What's the longest you ever gone without eating? Do you fast or follow any diets...

What's the longest you ever gone without eating? Do you fast or follow any diets. I'm gonna start eating only once a day for at least two months and want to get to about 65kg. Currently 85kg. If this doesn't shed my weight I'm going full Aushwitz.

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around 2 and a half days. and you'd better be doing some exercise as well with that user

I don't think I've ever went a day without eating. If i have I must've been in a place with bad food or I was taking adderall too often and it took away my appetite.

Probably about 8 hours
>tfw fatbot

62 hours dry fasting
The problem with fasting is boredom.
What got me fat in the first place was eating when I'm bored

I went 2 weeks without eating. Hurt for the first 4 days but by the 5th there was no pain or aching at all, just was tired. Starving yourself would be fucking easy. I wasn't starving myself, I was just curious how my body would react. Didn't lose any weight but I weigh 120 lbs so i'm used to eating nothing.

5 days, give or take a few hours.

i was just too depressed to eat.

i lost a lot of weight over 5 days because i had a physical job, but by the 3rd day, I didn't feel hungry.

however apparently it really fucked with my kidney function, which i was prone to anyways because im 100% ashkenazi jew and every member of my family on both sides has kidney issues or outright kidney failure.

Four days. I got a stomach bug and stopped eating to stop vomiting.
Having such little energy was very peaceful.

I too would like to get to 65kg from my 86kg. Thing is - I detest working out. I stopped eating junk food and started eating more homemade food. Problems are my portions - I must have pretty big stomach and I always eat alot to fill it up. If I eat smaller portions I get hungry real fast. What do?

Fasted for 5 days straight (water only). Felt like shit the entire time.
Gonna try again, but with snake juice this time. Lets see how it goes.

>If I eat smaller portions I get hungry real fast.
Deal with it. That's literally it. It'll hurt for a bit but you have to toughen through it. Your stomach will shrink up and get used to you eating a small amount of food. Your stomach is only big because you've made it that way.

>Fasted for 5 days straight
The 5th day is when it starts to get better.

I used to be a skelly boy but now I have a fat gut, Im thinking of fasting for a week or so.

I went like 6 days no food when I was in a psych ward. Currently doing one meal a day, just eating like 1500 calories at 9pm every day for the past few weeks. I put on 50lbs last year from drinking heavily like 5 times a week and stopped gaining weight the past few months, but only been serious about losing weight the past few weeks

I've done different kinds of fasting over the past few years. Doing plain 16 / 8 intermittent fasting worked very well for me and was incredibly easy, but I've gained a little more discipline and control over it so going 24 hours without food isn't much of a problem but, I really don't like going to sleep without having had something to eat that day

One meal a day isn't that tough, just drinks tons of water and have some black coffees / different plain teas during the fast, I'd also recommend gum (but don't chew on new pieces, just chew the flavor out of some gum after you've eaten your daily meal and chew that same piece the next day)

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damn son, I had some terrible stomach bug like that before too...even if I took a tiny sip of water, it turned my insides into this painful cement sensation...not eating was fine and all but not even being able to take a sip of water more than once every hour or so was such a shitty feeling. It just came out of nowhere too when I got it, was feeling great all day then come night time my stomach just stopped accepting anything - lasted 4 or 5 days

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2 days, and ate on the 3rd. That was back when i smoked weed, for some reason it had a tendency to completely kill my motivation to eat food. kind of weird considering it seems to compel most people to do the opposite

Dieting like that will only result in you gaining all that weight back and probably more when you stop, it fucks your metabolism. I know from experience. Just eat less overall unless you really feel like you can keep this anorexia scheme going for the rest of your life.

4 days I think, it's much easier if you're already on a ketogenic diet.

two days as a form of self harm. i have low blood pressure and am already disgustingly thin so i could barely stand without fainting.

why do you want to not eat? how tall are you?

117 Days
I was in a coma
Got hit by a car
Woke up and was sleepy

I went a week and a half once. I get massive depression and lose the ability to feel hungry or hunger pain.

Six days snake juice fasting. I felt OK most of the time. The boredom is the hardest part.

I've fasted for a day numerous times. Longest I've gone is prob 30-36 hrs.

a little less than 2 months. great mental rush knowing i was dropping off the weight so quickly but i could barely stand up. i only drank water

Water fasted for 26 days, I was forced to eat, ama

was a cock forced down your throat and you had to stomach the semen?

most days I only eat one meal right before I go to sleep
mainly because I like to drink when I eat
gained a lot of weight since I started doing that

6 days was the longest I went without food.
pic related is me at 6'1" and 113 lbs

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lol pathetic, i can beat the shit out of you as a manlet, does it hurt knowing that?

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i'm sorry for your struggle user, the camps were truly hell on earth

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oh please oh please be a girl please be a girl please be a girl

I myself survived over 6 billion days in the gas chamber!

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thats not healthy user. youre killing your body

lmfao those hips time to transition bitch boy

21 days. I lost 13kg/28lbs, but about 3.5kg/8lbs was water weight. So I lost roughly 0.5kg/1lb per day which is 3500 calories which is exactly the TDEE you would expect for a man like myself.
I've been lifting weights since 2008 and first learned about intermittent fasting in 2010 and then tried my first extended fast in 2011. I have done week long fasts literally 20+ times.
I usually train very hard and perma-bulk most of the time, and then I just fast a week whenever I feel I'm too fat and/or need to rest. It's honestly fucking great and I fully recommend it.

9 days with nothing but black coffee, cigars and bourbon.

If you cant no calories fast, just juice fast.

i think bourbon has calories m8, quite a few actually

>tfw health issues

i just recently developed high pitched tinnitus, that buzzing in the ears thing and cant do to a doc because everything is nailed down due to corona. constant 24/7 buzz, drives me insane, made me lose a couple of kilos. fuck.

i just wanna be healthy again

your gut got expanded too much. that feeling of hunger is due to this. keep eating smaller portions and your gut will shrink a little bit. not kidding, this is how i did it.
also, no large meals at evening

Aw that is real sad! May I ask why? I am shorter and weigh more than you and i have always been insecure about my weight. interested in the other side

I ate 400 calories a day for two months and lost 40lb. Also gave myself hypogondism. I don't recommend it.

don't worry I'm gaining weight. I'm 125 lbs now!

I thought about it when i was a kid in highschool and eventually decided against it. Why would I want to be a 6'1" hon? That's no fun.
plus I don't like men and it would be really hard to find a girlfriend once I turned into a tranny. I eventually decided against transitioning.

pic related is me anyways though

Some sort of stomach bug I guess. Threw up when I tried to ate so I just eventually stopped eating all together and instead just drank water and took a vitamin since I didn't want any deficiencies

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It does, but that's when you drink enough to puke it all back up.

Holy shit how didnt you just pass out?
DO u drink something at least?

mine is nothing really compared to other anons itt. and yea i drank water

> Longest i've ever gone without eating anything
Was like 1 day and like 4 hour. Was drinking a shit ton of water tho.
However I usually eat like 1 meal per day during this quarantine. But normally I would eat 2 times per day.
Height- 5,9 Weight, 50kg


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Whats dry fasting?

No food no water

tinnitus usually isn't serious... worrying about it makes it worse. just try and relax and not worry about it, its just hearing damage. i have it too, sometimes it's very loud. i have it right now.

Anymore pics? I want to see more of your body desu

My sister went full blown manic and lost 15 kg's in 3 weeks. Not a crumb to eat just water

aww i feel ya. i've never gone over 60 kg due to some weird illness that isn't bad enough to seek medical care for. i still think you are very cute and wish you luck!

Probably 24 hours or so. I can easily go until 3PM before I think about eating.

48hrs once, 24 hours a couple dozen times... the headaches always stop me
I try to do 16/8 or 18/6, but lately havent been doing so well.... as previously mentioned, black coffee is your friend.
good luck user

probably a day, when im enjoying myself i often forget to eat. im trying to gain weight right now so i drink protein shakes and eat 4 meals every day

I've been going with 16/8 fasting for the last week, slowly shaving off an hour more every day to finally go OMAD. I'm disgusting skinnyfat and want to lose my bitch handles

>tfw i cant hold myself to my promises of not eating
anyone want to help force me to do it or keep me in check? i know it sounds dumb but i cant do anything for myself only for others

Longest I ever went without eating is about three days when I was sick

It wasn't that bad because I don't eat much now anyway
Used to be 65kg now down to 49kg but I'll probably aim for lower

Do you drink nothing but water?

1 day and a half

Yes. nothing but water. Although in theory you can drink anything as long as it doesn't have any calories, so for example black coffee is fine.

15 days
just because I know I am capable of doing so

>I'm gonna start eating only once a day
I already do it everyday for several years. But I eat a lot during that one meal.
Personally, the longest time without eating I had was 5 days.
I often do 3 days fast (before going to an all you can eat buffet) but I follow a strict method to not have my stomach small.
The 5 day fast was due to a particularly big binge I've done. Was digesting for three days and wasn't hungry 2 days after