Is it really that immoral to date a an 18yo still in HS as a 20.5yo? My coworkers have been giving me shit over this

Is it really that immoral to date a an 18yo still in HS as a 20.5yo? My coworkers have been giving me shit over this

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yeah it's super weird you're basically an old man now

no that's not a big gap at all, and i'd say its pretty normal where i live if they both go to college together

she's eighteen, both of you are adults now. It's a little weird but in 4 months or so when she gradutates no one will give a fuck.

If you were 25+ it would be weird, but 2 years age gap is small.

Literally two year age gap, not weird at all.

What the fuck is happening to America? You two are basically the same age

the last time I broke my age into half or quarter years I was 12.5

You can date whoever the fuck you want user. Fuck society and their bullshit expectations. You could be 40 dating a 25 year old girl and they would still complain.

If attraction is mutual than that's fucking nature! All there is too it. Do your thing m8 and fuck everyone who tells you otherwise. Obviously their are legal and social repercussions for having sex with someone under legal age so be wary of that depending on the conditions. You should definitely be concerned with the legalities (though since she's 18 your good) but society can fuck themselves if they complain.

Might as well keep it up before she graduates and moves on to college and becomes a gigantic whore. Do you really think you'll get this opportunity again? I mean, more power to you if you can, but unless you're wealthy, good-looking and have a huge dick this could be your last shot at a girl before filthy, disgusting, immoral jews fill her head with a bunch of 'woke' bullshit and defile her mind to prepare her for life as a single mother of 15 quadroon mutts.

The issue is not the age, but the high school. Only high schoolers believe there is no great change in maturity after high school ends and real life begins. Well, high schoolers and NEETs who never did anything with their life after graduating.

I'll date an 18yo still in highschool when I'm 50 if I'm capable.

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its kind of wierd. the age difference itself isnt that bad but if you are 20 you should either be in college or some other schooling or working and if you can meet girls in those areas that means you may have had to lower yourself to get a younger more naive girl. a close friend started dating his gf when she was 19 in hs as a senior since she moved here from overseas when he was like 24. made fun of him a lot but i guess it kind of worked out

no, they're just jealous of you.

High school girls are hotter than college girls

That's not that bad. If they're arguing she's "naive" or "doesn't have any real-world experience" then accounting for your age those same statements could be applied to you. I swear this is shit you'll only hear in America, your age gap would not be considered weird in a lot of other countries.

Dating a high school girl as an adult is extremely creepy, you're basically a child sexual predator.

Your coworker is a jealous simp.

I'm 23 and my wife is 16, there is nothing wrong with dating younger women.

You wanna know how I can tell you're a huge fag?

I am 25 and if she had already graduated I would do it.

(Age/2)+7 should be consulted. You're fine.

Your coworkers are conformist NPCs who refuse to think critically about anything

Nah she legal fo for it

Lol anyone who gives a shit is a moralfag with a stick up their ass

I'm 25 and I'd date an 18yo girl if I could

I wish I could fondle some 18yo qt tight butt and kiss her butt cheeks and inhale her sweet pussy scent

you fucking normie fuck go gas youreslf

I think even 30 is ok. As long as she is of age who cares.

Half your age +7 is a decent enough rule

18 is fine, maybe they give you shit because they think you're mature enough to do better than a hs girl.

Anything over age of consent is fine

Just don't fuck her up. She's legal, but still impressionable.

If she's 18 and still in highschool you can be sure she's retarded

bro imagine having to deal with her highschool drama
like the age gap isnt that much but the mental gap is, or should be

I dated a 16 yr old as a 27 yr old...I didn't give a fuck. Of course, I don't really have any social circle so no one to give me shit for it.

OP may not have a choice. If people your age won't date you, what else are you supposed to do?