"Mr. user, on your form under 'Number of Sexual Partners' you wrote 'RyanGoslingScreaming.jpg'...

>"Mr. user, on your form under 'Number of Sexual Partners' you wrote 'RyanGoslingScreaming.jpg'. I'm not sure what means but I will need to know the actual number."

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holy fuck I'm going to write that shit next time I go to the doctor's.

Just print this out and bring with you

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>number of sexual partners
They should actually ask this, and deny medical services to anyone with a higher number than 10.

Honestly what would happen if I (28 years old) would write 0 down there? Would they ask if I'm sure, make fun of me or just move on?

If you are not deformed they'll probably assume you are a catholic priest or an asexual

Medfag here. We literally don't give a shit. We just want you to answer our history taking questions, perform whatever medical exam and just get out the door. Why would we want to prolong a consultation just for a laugh? Got no time for that shit.

>Why would we want to prolong a consultation just for a laugh?

Yes Medchads enjoy doing this.

this reads like a fucking horoscope lmao
>occasionally you feel sad :(

How often to the Stacy nurses laugh about patients when they are on their break?

Wait, I though this is a meme. Do hospitals in Murrica actually ask you the number of sexual partners? How is that important in any way?

it's just to see how well adjusted to the society you are, if you put in 0 you will be put on a watchlist.

>How is that important in any way?
probably for STDs and shit like that.
Never went to a hospital that asked for number of sex partners though they usually only ask if you're sexually active or not.

They don't do it as a routine question in germany except maybe when you come for shit like std treatment.

I've been asked if I'm currently sexually active but never for an exact number.

>I've been asked if I'm currently sexually active but never for an exact number.

>tfw masturbate a few times a week and use that as an excuse to say Yes, I am sexually active

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As far as stacies go, Nurses are some of nicest ones.

The only white girls I want to fuck are nurses tbhfam

Fucking hell. When my GP practice opens again I'm actually going to print this out and try and get some meds. (Not the Gosling version but the normal wikipedia one).

[chair clattering].jpg

Welcome to the social sciences

Promise you'll come back and tell me how it goes, and if it's worth it.

Glad I'm not mentally ill, just a giant loser.

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This post my me lol, and perhaps even rofl.

i have every overt trait but none of the covert ones

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sounds familiar but then... might just label myself anyway, thats the done thing now right? i'm manic depressive according to the girl in my life right now. Maybe I want to be schizoid instead.

These people have probably pulled hamsters out of asses. A 28 yr old virgin isn't going to affect them.

>the girl in my life
Kys normalfag

It's just a girl I talk to from work desu. She just finds me a novelty I think.

actual fucking kek thx op

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>Sorry, I din't count since 200

>Covert Features
>quite creative and may make unique and original contributions
I got scared there for a second.

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that's painfully accurate