Crossing your arms to take off your sweater?

Somehow, it only just occurred to me but I feel like I've been seeing this for years in Anime.

Do people really cross their arms as they take off their sweater in the real world? Personally, I'm quite confident I've always done this with arms uncrossed and I also feel that this is the more intuitive way to do this. I assert arms-uncrossed as intuitive because I believe you would need to be taught to cross your arms in order for it to be your preferred method. This suggests the presence of some kind of cultural practise where people are taught to cross their arms as they take off their sweaters which could in turn suggest that this method, despite being unintuitive, is in fact the superior method.


Attached: TakingOffSweater.png (380x309, 140.5K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>twitter thread
>OP has never taken off a shirt before

try stuffing your man bra with some melons and then see the difference
also it kind of preserves the shirt if the fit is tighter

Not that I need to take off my sweater off this way

Attached: 1576893588326.png (610x861, 382.57K)

I pull from the collar, tuck my head in the sweater then pull it off me without cross arm.

I do it because it feels faster, but it gets annoying because my shirts end up flipped inside out and I need to flip them again. It looks sexier too, but it's not like that will ever matter to anybody on Yas Forums

I can't even do that lmao

The only explanation that comes to mind is it being easier to animate it without making it look goofy due to having to move elbows further away from the torso. This way they can just kind of lift upwards

You autistic shit

Someone on this very board asked the same questions as you do now OP, more than a decade ago and after several threads of experimenting he arrived to a conclusion.
I do not remember the details, but the gist of it is that taking of your shirt like that both prevents tearing and stretching, while also being faster to do in a single motion.
Perhaps a dive through the archives would find the answers you seek, for my tired oldfag memory is failing me.


I think this is what I did as well, actually, rather than arms uncrossed. I think the issue with pulling from the bottom with arms uncrossed is that the jumper would, at the end, end up being turned inside-out and so now you have to correct it after removing it.

I don't know if the archives would let me go that far back but thanks.
There is still one remaining issue though: what is the origin of this method? I don't believe it's intuitive enough to have arrived in anyone's mind naturally and yet, its casual inclusion in Anime suggests either precisely that or that the Japanese are taught this method in school. Its origins are still somewhat mysterious.

>There is still one remaining issue though: what is the origin of this method? I don't believe it's intuitive enough to have arrived in anyone's mind naturally and yet, its casual inclusion in Anime suggests either precisely that or that the Japanese are taught this method in school. Its origins are still somewhat mysterious.
ok user how would you take off a shirt otherwise?
literally reach down and pull off your t-shirt/jumper/pullover, tell us how you do it?

I cross my arms and pull from the extremes.


It's even on wikihow that you cross your arms in order to remove the shirt. Although, crossing your arms is only visually demonstrated, not explicitly stated in the instructions. Still, it's very interesting that this does seem to be common knowledge amongst people (barring the possibility that the creator was inspired to adopt and spread this method due to exposure to it via Anime)

>I don't do something, so how could anybody else do it? Is this a conspiracy?

Attached: 1447395043154.png (576x699, 194.37K)

I simply cut off the used shirt when I'm done with it and then simply put on a new one while throwing the rags away

>people still use two hands to take of their attire
Two hands is really inefficient

Attached: 1465980787686.jpg (640x432, 36K)

isn't there an efficient way to do that square folded shirt trick?

nice way to over stretch your sleeve and break stitches

I pull both my arms out of the sleeves and closer to my body then wriggle out. That's not weird is it?

>Do something in whatever way feels natural
>Perhaps there'll be an even distribution of differing people with differing methods
>Seemingly everybody else is doing something in a very specific way with little variation
You wouldn't suspect something was up in this circumstance?

Attached: 1585223753527.gif (700x500, 14.58K)

I bet you dont use two crossed hands to fap either, fag.

It's a women thing, meanwhile uncommon for men to do this because of the different bone structure.
If you don't belive me ask your sister or your mother to take off her shirt.

Attached: __tamaki_iroha_mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica_and_1_more_drawn_by_oshiza__d5f81c093bb04f2849fa10c7305aab90.jpg (849x1200, 1.04M)

No, not really. I'm not a schizo.

>ask your sister or your mother to take off her shirt.

was going to post this method
its also fun to fling it off and try to land it on something/in the laundry basket

Attached: best way to take off your shirt.jpg (640x329, 47.04K)

Unless you're clothes are stained, you're supposed to wash them inside out. It helps prevent damage, especially towards graphic tees.

Don't people usually just do handstands so the shirt falls off?

I've found that the fastest method to undress is yo just get hit by a car.
My shoes, pants and shirt just go flying off and I'm left on my undies, ready for the day ahead.

>All these people taking their shirts off by pulling hem up from the bottom
Wait, am I a fucking retard? I always pulled my arms in through the sleeves first and then lifted the shirt over my head.

I don't take off my shirts, I just put on a new one when the old one gets dirty or torn. The shirts have now fused with my skin and I look three times bigger.

Be honest. Do you even try to explain such phenomena?

I've always seen wrestlers take of their shirt like this but never understood how it works.


Same except I pull from the left sleeve with my right hand

Wait is this really not a common way? I've been doing this my entire life.

I was watching the Grand Tour and Clarkson went on some stupid rant about how women take off their shirts like that so it's not just an anime thing

You wouldn't understand because you're mostly a man.
From my observation and experimentation women tend to cross their arms to take off their shirts mainly because of the narrow shoulders compared to men, and their breasts.
That way it won't get in the way.
Interestingly, women button their shirts from bottom upwards.

>wearing a sweater
you are weak, OP~

I cross my arms and pull up when I take off my shirt, best way to take them off without stretching them

You're the third person I think to state that having breasts makes crossing your arms more favourable for shirt-removal.
Tell me: What impact do the breasts have such that to cross one's arms is more favourable? It still doesn't make sense.

I cross my arms because pulling a sweater/shirt by the collar and yanking it over your head damages the fabric.


Someone post the Machio taking off his tracksuit gif already

>he doesn't turn arms in and push up from inside

Attached: 9td.png (755x695, 307.69K)

>Interestingly, women button their shirts from bottom upwards.
I button from bottom to top.

You don't need to do it with a sleeve, you can just do it with the collar.

It's difficult to explain, but try wearing a bra, and try for yourself.
But basically it's easier to cross your arms when you have breasts because the shirt won't get catch by the breasts, see breast drop video for example.
Good for you femanon.

Oh you do thico

Im 6`4 and have to do it in tight stuff sometimes like cycling jerseys

>wearing clothes

I always just assumed it was for style / to look sexy

I'm trying to understand (without emasculating myself by wearing a bra).

Having breasts makes it easier to cross your arms? I'm quite certain the difficulty in crossing your arms lies in using your pectoral muscles to bring the weight of your arms, inwards. Breasts don't strengthen the pecs so this doesn't make sense. I heard one person say women typically have narrower shoulders. I think that might make sense as there's less distance to travel.

Also, if the shirt does get caught onto the breasts, why would that make crossing your arms inwards, harder?

literally tore the arm of my tshirt a few days ago taking it off like this
been doing it that way my whole life, but first time for everything I guess

I tried doing it but I just can't. I just pull it over my head by grabbing on the collar. Have I been taking off clothes wrong my whole life?

Only girls can do it. Something about the way mens/womens clothing is sewn makes it a lot harder for guys to do. Also the wider shoulders etc. Google it!

yeah wtf i just noticed that too

It's not bones it's boobs. I'm a chestlet and I can take my shirts off the "male" way but the female way is still faster