if any of your posts aren't womfy you're getitng decked edition
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Based comfy womfy OP, I'm hoping to see a 30% reduction in seething today lads.
Morning lids, just got up. Just in time for a new thready weady as well waheyy.
Fuckin hell helper, you're up early mate
Dog shit will save us all.
Fuck sake I missed the new thread again
Aha sorry are kid, it keeps happening to me as well. Guess coz were all posting so much now we can recognise each other.
We dont have an especially good collection tbqh but we have shit like guess who/GoT board game etc. Planning on ordering pandemic though. Keep tryna find a decent copy of battleships but theyre either shit rip offs or way the fuck too expensive. Will look in to the ones you mentioned too.
Only been teaching her the last few days but shes taking to it quite well. Nah no theory or owt, I never learned theory or how to read music just taught myself. We just got a metronome so am thinking that should help her learn timing and whatnot.
Its fucking grim up where I am weather wise no yard time for us today
Ha, that isn't what you intentionally implied though. I'll give you credit for your ability to damage control effectively
That man has a "nubs" face
clearly photoshopped. i can tell by the pixels.
Perhaps we should start a volunteer seethe police force, anyone found in violation has to spend 24 hours sucking poleys knob
Haha didn't you do that yesterday as well? Or some other user did. I've been chatting shite on here a lot.
Me and my mates all pool our cash and get a new game a month, store it at my mates house who's central to all of us. the GoT board game is absolutely amazing, It gets pretty heated with a lot of players though. I usually fuck people over to win, that's why you play. To win. Gloomhaven is a great adventuring game if you like fantasy, Dauntless is a super WW2 card/board game with fun RNG. Champions of Midgard is a fun one that can be done with two players as well.
Ah fair enough lad, if you learned through tab and everything like that then it's well worth diving into some theory videos on youtube, it'll cement all the knowledge you have. Once you understand the basics a whole world of songwriting opens up!
Ok lads, I posted at the end of last thread but no replies. Any obvious ways you lot know to tell if ppl are upset with you? No wrong answers or opinions, just know I can count on the lads to give me uncensored honest feedback. Cheers for any help
I find that I just assume people are upset with me or dissapointed in me based on how I feel, some days when I'm happy I think everyone is my friend. Sometimes I get paranoid and think everyone hates me, it fluctuates.
lly fuck people over to win, that's why you play. To win. Gloomhaven is a great adventuring game if you like fantasy, Dauntless is a super WW2 card/board game with fun RNG. Champions of Midgard
Yep it was me, I always miss the new bloody thread. Me too, probably spending about 10 hours a day on here atm. Tbqh though aside from the seethers I actually really like it here chatting shit with you lot.
They all sound like fantastic games lad excited to buy one of them.
You are right I really should start to learn the theory, I would love to start song writing but lack the skills and confidence. Maybe ill come up with a /britfeel/ tune haha
why are you quoting me?
Ha! You should get the Yas Forums X extension lad, makes browsing and posting so much easier. I'm idling on here most of the day as well, you on leave/furlough/out of work because of lockdown? or NEET?
They're great fun. I'm more into TRPGs at the moment and gloomhaven is a nice mix of RPG and Board Game.
I started with blues theory, it's piss easy! Call & Respond, basic scales and chords that link up with pop music but still sound cool. Can't rec any youtube to you though as my mate taught me. Used to swap bags of weed for lessons, but I was a long younger then.
I have a good bit of production kit sitting around, let me know if you make a jingle I'll add something funky.
Hm true man I hope it's nothing and just all the tension caused by covid, thanks
Lolwut? You telling me not to care and fuck em all over lad? I suppose I could but it'd probably end in my exit from the business
Time for my second massive shit of the morning lads! Had sweet corn a few days ago and still shitting it out
Went to bed early last night as I was knackered. It's kind of nice having a daylid sleep pattern again, just need to find something to do with the time now.
I should really but am phone posting half the time. On furlough atm and loving it desu, was gonna leave my job anyway due to some shit that happened so in a very selfish way the timing couldnt have been more perfect. How about yourself?
Fuckin sweet m8 will start looking for videos. Will do man cheers
Thank fuck we stayed out of Vietnam lads. Holy shit the Americans are dogs from hell. It makes me so angry.
Coof up the jam
Coof it up
While your feet are stomping
And the jam is Coofing
Look ahead: the crowd is coofin'
Coof it up a little more
Get the party goin' on the dance floor
See? 'Coz that's where the party's at
And you'll find out, if you have a clap
I want
A place to clap
Get your booty on the floor, tonight
Ehnn Haitch Esss
Ehnn Haitch Esss
Ehnn Haitch Esss
I usually know who I'm talking to in /britfeel/, I like to think of myself as something of a criminal profiler.
so do you know who i am lad? havent posted itt until now
might get back into the sims 4 and have a wee little filthy coomer phase
or a womfy house building phase
*walks into the thread wearing a dressing gown*
greet the dawn brothers
You're that druggie that once stuck two fingers up your arse and licked it in the back seat of your mums car.
Happy caturday lids (which is upside down for some reason, oh well)
it is only 43 days until my tranniversary my friend
absolutely not m8 ive never put my fingers up my arse
My cat is very outdoorsy. I rarely see him during spring/summer.
running out of toilet paper lads have to go to the office to get some more
hamateuthegh when the angles cry
I'm not sure mate. Sometimes I feel like I'll never die and just continue to live in eternal suffering lol
Any of you lads *over* 6ft 3'' in height?
If so I was wondering if you used a standard length bed (190cm). I'm converting a van into a camper and the bed might end up being slightly shorter than my height. No idea if this will be an issue. Hmmmmmmm.
>Royal Mail park their van outside my house at 8:30AM
>Don't deliver until 1:00PM
what the fuck are they doing
Just did a really massive shit lads. Proper full length colon cleanse.
I'm 6'4" and if I lay down in bed my feet juuust about go over the bottom. But that's if I lie completely straight with no pillows or anything which no one does.
It's not a problem because I don't sleep like a vampire, I normally curl my legs up to keep warm or sleep in a fetal position like everyone else does.
just sleep at a slight angle
Looks right dodgy don't it
Is that sally road in Pinner lad?
Not over that height but I'm very lazy. I've been sleeping on my couch which is a fold out double futon. Thing is I sleep in it sideways as a couch since there's no arms and CBA unfolding. As such my legs hang off the end when fully out stretched. Alot of the time I sleep curled up so it's fine but I like to stretch the legs to brake it up. You may not be able to do this in a van. Also it fucks your back a bit which is probly already fukt if you over 6 foot. Been doin this a while. Occasionally I go sleep in my bed. Hope this helps matey
It might be a goer in that case.
The bed's the most important part so I don't want to compromise.
I believe it is, if only we could have true confirmation
looks kinda like that MSV chicken place, they used to have a big red shutter, wonder if it is la
Love this tune fellas. Love songs like this
Should start doing some creative bits helper lad, get outside yer own head and get creative, it does wonders for cognition and you'll be more satisfied with life
Ah fair enough, I had to phonepost the BBQ stuff yesterday and hated it! All my mates are on furlough but I'm still chugging along, it's shite. Contract is up soon though, and I can get bank work until this all blows over (will pay fuck all tax on that)
Pentatonics are your friend! They sound cool and very in complexity nicely. Have a good day fren.
Better not recognise my posts, ever again.
Fuckin hell mate I caught a bit of ballsack there, put some boxers on underneath that.
Got really bad yellow fever recently but don't want to race mix :/
Just shaved the dome lads, looks pretty smart.
A lad I know started a YouTube channel yesterday.
I know hes had a shit time recently and he just wants something to do. He would be chuffed to bits if he got a few views on his video. Go on its only a minute long.
Been washing the fuck out of my hands but decided i need to catch the virus for life to progress so i've relaxed my hand washing regime. Think i've already had it anyway.
just had a dream last night taht I was at my own wedding getting married to a blonde woman called claudia who doesn't exist and have never even imagined before.
Seems alright, smashed subscribe so he can have a nice little dopamine rush.
That you Zeus? Not been glassing yourself again I hope?
Been contemplating whether to buzzcut or let my hair grow out. Never shaved head before so am curious to see how it looks. What do bitches prefer lol
I also struggle with the yellow dilemma, it's a difficult path to tread either way lad.
dont forget to like and subscribe and then dislike and unsubscribe later in the day guys to crush his emoootions
Haha he probably just came in his pants. Thank you
Na it's not
No clue, I'm not showing anyone mine it's just so It doesn't get messy whilst the barbers are closed. I'll send a pic to a grill I'm friends with and report back if you want though.
No worries, could be interesting to see how his channel grows desu. Might even ding the bell if his uploads are good.
Scuse me lad but your dangerously close to being unwomfy, sort it or abort it