Do men really expect women to be hairless?
Do men really expect women to be hairless?
>he thinks about women
No. Don't really give a fuck. Hairy legs bother me the most out of it all though, maybe wax them.
something something foreskin soemthing something circumcision
if you expect someone to service your disgusting taint then yes
>Men are supposed to have at least a 6.5 inch penis
Then why the FUCK does it grow so small?
i think it was supposed to be said in a shocked timid sort of way to prompt the amazonian do smother his face with whatever hair he was referring to
Which reminds me, am I supposed to shave my asshole? I guess it's natural too but I wouldn't want to look at a hairy asshole.
>taking a tweet or opinion from a women serious
The only part that bothers me is leg hair. Everything else is fine by me.
Women need to shave their fucking legs, arms, and pits. Dont have to shave your cunt but dont expect me to get munching if ya dont
>Dont have to shave your cunt but dont expect me to get munching
A good trim is fine.
there's quite a lot of attractive women who barely grow body hair at all. it's not that men -expect- women to be hairless, they're just comparing them to the hotter women who tend to be.
No I wanna date a bald girl with hairy armpits and hairy legs
Yeah waxed is best
I expect women to not have hair on their legs and armpits and on her face unless shes greek
honestly i prefer hairy men except when it comes to their pp. please at least trim your pubes.
because hair is disgusting
if it were for me, I would demand state finaced brazilian waxing to be avaivable for everybody
"HuMaNs ArEn'T sUpPoSeD tO hAvE mAlIgNaNt TuMoRs ThErE"
Then why the FUCK do they grow there?
can normies stop ruining our mems peals
Yes. Body hair is gross. I'll take care of mine too.
Short hair
retarded anti femininity 'thoughts' it repeats from the kikeshit it drinks daily
Absolute state of cunts who cant get chad to commit to their worthless meatbags
Delicious tears of gaping insanity
Do I expect basic hygiene yes
Yeah, and it's dumb. I've never gave much of a fuck about looking proper, probably because of the autism. Anyway, when quarantine started all my friends (who are also chicks) started joking about how amazing quarantine was because they didn't have to shave or do makeup. Here I am, with my nipple and tummy hair, wondering why they just don't shave ever. I knew a chick who had no eyebrows and so everyday she woke up before her boyfriend to draw them on. They dated for a year and he never knew. Fuck that shit. I wanna be comfy.
Anyway, I have OCD. Whenever I get sick, I start plucking my hair out with tweezers. I basically gave myself a Brazillian this January with tweezers. I guess for Pavlovian reasons alone I'd have reason to hate hair removal.
I don't think au natural vegans and dykes are the ones advocating for circumcision. If anything, they'd probably be sympathetic to why it's wrong.
Eh, fair enough. But that's only relevant within a sexual context. And what does oral sex have to do with legs or armpits?
It's actually a joke amongst my friends about hipster chicks who shave their pussy and not their asshole. Anyway, I wouldn't, but people into shaving probably would.
I'm gonna guess you haven't cleaned your belly button in awhile.
My nigga.
I feel sorry for those that cant enjoy the scent of a woman whose hair traps all those good smells. Nothing is more intoxicating.
The hole feels entitled
In other news my shit stinks
Only in some places
Yes, it's common courtesy, if they want to act all high and mighty to escape criticism, then they can be lonely because no one wants to date them.
Typical dyke feminists, they're just coping with the fact that they were sluts in their youth and nope all their eggs are gone.
why the fuck would i want to fuck a gorilla
i didnt know joe camel transitioned
Men have hair all over their body, so i guess i'll just stop shaving, stop getting haircuts, stop trimming my beard. If you want to be disgusting i can be way more disgusting
They're free to grow hair wherever they like, just like I'm free to pick a girl who shaves over one that doesn't.
>i guess i'll just stop shaving, stop getting haircuts, stop trimming my beard.
This is already me. It's a fun existence. Very comf.
vaginas that are hairy fucking stink. 3 female muslim friends told me that independently.
If you have hair growing directly from your eyeball, its not supposed to be there and you should get help.
>I'm free to pick a girl
Nice LARP, friend.
I vote to abolish body hair
None of it is pleasant looking and everyone would be better off without bodyhair
Write your congressman
Not that shaving it off is the solution. It's like plastic surgery. False genetic advertising
If it's blond body hair, I think it's hot as fuck
If it's black body hair, fucking shave that shit
>"teehee boys aren't supposed to be fat, balding, short and have small dicks"
Then why why is my body naturally like that? Check mate roastflaps LMAO
I mean I don't grow leg hair myself so it's not a good argument against shaving legs, and I know a lot of asains don't grow armpit hair. The reason shaving for women who do have leg hair stupid is that they could just wear pants or long skirts instead, which are comfier than shorts and shit anyways, and legs don't even smell bad.
The argument for shaving armpits and pubic hair is that it smells if one neglects shaving those areas for too long. I assume that's why it's a societal standard, and it really should be. Stinky armpits are just nasty, and not a sign of empowered patriarchy smashing.
>when a girl has a hairy pussy and asshole
I don't care much. I'm a virgin so idk what I'm talking about... but I think natural hair would be better than stubble. Like when I shave my beard, it's all scratchy, like sandpaper. But if I let it grow, it's not that bad. I'd rather rub up against a bush of pubic hair than against sandpaper. Presumably perfectly smooth would be better than either of the other two, but I imagine shaving such a sensitive area would be a very delicate affair and hard to keep smooth, so I wouldn't really expect that of my partner.
I am perfectly fine with a woman not shaving a single spot on her body. Don't care. But I'm also not into non-blonde, non-aryan women who look like italian men when not shaved so, yeah.
the only thing i want girls to shave are their legs and their facial hair because that shits gross. im good with all other hair
girls are 'meant' to have hair the same way I'm 'meant' to have horrible BO from not using man-made soap and deodorant
I guess guys are meant to keep the smegma under their foreskin too then
>Do men really expect women to be hairless?
only the pedos
i'm 100% cool with hair on women and you know what? they keep shaving anyway because they're a bunch of dumb whores.
Literally who says this. No one I know genuinely gives a shit what women do with their body hair.
>3 female muslim friends
Hum hello forest department ? I'm asking for some thick bushes to hide from homosexuals in this thread, please hurry
Just keep it trimmed, I don't want a tangle of pubes in my mouth
that face is 10x more manly than your own, time to get out of the closet twink
man, is there a greater disappointment than a blonde with dark pubic hair?