Is anybody else mogging all the chads from your high school on LinkedIn?
Who else /Chad LinkedIn/
Nobody else really?
i knew 0 people in high school
I didn't even think of doing that, my nights entertainment is set. Cheers
doesn't matter how much money you make.
more money = more beta provider.
chad gets top pussy for free.
chad lives y(our) paid for life for free.
i just send all the chads and stacys connection requests. they message me "i always knew youd do big things"
>Is anybody else mogging all the chads from your high school on LinkedIn?
No because I majored in English at some no name college while all of the chads I know went to top tier business schools for MBAs
are you jewish op? i wish i was jewish mustard race tbqh
Oh that sucks. All the chads at my school joined the army, went to the local uni or working manual labor. Most successful Chad is a physical therapist. Still gets mogged by me
Dad is Jewish mom is black
Doubt. I drive a Benz and live in a fat condo in London. Chads from my high school are working manual labor dead end jobs for peanuts
Tfw women like you for your "personality" and not your looks
Trust me bro women love riding in my whip
>bragging about credit on a website that is am equivalent of the dog show for humans
I hope that your masters appreciate how fast you wig your tail and let you run off the leash sometimes
I bet your mother wishes her son had a Harvard MBA
>drawing your personal value from a job some jew decided to give you after you were a good goy
>being a NEET incel
They love using your goods as fashion statement. Chad can be a career NEET and still score pussy on a daily basis.
Well thats fine for Chad. I'm not a Chad so I had to do a little more. So what. And anecdotally, all the chads I know married some whore from high school at 23. Now they work shit jobs to feed their kids
Chad or not working a shit job takes its toll on people. They are probably jealous of OPs lifestyle, even if they arent jealous of him specifically.
Some were destined for this life, but the thought of a woman looking at you disgusted while simultaneously looking forward to driving around in a Benz with a skinny fat POC who thinks he is the man while paying hundreds of dollars (pounds in your case) on vapid meaningless consumeristic items directed to females brings a huge smile to my face, have fun l icing the rest of your life wondering if your wife truly loves you the moment you first meet her.
>coping this fucking hard
She sucks my dick, takes my cum and would have my babies if I let her so idk if she is disgusted. Also I lift
whats mogging?
sometimes we a;; dream of another life we want
but you cant keep thinking its all the same
chad and stacy they are all just names
Out newfag. You have to go back
fuuuck bro, we're the same age with a similar major and i have a shitty contact centre job at a budget stock brokerage. any tips for getting qualified for a junior analyst position like that one you had in 2014? learn excel and python or something? should i relearn the calculus and linear regression shit that i forgot?
>any tips for getting qualified for a junior analyst position like that one you had in 2014?
Honestly man I hate to say but that ship is likely sailed at least for JPM. Most hiring for junior analysts is out of their summer analyst classes. There was a job fair at Yale and I got an internship for the summer after junior year. They offered me full time after graduation.
Depending on where you went to school/what your gpa was you may be able to lateral. Maybe reach out to a recruiter. It will be tough because there are so many Econ majors competing for a finite amount of positions. Good luck man
Damn I kinda sorta am that but on a much smaller scale lol. Just working at a tech startup that's pretty huge and getting larger, and had a master's and a bachelor's fully paid for by scholarship (merit based) at a good public university. My career moves have all been driven by being lazier or doing things that are interesting and complex vs dumb and consistent. Looking at working two fulltime jobs since life has gotten to the point where I'm working 15-25 hours a week only :)
Good shit bubba keep mogging those chads who peaked in highschool
>hedge funds
>doesnt understand s&p 500 is 100% risk. If market goes down you lose money
The S&P 500 (The Market) is 100% risk. When the stock market falls you lose serious money. From Dec 31, 1999 to Jan. 10, 2013 the performance of the stock Market was zero. Hedge funds make money in all markets