Why do fembots ghost?
Why do fembots ghost?
Because they're avoidant cunts who deserve every ounce of suffering their shitty, shitty behavior causes.
People who ghost should be killed.
all females ghost because they literally talk to several+ guys at once, and that's not even a fucking exaggeration. i used to think i was special for having close female friends, but then i realized it's all just a fucking facade. none of it is real user, it's all fucking fake, she doesn't give a fuck. imagine if you were in the same position as her. imagine having all these fucking guys around you, all these guys offering you their freindship. why would she care about some random (you)? all that's left to say is fuck women, and fuck getting a girlfriend. do not invest your time into searching for one, find male friends who are truly similar to you, because in my experience male friends actually care.
If i was a girl i'd still be the same and only like to talk to one person
>all that's left to say is fuck women, and fuck getting a girlfriend. do not invest your time into searching for one, find male friends who are truly similar to you, because in my experience male friends actually care.
They find someone more attractive to talk to, and then they remember all their feminazi brainwashing that tells them men do all the stuff women actually do, so then under that rationalization, they proceed to do what women actually do.
the same reason the guys on here ghost, I assume
>tfw currently being ghosted by 6 girls
>have tripled texted every one
>tfw you will never mean as much to her as she means to you
Stop being a manwhore
Why do you talk to females? Stop being a cuck
>any time there's two categories, they must be somehow equivalent alone every possible dimension. I'm intellectually sophisticated.
I ghosted a guy from here because I found him in other threads desperately trying to find pussy. I even confronted him in the very thread and he admitted it was him.
I'm not because every time I almost get something going with a girl they ghost me even when it seems like it's going well
That's a lot of projecting. There are a ton of reasons for people to ghost others and not a lot of those are gender-exclusive.
>Why do fembots ghost?
I'm going to assume it's because you're weird as fuck and come across as a creep.
Stop asserting it's a betrayal when someone wants to be ignored by people other than just you, you literally psychotic fuck.
Because you are not husband material, you are only good as practice boyfriends.
>want a gf
>jack off and cum
>no longer want a gf
>ghost the girl I'm talking to
What does it mean when you know they don't talk to anyone else and they never even removed you on anything just avoided you and also seemed to like you before at least?
Why would you ghost a guy for trying to find pussy if you're not giving it to him?
Makes no sense
Why cant you just stick to hookers instead of adding to the worlds shittiness?
Who gets ghosted more on r9k? Men or women?
If you think there's anything novel or complicated about this question or its obvious answer, that's a good indicator that you are stupid.
I've ghosted many women in the last 10 years or so. It's because not everyone is a match, retard. Either not enough in common, something comes up in life, something about you puts them off, they met someone they like better, you don't communicate the same way, etc.
In most of your cases I'd say you get ghosted for being whiny, clingy faggots.
I didn't know it had suddenly become a competition, I must have missed that. But who gets ghosted more on r9k has no relation to the responses I've previously given.
i've had this happen to me before
feeling lonely at 4am and making posts is no excuse for being trash so i deserved it
i've been ghosted by almost every single person where the convo went nicely even without doing that kind of thing but ill probably die alone
Because "You're too needy and you're an emotional drain. I don't want to talk to you if you're going to radiate sadness. I want friends who are happy, not fans who drag me down" never gets and "ok" or "I'll work on being happier"
Instead you get WHINGE FOR D A Y S from lonely faggots who would rather cry salty bitch tears than even try to be happy.
It's easier to ignore them. They never learn anyway.
Roly rother of rased
>they met someone they like better
Almost guaranteed unless you are both complete shutins. This is why only hikkis are capable of successful ldrs.
I never ghost.
i never talk to any new person while i'm trying with someone it even takes me a good while to give up and try again if they ghost me like i'v waited over a year before. now i try to get back sooner as i feel i'm running out of time but it's hard you know?
you people disgust me
I was going to give it to him, today in fact.
Your supposed to wait for that you idiot
there is much much more to a relashionship
nothing wrong with being clingy
and if something puts you off you should discuss instead of acting on a hunch
Your autism is your problem and nobody else's.
give it to me instead user
just kidding, go to bed
Any idiot can infer why you posted those responses, and it wasn't to help answer OPs. I wish people in your cohort could tell everyone else in your cohort is transparently, snarkily disingenuous (and stupid) because then there wouldn't be any cohort, and the world would be a better place.
>Discuss it
If you are getting to know someone and they put you off, you come off as a nitpicky asshole and risk incurring their wrath by telling them why you don't want to talk to them anymore and everyone comes away feeling bad either way. It's easier just to move on to the next person. Being socially retarded isn't an excuse for expecting everyone you meet to be socially retarded too. But I guess if you knew that you wouldn't be socially retarded.
>tfw no mutually clingy relationship where we talk to each other a lot but also agree on times where we give each other space to do our own things and then go back to being together
>tfw no fembot mommy gf
There is no answer to OPs post. Every individual who has ghosted will do it for whatever reason they have, and there's no collective reason women ghost. The best thing you can do, is look at examples, reasons other people give, and look at why you could see yourself ever ghosting someone. The best response is honestly to quit seeing people as a collective hivemind and instead think of possible individual reasoning behind things.
I don't know what cohort you're talking about.
Where the fuck did all these zoomers using r9k as a dating site come from, and how do we send them back?
The last time I ghosted somebody was because he went on a rant about his ex-girlfriend. It was clear that he wasn't the type to listen to any reason why I didn't want to see him anymore. I've also ghost because it didn't feel worth it to explain anything to the guy.
What, would your rather we be truthful and say: "You're pathetic, go away, I found someone else that's more interesting, if that person leaves me, I'll reach out to you, because you're my backup, but don't count on that."
>Almost guaranteed unless you are both complete shutins. This is why only hikkis are capable of successful ldrs.
i'm a complete shutin
i want my shutin life partner
How do you know i have autism just from that post?
>mfw this thread just reminded me I was supposed to facetime with a Brad last night but literally forgot all about him because I was talking to Chad
Whenever I've ghosted guys it's because they're fucking boring and talking to them is more of a chore than anything. There are very few people I would want to regularly converse with. Even when I tell guys this ahead of time, they dont understand.
>constantly hear people talk about making friends here
>even finding gf's and bf's on here
>too damn shy to try it yourself
I don't want pussy and nothing else.
I've had one girlfriend ever and she was very mean to me.
I want to meet a nice girl and give her forehead kisses and be nice to each other.
My only real problem is that I'm not good at making conversation, and that's the most important factor for a successful online meeting.
At least IRL you can appreciate eachother's company even if there's not much to say.
I wouldn't do any of the shitty things the other robots managing to talk to girls here apparently do.
anyone would seem boring when they have to talk to someone as boring as a woman
Here's a one obvious, huge contributing factor:
Women here have lots of options and the guys don't.
Wow reality exists after all.