
Can anyone name one reason why not to kill yourself?

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There's no reason that I can think of not to do it. Go ahead m8

There's a 23.6% chance that it life might switch rails onto the track of possibly getting better tomorrow

If I kill myself today, I might miss an improbable text from my oneitis tomorrow. And it's stupid shit like this that keeps me anchored to my life.

I meant to say there is nothing on my mind right now that is telling me that you shouldn't do it.

Things that live like to keep living

because if you did it you would be the opposite of alive, forever

1. You are not at the end of your story. You are at the beginning.

2. There is beauty to be found in your struggle. What began as a challenge will become the impetus for finding your purpose. "Without Voldemort, Harry Potter is a very ordinary boy."

3. You get to experience simple pleasures like taking a deep breathe when you get home, curling up under a blanket when it's cold, seeing a sunrise/sunset, or taking a long, hot shower when you've had a bad day.

4. Dogs.

5. The feeling when someone says or does something so funny that everyone present laughs so hard they struggle not to pee their pants and no one can stop laughing.

6. Watching stand-up on YouTube.

7. The beauty of someone saying they are there for you. Even if they don't know how to help, a world in which people care about others enough to want to sit with them through their hard times is a beautiful world to live in.

8. To be able to see the kids in your life grow into real people with their own thoughts, opinions and feelings.

9. Feeling the hot sun on your skin.

Honestly it's really easy if you're not retarded.

Yeah, that's exactly the reason why I haven't already done it but it's completely stupid. You sit there waiting for a bettet life nur nothing happens and it's always the same bs

Nothing exists for a reason, nothing is done for a reason
All actions have source in the void, if you ask the "why?" question enough times you will realize that we do everything for no reason, because there are no essential values
This world came into existence for no reason
Everything is meaningless, both life, death, all the reasons to live and all the reasons to die
It's just your choice

Entertainment, entertainment, entertainment
It's one of the worst ways to live
Give meaning to something you make, be creative
And work on your social skills
And you will want to live

>The beauty of someone saying they are there for you.
Yeah, this was one thing which gave me real pleasure. The problem is that I always was (and maybe still am) a narcissistic bastard and treated people who gave me emotional stability like shit. But now, for the first time in my life, one person didn't tolerate my bs anylonger. I just want to make it better, but this time it's not possible

Nothing new to me.

If I could see people's reaction to my suicide I'd probably do it, but since there's absolutely nothing after death I might as well stick around

I don't think I deserve to be happy after what I've done.

Yas Forums is my main reason to continue to live

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Masturbating to Javier Bardem is a pretty good one.

It's too hard to kms, literally only that holding me back I am stuck here for a LONG time

You shouldn't even try in the first place.

Please explain, I see literally no reason

You may get accidentaly driven over by a car or get hit by one or something

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Yeah, that'd be pretty awesome

you might be going through a lot right now, but remember that the struggle will always end at some point. and one day you too will stop for a rest at the top of the hill and look down just how far you've come, it will have been all worth it.

You're going to die anyway after 80 years statistically speaking, why not see what life has in store for you? New opportunities, new adventures, lots of fun things to do.

>1 in a gazillion chance of being alive
>end it because of temporary emotion

Go on and live life like normal hoping for death

I was already nearly but then I my stupidity led me to do some heavy mistakes and now I'm completely down

I was telling myself this for years but nothing ever changes

it is impossible for me to know exactly what is going in your life, but when you push through it you will feel a lot better about yourself.

And why is being alive even anything good?

>leddit spacing
>muh small pleasures
>lol dude children lmao
Do you know where you are?, you deluded spastic. Children are out of the question for most of us, you dumb nigger.

what even is good

Fun? But there's not much of it out there

Fear of death. That's all I could think of really. I guess there is dopamine too but I'm not sure that makes the cut.

That's not a reason, it's barrier

Woah there, buddy, you seem tightly wound.

Maybe you should drink some hot choclate :)

>implying being alive is a good thing

I mean you do have to work towards having a better life. If you have an opportunity, you gotta seize it before it goes away. Personally I'm just pushing my luck to see if I can achieve my dream that is almost impossible to achieve but I'm only alive once so I may as well take the chance.