I want a white girl of my own

I want a white girl of my own

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user, can you stop posting this same thread two times per day?
Also go tinder, pay like a gentle simp and enjoy
or go grindr top a boipussy

just play highschool sports at a mixed school

Trust me nigga they want us too. I've fucked 8 white bitches already.

A fat white 3/10 roast might settle for you.

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>white man loving or respecting anything nonwhite
Pretty unreasonable

Why you want some broke ass white girl? Try chasing some arab poon of you wanna waste your life.

Take the azn pill bro

White women trash

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stupid fool. asian women will wreck you and THEN destroy you. they are ten times more vindictive than any other and all that cutesy stuff is a mask.

just be black in SoCal
you'll have a harem of girls like these

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Zoomer white girls are obsessed with black men

based, Asian girls are the way to go my nigga

This. And Kpop twinks.

This is mega based

Asians have more resistance towards blacks than whites.

its not worth it my nigga almost all of them are bpd messes that only interested in us because porn say we're big dicked sex beasts

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Niggers are the least desired race sexually, sorry OP.

The only white women that enjoy black cock are mentally damaged landwhales that white men don't want. If a white woman sleeps with a black men we have a term for it "coal burners" which labels them as damaged goods. Among men there are very few things that would prevent a woman from getting the dick and this is one of them

I'm talking to japanese qties on the daily.

they are truly best grills

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Half true. Don't be a bag of shit. They will know if you are only pursuing them because of their phenotype. You will get your neck slit, poisoned, etc if you treat them with disrespect.

It's always fun watching people who don't interact with other humans irl, let alone go outside, offer their opinions and generalizations as fact.

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Literally nothing better about cracker bitches hos are hos no matter what

nice larp faggot
are they very responsive? I keep hearing mixed things about girls in japan and black guys. wouldnt mind trying it out. I still love black women though

Anyone in black bot server? I need friends

It will be okay my child, just talk to your Jewish friends and they will let you rape all of there wives and daughters

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>Niggers are the least desired race sexually, sorry OP.
The women yes. The men no, Asians and pajeets are the least desired men. Black men fair off quite well whilst dating, especially in the west.

be into current pop culture, weed, average looking and fun to be around. Plenty of white girls would love to give you a chance.

I would love to join a black bot server/discord bump for this

do this and go outside and dont be to awkward/beta

download a dating app, user. some tasteless bitch will find you and want your cock.

I'd never want to date some white bitch, at most I'd fuck her but I do want a black girl of my own.

Really says something about the state of zoomer white "men"


Me too, blackanon. It seems so easy, like all my friends get 7/10 white qts and they aren't even all that.
Idk what I'm missing.

>They will know if you are only pursuing them because of their phenotype
How do I prevent this from happening. I can't help having yellow fever, I've been attracted to asians since highschool and I find white women to be gross