/drugfeel/ - Brain Damage Edition

>when you get so high you go around back to feeling sober

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what substance are we talking about?

Where are you guys getting drugs? No one's dealing here. I'm stuck with shitty alcohol.

meth, xanax, kratom, phenibut, weed

I'm safe, I'm very careful with my doses. But my brain has clearly blown a fuse.

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some time ago I got so stoned, that I wasn't sure if I was high anymore, it was just so overwhelming, but it felt like I was too normal

i havent smoked heroin in months desu
but im back to not being able to sleep
ive slept two hours in three days drugfriends
gonna try to get some weed soon, do you think thatll help me sleep?
pls post sleep advice and cozy drug memories

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you can try kratom, idk if it will help with sleep tho

A theanine + valerian root stack might help.
DPH is a little bit stronger, and seroquel will definitely knock you out but it's harsh.
Severe sleep problems can be hard without addictive drugs, but if it's that bad alcohol is probably better benzos
Good luck friend, congratulats on staying off the smack.

i actually tried that before heroin to help me sleep desu
helped a small amount but really wasnt worth the stomach trouble it gave me
i started abusing opis partially to just be able to sleep lol
DPH puts me to sleep but just ruins me the next day, moreso than not sleeping desu
ill look into the theanine stuff tho
i drink to help me sleep but i have a retard weak stomach so drinking can be rough desu
could go through 2L of vodka a week just so i can sleep 2-3 hours a night
>grats on staying off the smack
i get this a lot now actually but what actually stopped me was running out of money and moving every month desu
makes me worry ill just go right back to it

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Anyone dealing with dp/dr?

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Theanine probably wont do much if the problem is that bad.
Seroquel superficially feels like dph but its side effect profile is usually more severe. But because its mechanism of action is much more complex it might be more effective at a lower dose. Some other psychiatric drugs are used off-label for sleep, I know people who have had success with trazodone.
You can probably just go to a psychatrist and ask for both.
I'm suspicious of the wacky not-benzos like ambien.
Then there's stuff like gabapentin or phenibut, but their addiction profile is about as bad as benzos.

Usuall it seems like only some kind of cocktail of psychiatric medications help people who can't sleep. And sorry if the gratz sounded patronizing, but it's definitely good to get off of H.

Also, a very low dose of DPH, just one 25mg pill, is usually enough to eliminate with kratom nausea in my experience.

Best wishes, hope you get a nice rest again.

ive been needing to see a doctor for years but havent been able to afford visits/insurance/meds/etc
my last doctor told me i couldnt sleep because i wasnt trying hard enough and my memory issues were caused cos i was lazy and not paying attention desu
got put off from doctors for a long while cos of that
i def prolly need to see someone so i can sleep for once
and na i didnt think you were patronizing desu, was just kinda rambling about my fears for the inevitable relapse lol

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GP's are often idiots. Psychiatrists are comparatively cheap and most won't have a problem prescribing you a drug you ask for as long as it isn't a controlled substance.
Their first attempt to put you on an SSRI is just a shit test, if you politely refuse a good psyche should work with you to help treat a sleep disorder.

so....... I have no drugs or money im addicted to heroin and sobriety is starting to not seem so bad / anyone can relate?

I'm not sure.
I had a high dose LSD trip that went south really hard and I fell off sort of a mental cliff and broke every bone on the way down.

What I have feels more like PTSD. It's more the emotions for the experience that feel like they're attacking me but I can't get any hallucinations or flashbacks.

it was a psychiatrist desu, which is why it put me off from them so hard
been on a number of medications, but nothing recently
i really really ought to be medicated though, just no money and paranoia about doctors in general desu
id fucking cut my fingers off to sleep rn desu
same except sobriety is fucking garbo desu
ill never feel as good as i did on heroin
if i had stable income like before id still be a functioning addict, and much happier lol

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I probably don't know much about pain but dp is up there with schizophrenia if i had to rank it.

Your own body and concept of time is gone, you are a floating pair of eyeballs with no connection to any emotion that your body feels, it's like observing someone else live life and everything is already written.

Drug laws in the house are being enforced like crazy. Can't get away with drug use that easily so my biggest love GHB is gone. Phenibut works on the GABA receptors. Similar in effect and legal to buy, not expensive.

What is the general consensus on it? Does and don'ts?

alright so after finding one final decent bump I got to the part of the meffbag that can no longer be considered meff. I could tap into my addy reserves, continue playing shake roulette with these mystery crystal compounds, or I could relax and eventually sleep like a normal person instead of a junkie with a melting brain. Difficult decisions.

>freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose

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This is very emotional, what i'm talking about.
It's like every negative emotion that my mind has to offer attacking me.

This is basically my own fault for mistreating LSD though. Now I think demons are going to rape me at any given moment constantly.

I think the key is time. At first it's really hard to keep it together. What seems like ungodly amount of time passes (which in actuality is a couple of months) and it starts to slowly get better, until a point is reached where it just starts getting really really better.

phenibut probably won't cut it as a ghb replacement. It's not like replacing heroin with oxy or meth with dextroamphetamine. pheni and ghb are not even close to being in the same league.

I really hope it gets easier for you with time, are you treating it with therapy or any substances?

>couple of months
NIGGA I'V LOST 3 YEARS to this bullshit

>treating with any substance
I can't touch anything even remotely mind altering without having an attack. Even weed in miniscule amounts fucks me up.

Then you really fucked up my dude.

I asked because things like Alprazolam usually help people cope but it can induce negative effects aswell.
It's the same for me even if we're dealing with different things, something as simple as mild doses of caffeine or alcohol trigger it for hours, let alone dissociative drugs.

Look at this beautiful set up
I have tears in my eyes

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Imagine the feel of that low density polyethylene bag... the weight of the bag and such smoothness of such high quality polymer and all the meth it contains
that amount would last me about half a year with daily use IF... I only had it

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Hold me I think Ive got the sniffles

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gibe local-cooked uncut shard gf

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whats the synthesis?
looks rly nice

safest option is melatonin, but that doesnt work for a lot of the people, you should still try it, it
seems to be completely harmless
i have trouble sleeping and weed makes me really tired, so its possible it'd help you, but i advise looking into "safer" options first, as daily weed usage isnt exactly good for you...

Am in UK and want shrooms but all the local shite dealers do the same old bud, pills and ket. I want to break out of the circle of teen snapchat dealers and get me some shrooms but idk how. Buying on deepweb isn't an option for me and I don't want to wait to attempt picking some for myself during the soggy months.

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is meth really that much stronger than amphetamine and even MDMA?
ive always imagined it sits somewhere in the middle between MDMA and amphetamine, btw for me, amphetamine is just weak MDMA, almost the same effects

>deepweb isn't an option for me
Why do retards always say this? If you have a computer and some money, it's an option. Just be honest and say you're too lazy to learn how to do it.

nah MDMA is way different than amphetamine/meth. meth is the stronger version of amphetamine. MDMA has some effects that just don't happen with the other two, it's more of an empathogen and mental euphoria rather than focus and physical stimulation
meth and MDMA are pretty different so it's hard to say which is "stonger". would be almost sorta like trying to compare ketamine with opioids, very difficult to compare.

At equivalent doses meth is definitely stronger and more euphoric, but not so much moreso that they're radically different drugs.

Meth sets itself apart by its effects lasting much, much longer because of the way it's metabolized, and that it has a stronger DA release, a little bit of serotonin, but less norepinephrine release than dextroamphetamine... which means it's much easier to take much higher doses.

I'd put the "amphetamine" effects of mdma as ...weaker than both desu

I'll be honest, I roughly know how to do it with PGP keys and wot not, enough to give me an idea of the safety and security of it. It's an ok option but I'm mega paranoid cos I'm 18 and I live with my mam :(.

reddit has pgp tutorials that are illiterate-nigger-retard-proof. So you MIGHT be able to figure it out.

The fuck am I supposed to put on the 1,4 bdo form?

not that hardly anyone in north america remembers what real meth is like anymore thanks to all this slapped together racemic aztec n-iso-cia rock salt gravel aurobindo-sourced chingado cartel BULLSHIT

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Anybody had a bad trip on robotussin/dxm? I'm going fucking crazy my world is crashing down around me

yeah dxm makes you feel like shit. That's the dxm high. Feeling cosmically shit. You'll be fine.

breath nigga.
You have ingested a drug.
You will be fine.
It doesn't last forever.
Breath through it.

Fuck who would take this shit. This is my first time and never again. I got constant deja vu how do I know I'm not dreaming

how much did you take? I usually take 450mg and have a great time, no anxiety or fear or anything. just spend the whole day in a comfy dream-like state
I can't really imagine being one of the people who take like 900mg though (for one thing that would destroy my stomach)
also some people just don't like DXM and it feels like shit for them. it's a very polarizing drug

Around 200mg

Don't worry, you're just feeling seasick because you're switching dimensions. See, dxm transports you to a nearby alternate-dimension that is mostly the same except everything is slightly shittier. Usually you come back to the dimension you started in but sometimes you don't. They're so similar that it's hard to notice the difference anyway.

For real don't worry though because your mind and body will be fine. You'll be back in control in an hour or two and sometimes the serotonin afterglow makes you feel good and helps you reflect on your life and why you just drank a bottle of cough syrup.

Ride it out, everything is OK

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strange. maybe dxm/dissos just aren't for you then

I feel like its bringing out the schizo that was always in me

do you really have schizophrenia? you should probably avoid hallucinogens then

I doubt I do I'm a hypochondriac but I'm definitely getting tested asap

>go on a three week addy binge because coronavirus
>starting to feel sick and depressed when I'm not high
>feel like electricity shoots through my legs when trying to sleep
Might as well just keep going at this point.

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1) give me a hint about where you looked to find it
2) say you use it for wood varnish removal or testing pesticides for a garden, they literally do not give a single shit

I get that all the time during a binge, those jolts. They feel very strange and are almost certainly a sign that your body is being damaged in a dramatic, cumulative fashion.
Lately I've developed an eye twitch which is a terrifying sign to take it easy a bit, and start taking my vitamins again.

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Does your back start to feel tight too?

fuck you and fuck this post. I really hope you get psychosis and kill your family for satan.

Woah that's out of nowhere