Finland is gonna cancel summer because of corona

>Finland is gonna cancel summer because of corona

Fuuuuuck. Isn't corona already over in everywhere, like even Wuhan?
I wanna get back to NORMAL.
No fuckin way I'm going back to work like a nice little wageslave after summer if they cancel all my anime conventions.

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>"this is the year I'll start going out and talking to girls"

>corona happens

what do yous mean cancel summer

I'm starting to believe corona is made up.

How the fuck can an epidemic last for months and months?
Normal flu peaks in two weeks or so and then just disappears.
Someone benefits from making us believe that corona is some magical virus that lasts all year, everyone is unknowingly carrying it, and no one recovers from it.

> what do yous mean cancel summer

Every event cancelled, lockdown extended till fall.
All you can do is go to a grocery store for 6 months.


Guys Finland is gonna shut off the sun because they canceled Summer!

Aren't you guys in charge of the North Pole or something?
Tell Santa to work his magic

I unironically believe someone is using this to crash the economy and buy the entire west when its value has been lowered enough.

Well its obvious ((they)) did this

>the value of every company, stock, bank, country etc. is down like 40%

Gee I wonder if there's someone with a lot of money who could snatch power in a situation like this

There's nothing you can do about it, goy. The world WILL belong to us. You WILL be a slave. You WILL be branded like the filthy goy cattle you are. This is what G-d wants.

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My mom and sis got it. She said it's not even that bad. Just a cough here and there not even as bad as the flu. Imagine halting your country over this

>not even as bad as the flu. Imagine halting your country over this

This is exactly what I'm thinking about.

I have to stop my entire life for a year just for this.

Israel is getting fucked because jews can't stop congregating in large groups for jewish rituals and shit

Wow user your single anecdote has really convinced me. You should become a lawyer, I'm sure the judge will appreciate your stories anout your mom and sister and bd convinced just like me.

There's no cure to the novel corona virus just like how there is no cure for the common cold, the virus is instructed to create a new corona sheath after every infection and there are currently over 2400 strains of it.
Some of those strains are capable of causing brain tissue necrosis and attacking the central nervous system, some strains are airborne.

I don't fucking care, it's nothing.

I was supposed to get a gf this year.

>who cares if thousands of people are dying, I gotta get my dick wet!

2k grannies will die. 200k young men will contract severe depression and will be unable to function normally in society after this.

Wake up to the real issues in corona. 90-year-olds dying is not a tragedy, it's nature.

"All the other years i've failed, but this year specifically was going to be the one"

Sounds like you guys are once again making excuses and blaming other shit
Personally I'm happy there are less people in the streets and subways, and the economic crash is for the best. Even if someone buys all the stocks, people will be pissed and we'll go into anarchy.

At the very least I'm hoping for a hard reset. Fuck going back to normal

>Contract severe depression because they have to sit inside with the internet at their fingertips
Fuck outta here. They're even weaker than us in that case, introverts who have to go to work and do all this stupid shit literally any other period of time except a lockdown.

Oh user you can still get a girlfriend this year. Dont despair so badly.

It's not only old people that are dying of corona.

If you are upset about Corona you are a filthy normie.

>young people will be unable to function in society if they have to sit at home for a few months
>with all the instant entertainment and dozens of way to stay connected with others
Truly the end times. ;)

Uhh you do realize the "instant entertainment" and its addictiveness is literally what makes people mentally ill?
Fucks up your reward system and dopamine flow.

>you'll stay virgin an extra year just because of some stupid flu

>after this you have to look for older girls because you got older too

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Fucking normies, its one fucking summer and you guys are already crying about this shit. I sincerely hope it will be 5 ruined summers complained about that inane shit. Get a thai hooker on the internet and have some fucking lizards and neons in your sauna. Then proceed to enjoy your vacation summer sauna mao Cambodia 2020 with sniffing coke from her ass.

Not any of the posters above, but I went on 3-4 dates last summer.

At least we'll look less bad in comparison when people finally start going outside again

Fuck you normie it's been 8 years since my date

and I'm probably hotter than you

I've been gaming chicks on tinder and never realized how easy it would be to get a gf.

I need this shit to end. It isnt even that bad