Anyone who gets bingo has to leave Yas Forums
Normalfag bingo
Anyone that cant get 5 in a row is absolutely worthless
Whew, too close for comfort. In my defense the team sport I played was in middle school and I was by far the worst player on the team.
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- - - x -
x - - - -
- x x - -
- - x x -
Fuck incels
Yas Forums is a morbid curiosity for me.
* is for uni accommodation not sure if that counts
Why are recreational drugs here normies get high on life incels high on drugs
You really are out of touch arent you
Is it weird that I only have 1 friend outside of actual blood relations?
Incels get high on huffing paint because they're too socially retarded to buy drugs irl and too intellectually retarded to buy monero.
If you get more than 5 you don't belong on this board
that relationship never went physical, dont even know what she looks like....
>says the guy who has festival/concert friends
Fuck off.
R9k is just normies larping what the actual fuck
No bingo for me. I guess I'm a failed normie because I study and have a job but almost no social life.
Perhaps 10 non-familial people would come to my funeral, but they'd mainly be acquaintances, people I knew in the past, or coworkers.
Never had a girl say she loved me or even kept one beyond 3-4 months. I can hide it long enough to get laid for a little bit but eventually my inner robot comes out.
Last summer I was invited, and then uninvited to a holiday with my friend group.
Since then drama caused a whole bunch of complex fractures between people in the group, quite a few of which were started on that holiday I was uninvited to.
Now I'm one of the people who apparently nobody complains about, and I'm good friends with everyone in that group. Many people in the group who had previously been "core members" have since pretty much left or are disliked, and I'm one of the only people who gets on really well with everyone.
How the tables have turned.
X means i have not check means i have
i'm not in good shape btw i'm just not fat
and i use twitter mainly to watch retards be retards
I guess I am the normie huh.
LMAOing at yall stoopid intsels!!!
Welp here's mine.
For context I used to be in a much better position than now, so most of the ticked boxes are from years ago when I wasn't an obese, anxiety-ridden, emotional wreck. Also I am 24 and still a virgin despite having had a girlfriend.
I'm doing alright but a few years ago it was hell for me
glad to see the progress I've made
Too strange to be a normie, not enough robot to be a robot.
Ah yes, a cyborg like myself. Half human/half robot. Welcome to the club...
it is now a work of art
>have had sex in a public place
Most normies aren't that degenerate
You dont't belong here reee
Yes they are, happens a lot more than you prob realise
Phew that was close. Good thing I don't like 3dpd.
Pretty normal in my opinion. Idk though
Pretty high bar.