What does "based" actually mean?

what does "based" actually mean?

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based af post op keep on posting and asking

Testing if I can post in your shitty fucking thread


depends, based on what ?

It means you are bold for having a strong opinion, even if it is unpopular.

Being based is usually a good thing in the usual context.

Based just means being positive, being yourself. That's what lil b defined it as.

I don't know. Ask someone else.

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lurk moar newfaggot
oregano and parsley

it means based as in based in reality

>lurk moar newfaggot
oregan and parsley

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Bold And Secure BAS
Soif you are that you are BASed

It's short for "based on my insecure patriarchal ideologies"
It's what an incel says when they agree with you

Leave and never come back. ori

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It's used to upvote a post
You down vote by replying with cringe

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hahaha nice pic

"I'm a fucking douche bag"

hey bro, nice pic

A made up phrase by a goofy meme rapper whose shit was intentionally retarded and nigga-ooga-boogaesque.
Which makes it real ironic (or fitting) that nobody loves the word more than Yas Forums

it means that something in this material world has become embodied with divinity. tending toward the ideal but also having it successfully realized in practical terms

There is a rapper called Lil B that calls himself the based god. He sometimes interacts with weebs on twitter, so it took off. Kinda what said

basically a way to say "you have reaffirmed my opinion by having the same opinion, good job". even more commonly used when that reaffirmation is also disparaging to groups that the person replying based dislikes

I understand it on intuitive level but never seriously tried to put it in words.

So in my understanding, how the word is commonly used on imageboards, it's something (action, opinion, taste, thing) that you really like or affirm of, even if it isn't objectively cool or popular.

Lil b popularized it

It from based god, ie a god that is based in reality, it could be used in fictional settings to describe a diety that has a real effect on the world

Very good for you

ive never had to consider if something is
so i never really looked into it

Based is another word for cool

One day I'll know

"Based" means that whoever you are saying it to is a good person, who is respectful of your gender pronouns

>zoomies dont even remember lil b

Shit gen.

Based is the opposite of cringe.