Are you easy to please? Quick to displease?

Are you easy to please? Quick to displease?

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sorry i don't understand your question

Is it easy to make you feel happy and satisfied? Am i missing something that you don't understand?

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depends on what area we are talking about. you mean like with gifts or actions or what?

I'd say actions, how would a friend or someone you know make you happy, or how easy would it be for them to make you unhappy.

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Depends. It's that way with everyone imo.

I guess it is a badly formulated question.

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[ YES! ]
[ NO! ]

I am never pleased. So, no.

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Not really. I just mean most people feel that way in some company, don't hate yourself for it.

Apathia is the god cope, would recommend.

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yes to both! compliments make me happy and criticism and maliciousness makes me sad.

Like if they went out their way to make me feel bitter and angry and induce jealousy around issues where they know I've been excessively traumatized, that would tend to make me unhappy. Having an actual real life conversation where they act like my friend would tend to make me happy.

easy to please and easy to displease
but people won't ever notice it unless they drive me to the limit because I keep all of it inside

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Very good user, it must make life easier.
How do you enjoy life and make friends? Wouldn't someone showing interest in you please you?
You mean it depends on who's doing the pleasing? I suppose it does make a big difference what you think of the someone, some people make me upset for nothing, some people please me for nothing too, asking what makes you pleased would've been better i think, it's very subjective thinking about it, i'm not hating myself that's a strong word, but i could've done better i think, thanks for the concern.
That's my neutral state with most people, i think anyone showing any interest in me makes me pleased regardless though, i'm mostly apathetic with things that should make me upset.
I think that's the normal response, i suppose if it isn't things deliberately made to be upseting you wouldn't be?
Those both make sense, i suppose acting like your friend is a bit vague but seems like it would be easy to please you then, what would you think if someone was very shy or something similar, it'd be hard to act like that.
I think it still affects the way you treat them ever so slightly though, i don't think you would treat someone that constanly displeases you the same as everyone else, even if minor things people might pick up on it.

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it depends on if they criticize something im insecure about or not

It's easy to meet my standards for liking you, but really hard to meet my standards for actually wanting to spend any time around you. I like most people I meet, or I can find something to like about them, but I've only ever had a couple of people on the entire planet I actually want to spend time with by choice
As for displeasing me, a lot of character traits really make me dislike people very quickly. Drug users and turbo-normies are an instant dislike for me

I don't enjoy life and don't make friends, that's how.

Yeah, someone who takes care of stuff for me pleases me pretty easily. Basically, if you make my life easier or better in someway I like you if you don't or are a detriment to it I don't.

If they do, you should make sure they are just being asshole and not just giving their opnion or something, like tell them you're not fine with that.
That's understandable, i suppose just liking someone though doesn't mean much in your case.
What if someone showed interest in you? That's the easiest thing anyone could do to please me i think.
Sounds like you're using them desu.

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I'm rather easy to please/make happy but I don't have an outward show of it in most cases which causes people to be confused when I tell them I do enjoy it. And it's pretty hard or near impossible to make me angry in any substantial way unless I'm tired.

>You mean it depends on who's doing the pleasing?
to some degree yeah
also i get so moody, sometimes i get annoyed or ecstatic about menial dumb stuff.

Yes, I am using them.

No one shows interest in me user, I'm not a woman, kek

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Only thing that makes me happy is wealth and prestige, I am quick to displease and a very shallow human.

The only thing I want is someone focusing only on me. So my answer is yes to both.

It's ok not showing, there are other ways that it shows, you would seek out people that please you and you would avoid those that don't.
Yea me too, it's very relative but i think there should be some things that please or displease you regardless.
It's understandable but it really is more complex than that being pleased or displeased.
I'm sure that if you keep making yourself known someone will eventually, i'm not sure about irl if that's what you mean.
If you're feeling like eating cake wouldn't a cake please you, do you never feel like telling someone something, like being the object of interest to someone?
That is understandable, relatable too, i'm sure what displeases you but surely there's more than just that.

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That's just useless lip service user.

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I think it's truth, what happens after is something else, or maybe we have different definitions on interest.

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i just wanna make him happy...
thats all I care about

No one is interested in a guy who finds life utterly boring and meaningless, but that's fine in my opinion.