Unless you're Chad or have a very good paying job, no girl will be interested in you.
Unless you're Chad or have a very good paying job, no girl will be interested in you
Actually not true. I am fairly good at guitar and drums and I got a fairly decent girl. I'm eternally broke but I can shred.
Then you must be a Brad. Just acceptable to a girl but she'll drop everything when a real Chad comes along.
this. Attachment is suffering. She comes, she stays and she goes.
i don't care desudesu desu
Nope, my girlfriend is loyal to me. You think everyone is a one dimensional character who make stupid mistakes for a second of pleasure. Go outside kid, you haven't lived.
>You think everyone is a one dimensional character who make stupid mistakes for a second of pleasure
Uhm user dunno how to break it to ya..
Fuck off you 14 year old, get the fuck off this board and do something good with your life
If you're the broke guy it's funny you say that
You'll see in time Brad
Yeah I am a moderately successful comedian with one okay indie movie credit. Been broke through my 20s but my wife is way out of my league, pays some of my bills, and doesn't complain. I'm not hot or rich, but I'm pretty funny and I have something most generic males don't have.
I feel sorry for you, don't your parents give you the talk and give you a slap of reality? Do you honestly think the only chance to get a girlfriend is to be a rich giga chad with magical powers. I literally know a guy 5'0" and he has a girlfriend thats a 8/10. Stop assuming you know everything when you're just a 14 year old.
more importantly I get along great with literally everyone I meet. I'm just nice to them and I make them feel important. I'm pretty sure this is why I've never had trouble with girls despite being poor and ugly.
That's a fucking Nomu
dunno about girls, but I often have bois (female) lighting up my phone
In other words you were lucky.
>I'm pretty funny and I have something most generic males don't have.
Me too - autism.
>Not a chad
>Make $10/hr, 40 hrs a week
Have no problem getting girls. So you are incorrect. Sorry incel.
You must be 18 for this website
How do you do it? Where do you meet etc
Interesting theory. Where is your evidence?
heheheh just wait till it happens young paddewan hypergamy is very real dont think for a second you are "the one" for her. She was never yours, it was only your turn. There will come a day where she no longer finds you as interesting or attractive and thinks she can do better and desire attention from elsewhere. All im saying is dont be this delusional because when it happens and reality hits you like a truck dont say I didnt warn ya
>meme hero academia
Hypergamy is a good thing for society. It only allows the best genes to succeed
>It only allows the best genes to succeed
come on man
This. Forcing people to settle is what gave us boomers. I only wish there was more sexual selection for IQ, as apposed to just appearance.
All non-Chad men should be sterilised and forced to slave away underground, far away from the people that matter.
And the women get to decide who has the best genes. If you have ever tried being around a woman you would know this is not a good idea.
Luck is just putting yourself in the right place over and over. You can't control the "right time" part, but you have some influence over "right place". At home moping on Yas Forums is never the right place for something lucky to happen. Autism is a big hurtle but people learn to work around it every day.
>ugh what does she see even see in that guy
>hes not even good at smash
>all women are bitches and whores with terrible taste
if you weren't a chad you would know that we're already there
user have you even been watching the news? Half of the roasties who ever said no to me are out of a job, and the other half are coasting on government handouts. I have a decent paying job that is essential and I still work during this crisis, so I will be rich as fuck by the end of this.
how the fuck does dilate beat have sex? terrible image
I am not a 'nice guy'. Nice guys desperately try to attract female attention as a substitute for their own weakness and lack of self-esteem. I am successful by almost every metric of success. I just really hate women, or rather the nature of women. I can count on one hand the tolerable, still less the virtuous women I have known.
>Women are whores
Next thread.
I agree user, I saw it on another board maybe Yas Forums and I thought it was funny because I like flowcharts. But I think the "dilate" bit is goofy and how in the world can anyone possibly recover from "have sex"?
>I have a decent paying job that is essential and I still work during this crisis, so I will be rich as fuck by the end of this.
What sort of tortured logic is this?
>bankers get 1.5 trillion in free money while you don't
none of us are going to be rich after this
Okay rich is relative terms my man. But if 17m people are out the job right now and I am still stacking paper to the ceiling then stacy will have no choice but to choose me
>I am not a 'nice guy'
Ok? Why are you bringing this up? You sound very insecure.
Randomly calling people "discord tranny" seems to be the best strategy, since it winds up being accurate like 15% of the time. Cuck and simp also may work in this scenario.
I'm making more money on unemployment than I did with my jobs. And I'll have at least two of my old jobs back as soon as the governor lets us open back up.
Thanks for risking your life, user. I'll tell Stacy you were a hero.
>late 20s
>good paying job
>spends nearly all free time alone
>saving for my future, mortgage trap
>saving for basically nothing
>isn't horrific in the flesh
>why am i still still ?
true. Which is why I completely gave up on getting a girlfriend by the time I was a senior in high school. Also I'm a white guy with a 5 inch penis. What woman would want me?
>spends nearly all free time alone
this is most likely your problem. Non-solitary hobbies are very good.
>I'm a white guy with a 5 inch penis. What woman would want me?
...most asians? low-class ones anyway, not asians with good grades or respectable parents
im sure an incel like you has deep knowledge and understanding of romance
topkek you retards have zero self-awareness
100% i got like two hobbies, at most.
also, i have no idea how to interact with anyone my age. my natural composure and way of showing my interests would be labeled as aloof or age inappropriate. i am a huge robot, without much of an excuse.
anyone have tips for getting out of their robot tendencies due to a busy work life ?
Because you're making the unconscious assumption that all misogynists are bitter losers that are of no value to women. As a proud despiser of the inferior sex, I have come to tell you that you are wrong.
the cope is real with this one. Stay bluepilled bradlet
not true, every asian girl I tried to get with turned me down
It definitely gets harder when you're working so much. I was working overtime most of the last 2 years and I reverted into an awkward autist after doing quite well socially.
Small amounts of weed (like just hitting a one hitter before socializing) helped me fix my energy, personally.
You gotta dumb yourself down a little bit - most people aren't exactly looking for motivating/efficient/intelligent energy in their spare time.
Most of my good social habits came downstream from other interests, rather than trying to "achieve" or "excel" in the social domain. Whatever unconventional interests I had, I tripled down on and got to know the handful of other people who share these hobbies. If they're insufferable cringelords, I move on. Otherwise, I get new friends.
Camping and travel are pretty mainstream hobbies. People like them because you're making time to Just Relax Not Work, and you get to be around other people in the same state. Music and theater were more my thing. Some people do wine/book/whiskey clubs. There's all kinds of shit.
Once people start to open up to you, everything else starts to make sense.
Shut up gay boy. Women pick the best men, thats the point of hypergamy
Not really, I've somehow met a fembot, and for some reason we really clicked, despite me being autistic as fuck. Now I have to see how things develop, but I can't say she is all perfect (mostly the fact she is kinda fat), although I still love her because she loves me back.
Just continue to search. You might not find anything, but you will learn more about yourself. Also friends are really undervalued here, I miss being with the bros sometimes.
that was exactly the insight i needed, desu. seems like you have to remain on topic while also keeping it stupid simple.
i hate how much i do this, but when i contribute to open discussions, its always some tiny reference or an off topic thing that somewhat relates to the discussions. i hate the looks i get from explaining myself. but i literally only do it cause of how quiet i am. if i didnt speak up then, i would have never said anything. rip.
i guess remaining tactful is another skill.
Happy to help, buddy. Right place, right time.
Your top priority should always be making the people around you feel like they're important and you're happy they're there.
However you read a room will be unique to you. The universal thing is aiming to make people feel good. Not pandering, just hearing them and acknowleding they exist. It's so simple, but there's so little of it in our world.
Eat a dick, Brad.
>Unless you're Chad or have a very good paying job, no girl will be interested in you.
I'm neither, had several gfs, and women like me. Explain this incels
whatever you have right will fad with age.
you're basically an incel with a timer.
pick a out wife and get in line.