six days a week. Then they are photographed by pros and photoshopped
lmao no they just don't eat that much. It's not that hard
>thinks you get defined abs and toned legs by just eating less
You are an idiot
Part protocol.
Whatever is seen as sexy wherever you hangout at. To very few it comes naturally.
Then there are of course the looks. Probably most important. Sexiness requires some degree of manliness on the body. Kinda OP pic related. I am so short, young looking feminine. I can't be sexy in any other than pedo way.
Luck, which is usually why they're so full of themselves.
to get a boyfriend you just have to grab him by the boypussy and he'll submit to you and take you on a romantic date
They are trained by the sexy women who came before them. They are usually fit and use beauty products as well. Amanda Cerny was coached by modeling companies like Playboy.
Post sexiest pic?
A lot of it's genetics. I used to play soccer in high school and would work out and diet every single day because of that and I wasn't getting guys left and right like other players were. Plus some of it's demeanor. Sexy girls are sexy, like there are sexy girls that aren't super in shape.
>I used to play soccer in high school and would work out and diet every single day because of that and I wasn't getting guys left and right like other players were.
>women with abs
Yeah I know, you don't have to laugh at me. Don't make fun of me for not getting any dick and I won't make fun of you for not getting any pussy.
>Don't make fun of me for not getting any dick and I won't make fun of you for not getting any pussy.
Maybe there is a mutually beneficial solution
I feel like I can not relate. I played sport and it was very public knowledge that all the girls who played softball weren't allowed to date per coaches' orders. Which just made us targets.
I dont rlly understand most peoples taste in women idk i tend to prefer more plain girls, I like girls to be in shape and have big tits and that but not rly one for makeup and stuff it just looks stupid to me
Haha maybe one day.
That definitely wasn't the case for me. They didn't care at all, I think they would get in trouble if they made those sorts of rules. Sports girls were popular because they were sports girls.
Honestly, the hardest part about dating is staying interested after the first couple months.
That sounds wonderful because I'd like to learn how to get someone to have interest in the first place.
Athletic girls aren't as wanted you'd think
Particularly soccer girls
Softball girls can be real thicc
Best type of sporty girl
Then why did all the other players get laid :(
Are you just repulsive in the face or something? Maybe you are really bossy or nasty and have a bad reputation? There is not much to do other than look pretty as a female.
>weren't allowed to date per coaches' orders
What a weird larp
Agreed. Those uniforms fit so right
It's not a LARP. Our coaches believed that dating would distract us from the game.
this. I dont really understand other women.
Probably because they looked like they would suck your dick if you looked at them the right way
The sluttiest girls at my school were never the Stacy cheerleaders; they always had Chad bfs
It was the athletes that put out
I wouldn't fret about it though
Young, athletic
You'll find someone
Uh-huh. And so which girl ended up sleeping with the coach?
I played varsity baseball and football in high school. Coaches can get fired for inquiring into Romantic life of students
No one that I know of. The coach was a woman.
My high school has had 3 assistant football coaches fired for dating female students within a a relatively short timespan
>The coach was a woman
Probably a lesbo
Softball girls are either dykes or put out extremely easy
There's probably an overlap somewhere
Not that I know of. I'm not the most interesting. I'm kind of distant and hard to crack but I think that once you get to know me I'm fun. I don't think I'm ugly either, probably just kind of plain.
I guess that makes sense. Girls that get laid are the laid that are that way in the first place.
Or someone was and it was extra spicy.
That could have been a ring or something.
Maybe Idk I was a kinda boring teen. I didn't rock the boat and did everything I was told.
it's instinctive, they grow up getting the validation it is second nature to them.
Same I was always kind of scared of getting in trouble and doing the wrong thing. Christian parenting tactics.