
Discuss functions edition

tests: pastebin.com/ccs8sYUV

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the Person who created the Virus is a Genius

Based on functions, what's the most complimentary pairing?

Apparently it's your own stack, but reversed.
e.g. FiNeSiTe -> TeSiNeFi

I just want to be dommed by a cute ESTJ female and have her give me direction in life
Is that too much to ask?

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It really shows you who how stupid everybody in your town is when the lockdown that's in place doesn't reduce traffic. I know not everyone here is an essential wagie; they need to get the fuck off the road.

I need memes, INFP memes!

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That's bs, stop saying this retarded shit

Why is it inaccurate?

I want this but with an ENTJ or INTJ woman. I'm very attracted to those types.

Just look at your own post, you're literally saying the ideal partner of an INFP is an ESTJ
If that doesn't strike you for how retarded that is on the face of it i don't know what to tell you

>Ti potential weakness
>critical socially awkward
>socially awkward
being an ISTP I have slowly realised in my life its actually me who is the socially autistic one after reading up about functions, its not that everybody else is a retard or too sensitive. I find it fascinating when somebody can comfort other people effortlessly or take care of them, I always felt like a kid putting square shaped blocks into a round hole. I always thought of sensitive people as weak but there is a certain strength in helping people in that way that I am incapable of providing.

evil Humans, feel Heaven's wrath

you could Have prevented this Pandemic
if only you sought out Justice

your Lack of Virtue shall be your Downfall

I just want an ENxP chick that can warm me up to shit.

Can anyone knowledgeable about typology help me figure this out? Been spending the past hour retaking a bunch of tests and getting contradictory results all the time. Apparently INTP is more likely but I don't relate to some of the type's fundamental descriptions.
The system is supposed to be inclusive, so it can't be that I just don't belong in any category.

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based cringey schizo edgelord

I'm guessing an INFP might feel coerced, restricted and misunderstood?
The point of reverse function pairings is that you'd help the other person with their weaknesses (weak functions) and they'd help you with yours. Would this not actually happen?

That is pretty silly.
Why would anyone want to be with an ESTJ?

bwahHahahhahAhaa!!!!! --God

It's the different ideologies between the two types that make them not work. An INFP doesn't want to work for the man, but an ESTJ is an encourager for the man's work, among other things. Every type opposite pair will have an idealogical clash somewhere.

I see.
What about the theory that says a type should seek someone whose first and last letters are reversed? e.g. ENTJ/INTP, INFJ/ENFP...

Yeah man, let's just put the most sensitive type with the one who's notoriously finicky and abrasive in his CONSTANT criticisms, i'm sure that will leave both sides satisfied and happy with each other

Those pairs are shadow pairs. An INFJ will have an ENFP shadow and a ENFP will have an INFJ shadow. These pairs complement each other well by making up for their weaker functions.

Neutral Evil- A neutral evil villain does whatever he can get away with. He is out for himself, pure and simple. He sheds no tears for those he kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience. He has no love of order and holds no illusion that following laws, traditions, or codes would make him any better or more noble. On the other hand, he doesn't have the restless nature or love of conflict that a chaotic evil villain has. Some neutral evil villains hold up evil as an ideal, committing evil for its own sake. Most often, such villains are devoted to evil deities or secret societies. Neutral evil is the best alignment you can be because you can advance yourself without regard for others. However, neutral evil can be a dangerous alignment because it represents pure evil without honor and without variation.

>putting two types together with reversed functions (INFP/ESTJ) won't work because they'll be too fundamentally different
>putting two identical types together won't work because they won't be able to compensate for each other's shortcomings (the example of two INTPs never actually doing anything with each other)
So what you need is balance, enough difference to counteract each other's faults, but enough similarity to be able to understand each other.

Relating to what I said above, wouldn't INFJs and ENFPs have different intuition and feeling functions, NiFe vs NeFi? How would the mutual understanding work in that case?

>>the example of two INTPs never actually doing anything with each other
So, an INTP and ISTP. Both are extremely introverted, but have enough differences and similarities to play off each other. The ISTP could help the INTP enjoy being outside more and the INTP can help the ISTP become more interested in activities they have been curious about, but never cared enough to learn more about it by themselves. They would also get along with each other's friends.

i'm an INTP but i'm pretty sure i'm actually either an autistic ENTP, an autistic INFP, or a depressed INTJ

Not him but alot of things make sense in theory but they sometimes don't work out. There is no ideal type for the INTP, everyone hates us, we hate us, we only praise ourselves as a joke. Our deepest relationship status with others is that we are tolerated

I'm in the same boat, I don't know how to figure it out for sure. Looking into functions in-depth only makes things more confused.

plot twist: you're an autistic depressed ENFJ

Both of the types relate to each other on a subconscious level. The INFJ uses NiFe to make decisions based on others to maintain harmony, whereas the ENFP uses NeFi to decide based on their core values and authenticity. Through NeFi, the ENFP can help the INFJ be more in touch with themselves. Through NiFe, the INFJ can help the ENFP stay calm and less scattered. They honestly complement themselves really well.

I don't know if I'm INTP but I'm definitely some kind of introverted intuitive. Although I enjoy the company of ISTPs because they tend to be easy-going and have an approach to life that my neurotic ass finds refreshing, I don't know if a romantic relationship would work. I don't like it when people push me to interact with the physical world or when they don't care much for aimless thoughts and ideas.

No way I'm any kind of ExxJ, that much I can say for certain.

could see myself being an ENTJ if i were more confident, i score quite highly in type 8 on the enneagram thing


AAHHHHHHHghhhh i just



- intp

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>I don't like it when people push me to interact with the physical world or when they don't care much for aimless thoughts and ideas
I mean...
As long as there are enough mutual interests, we wouldn't push you to do more physical stuff - I mean, I usually just lie in bed and play on my phone, video games, or watch movies and tv series on my laptop, when I'm not at work because I'm in debt and can't afford to do anything outside - and we may look a little into some theoretical subjects, but we mainly don't give a shit. I think black holes, time dilation, and time travel are fascinating, but I don't think about them for any longer than 5-10 minutes. I do daydream about possible situations very often.

infp-t 4w5, i am convinced that life is not worth living, and i want to end it, but i don't feel like i can. my relatives would be devastated, and my dogs... i don't know how to reconcile with my disdain for existence.