Do you think anyone has ever liked you
Do you think anyone has ever liked you
One girl once said she did but she was just trying to use my slightly higher social status to improve her own standings.
Multiple girls liked me when I was in 7th grade but then I cut my hair short and my life has been all downhill since
Yes, I'm not ugly just a sperg. Didn't last more than a conversation though.
Yes but I ignored them because they werent Stacy
t. every robot
Girls must like you, you're just too picky. I mean, girls like me, so that must be true for everyone, right?
t. normalfag
I think so. But I don't know. That's where the confidence is supposed to come in, I think. I was supposed to be confident that people do actually like me.
there were a few girls who were friendly with me and one who joked about me being her bf in 7th grade, bullshit of course.
There was one other girl that one person said liked me but it was most likely a joke, she went on to date chads.
So I guess the answer is no.
i am mark
im unlikeable
Probably did. Not confident anyone does now though. Can't blame them.
I've had one female show interest in me in my adult life. She was quite pretty too. The problem was we were all out drinking and she had two guys protecting her.
yeah i think the crazy bpd girl who i dated did like me for at least parts of our time together
i also think she was crazy and incapable of properly forming any relationship or pair bonding
one girl liked me in middle school, probably because i was the only person who didnt bully her. sadly ive always been a sperg who cant handle social shit and she moved to a different school
Nobody ever liked me, but I can put the blame fully on myself for being obese. Being an autist that only talks about anime doesn't help much either.
In elementary school there were 3 girls that liked me. I was a total chad back then.
After those years no girl has shown any interest towards me. Not a single female friend in the past 10+ years.
Yeah. A few girls have told me they had crushes on me in the past. Always in the past though.
I think most of the uggos who told me they were in love with me were sincere because uggos are the only thing I deserve.
Around a dozen that I know of. Not sure how many others. Still a kissless virgin.
Yeah, but I'm still a kv. One girl started saying shit like "you're the female version of me" and other such shit, and we hung out constantly, but i pussied out, and she was weird and really stressed me out. Another girl i got so close that she just held my hand as we were going to the shop, she was hitting on me hard, but one day my brain just clicked and i wasn't into her anymore. Also in school, about half of the girls that were ever my classmates, ended up confessing. Jesus christ i sound like some chad or sexy motherfucker, how am I so lonely and pathetic now.
Story time fellas
>move to new school sophomore year
>depressed and all that robo shit
>qt black chick asks me out one day out of the blue
>accept because shed be my first gf
>slowly fall for each other over a few months
>depression getting even worse despite having gf
>shes all i have, no other friends, parents apathetic to me
>we confess to each other and take each others virginities
>she becomes more confident and flaunty as we get together
>learn how flirty and suggestive she is with other guys
>it makes me mad but "theyre just friends user"
>learn shes been seeing people behind my back
>confront her about
>"if you were enough for me i wouldnt have to, but i cant love you anymore"
>still think about that last conversation to this day
I had someone who liked me but i guess im just not worth it. She seemed so genuine at first but i cant not think about what i couldve possibly done better, i loved her bros
My first gf was truly in love. Because I never had a gf before (was 14) and she didn't look horrible (wasn't fat but for some reason had two chins), I gave her a try. She was so sweet and intimidated by me, but also admited me some dirty shit like "I stalked you, I know where you live" or "I made ourselves in the sims and they are fucking right now". I really wanted to like her but couldn't accept her second chin, I offered her a pendant and then ghosted her. For a long time I felt like shit because I knew it made her sad but when I rethink about it, it was better to end it early and not steal her first kiss/virginity when I clearly didn't like her, she would have suffered more the longer it would have lasted.
I crossed her path two years ago, she looked at me with the same eyes she used to, and still had that second chin so I guess I won.
Yeah I know they have. I got asked out by 6 or 7 different girls in school.
Plenty have said they did, but none of them have ever truly known me.
>it was better to end it early and not steal her first kiss/virginity when I clearly didn't like her, she would have suffered more the longer it would have lasted
You did the right thing user, although ghosting might have not been the best method.
A few people, yeah. I never got anywhere with them though, cause i lack confidence, and anxiety issues. It's a shame really, any other person would have turned any one of those situations into meaningful relationships, but I couldn't. You can't change the past so there's no real point regretting it i guess, though I do wish i was different.
A girl liked me when we were in elementary school. I found out in high school that she still liked me, but I didn't really notice. I wasn't interested in her, anyway. Had I been a Chad I could've pump and dumped her, but I'm not like that.
I was also the most popular guy in an online community for a few years and one of the girls begged me for the longest time to meet up, but I just didn't think we were compatible.
maybe one or two, I can tell the stories about both of them if anyone cares
Why did you leave me? Were those bitches worth it?
Yes, in year 3 of highschool, one flat-faced Korean girl flirted with me and shit for a good 2 weeks.
By that point I had told myself that I'll never get a girlfriend because when I looked at my friends all they did was be with them and take up all of their time from chilling with friends. So I ignored her to be with my friends more.
And then my friends all got girlfriends and left. Now I don't have either.
>inb4 normalfag
Yes at least three times.
I'm a 27yo kv due to not acting on it.
>Do you think anyone has ever liked you
Yeah I get one or two every year.
Shame I'm an spaghettitist.
Just looking to settle down with the right one, y'know?
Unless they're really good at lying, yes.
So peobably not. I can't read minds.
Yes. When I was in school this girl use to call out my name everytime she saw me. She never asked me out but one time in IT class one of her friends said to me "My friend likes you" and I just said "ok". She wasn't hot or anything, kind of a pig. I did find her bookface profile years later and she married a black man.
Didn't have the balls to tell her face to face
a few times?
there was this one girl in primary school who always found an excuse to get close to me
also a stacy (i hate using that word, but she fits the bill), whom i had no previous interactions with, who ran up and gave me a hug after a few months absence due to therapy
still puzzles me because i'm fairly confident now but was admittedly a dumb autist back then, it had to be a dare or something
obvious lie
you have no status
why is everyone saying yes?
is this a joke?
It's a joke on us.
But we'll get the last laugh.
I believe in that.
I think my fiancee likes me
I dont believe that girl exists.
Someone said she did one, said the opposite 2 months later. I don't expect it will happen again
In real life, no. But i did make a server where people will unironically say "hail user" so i guess that's an accomplishment.
>15 years old at the time
>riding BMX at local school on a weekend
>girl comes to play soccer by herself on nearby football field
>comes up to me and starts chatting
>asks for social media, what my name is, if I'm from here etc
>think she is being too nice, this has to be a cruel joke at my expense
>be a prick
>she eventually leaves
>realize years later that it was me who was being a autistic faggot
>16 at the time
>school ball
>have facebook group chat with mates
>gay guy adds her
>eventually talk to her irl in a platonic way
>ask a female friend if she would say yes if I asked her
>female friend says yes
>ask her
>says yes
>at PT we practice dancing for the ball, I sperg out and dance with a mate
>female friend said to me that she thought I must think she was unattractive to choose a mate over her
>completely sperg out at the ball, hover hand her on pictures, eventually moved with my female friend who was at the table because I was sperging out so much
>realize years later that I was her plan B because the guy she wanted was going by himself
There was an Indian girl who was friend of a friend I met once. She never said anything explicitly but she followed me around the bar where we were and tried to hug my arm. She was already pretty drunk though when we were introduced.
a few times.
Its over for me now though.
Im too old.
well i hope youre right user
Yes, but i have no interest in them.
Made one girl cry when i wouldn't acknowledge her attempts.
I'm more comfortable alone and don't need the added stress of a relationship.
Yes I'm sure my personality has enough positive traits for that and I don't care either way
Yes. A tall blonde who is literally a model now liked me my senior year of high school. She was seen as weird though because she slept with a teacher and was kind of awkward. But she was beautiful. I wish more than anything I had dated her and married her, but I was too busy up the ass of my average ass typical Stacy oneitis. Pathetic