So this is how the single white mother is created. It's almost like the memes write themselves

So this is how the single white mother is created. It's almost like the memes write themselves.

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>has a kid with another woman
>Thinking he won't immediately leave like he did before



Obviously her family's fault for being racist.

I just messaged her to abort it and she sent me a reply saying that all of her family and friends have told her this and shes deciding not to keep it

Post screenshot or fake and gay.

Note for all anons. These are the results you get when you restrain yourself from chimping our and calling her a coalburner

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Alright cool, now go back you fucking faggot

White women burning the coal and niggers wanting to kill their babies so they don't have to support it. Classic.

thanks user u did a good thing, n ur 100% right too


This pretty much. Having a kid he already doesn't take care of is the biggest fucking redflag. Just try to get men like that to an hero. Why even touch them? Just try to influence them to commit suicide is what I would do. Race doesn't matter here.

White women always managing to fuck up life on the easiest mode possible.

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>Race doesn't matter here.
Except almost every nigger does this.

>Acting like you solved anything.
She's still been blacked and she's still used up.

Yea I doubt that but don't have any statistics to back it up. Regardless of race men who don't stick around for their babies should be influenced by women to commit suicide. I have more respect for incels who never have a fucking chance at reproducing. They still have more to offer as humans than men like that.

every time a woman goes on the internet to ask for advice, she doesn't really want advice, but rather affirmation for the decision that she has already made in her mind

how the fuck is a 21 year old nigger (in a mostly-white country, I'm sure agrarian parts of Africa are very different) supposed to make enough money to support a kid?

That's why in order to manipulate someone you have to agree with them and validate them for a million years before trying to alter what they are thinking. Obviously. That's why the dude at the start of the thread said you get better results if you don't tell at them racist & sexist remarks right off the bat.

Males are pretty retarded for not realizing this. Its basic psychology but men still fail at even that.

you should've worn the condom tyrone

It's not only on the internet, lol

She's still a coalburner who thought it was a good idea to fuck a nigger bareback with no job and a 2 year old he previously walked out on, she's already beyond help

redpill her and tell her not to get with black guys again as BMWF relationships have the highest rate of divorce

What a shitty and unreliable way to manipulate someone. You're a fucking retard.

Black guys are based. Why cant white guys learn how to do this

>Race doesn't matter here

are you fucking kidding me

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Jesus fuck, bitches like this need their mutt children around so no one touches them.

He should have, but abortion here seems like making the best of a bad situation

There's plenty of white father's who should commit suicide or die painfully of covid. So yes. Race isn't a factor.

This very obviously did not happen, as much as you want to believe it did.

It's not that men are bad at manipulation. It's more that manipulation is evil and people that brag about being able to manipulate others are going to hell.

Yea cos manipulating that girl to get an abortion would be so bad for her??? Lmao. How evil. So long as your intentions are good and you don't scream slurs at her I don't see a problem here. Saves her the disgrace of being posted on r/ where have all the good men gone. You can manipulate someone for good.

77% of black kids are fatherless
yes niggers really do this, have you ever met one? I worked at a moving company where there was me a white kid and like a dozen black guys, all but one had a baby momma, one had THREE, and a few had between 1 and 2 baby mommas. They'd bring it up while complaining that their wages were getting garnished for child support. One time while looking at my paycheck I said "damn wtf" because it was lower than I thought and my coworker looked at me and said "how much the state take outcho check?" (he thought I must have had child support to pay)
It really DO be like that, these people unironically will complain about how having no father fucked their childhood up so much but they wont dare support their kids voluntarily
Oh and not to mention the domestic abuse shit they do, and I dont even think hitting a woman once is some grave mortal sin or anything but black dudes will pound the shit out of their gfs as if they were fighting a dude, fucking crazy asses

yeah just purely based on the dude freaking tf out over it and also having another baby mama, and I'm against abortion cuz fuck foids, but this bitch doesnt know what shes getting in to, I mean shes dating a black guy so shes probably already a little retarded so imagine adding some half black kid to the mix. Probably dating a black dude to stick it to her dad or something. Black father is the same as no father cuz they're not gonna stick around and not gonna pay child support, and shit at some point they might come to your house and kill the both of you just so they dont have to keep paying
Recipe for disaster

People on reddit make alt accounts so if they post a story or whatever incriminating/embarassing/personal it doesnt show up on their main account
Could be fake story but the username thing is irrelevant

>user looks at group of ten white absent fathers and a hundred black absentee fathers
>"Wow, it's literally the same thing"

>he does not have a job
Fucking lol. Guess stereotypes exist for a reason

Cant wait til reddit finds out about this: racist 4channers convince pregnant redditor to abort her mixed race babby

How do you feel knowing you're responsible for a baby's death user?

I'm starting to there's some sort of white guilt involved, lol.
>aborting mixed baby
> would probably abort baby if she had white boyfriend

Did you recommend ending the relationship too?

I would recommend ending both parents lives

This whole thread has me in tears. Topkek

proud and happy why

>guy inpregantes girl
>guy doesn't want to take responsibility
>some how it's women fault and not the guys.
Never change Yas Forums

No reason it would just weigh on me. Knowing that I'd indirectly killed a person.

if it can't fucking survive outside the womb, it's morally acceptable to abort.

gtfo namefag

>I thought there was no way

Do pussyniggers even think?

The only reasons you should abort is if the woman got raped or if the woman could die by giving birth. You gtfo pro-murderer

>>guy doesn't want to take responsibility
always the case. in fact abortion benefits men far more than a woman

retard, what if they can't even afford to properly care for the child? what's it mean to do? starve to death or die of a medical condition because the parent(s) can't pay for the fucking treatment?

I'm not arguing anything I'm just saying it would feel weird knowing I'd killed someone. Really strange to think about. A life with infinite possibilities ended because of a private message you sent on reddit.

adoption retard
not that I think she shouldnt get an abortion but come on

Abstinence or condoms are options if you manage to make her pregnant you should take responsabilities or at least put the child in adoption doing sex without the purpose of creating life is retarded and degenerate

is there something wrong with murder user?
this was a mutt that would've been born stuck between two cultural backgrounds their entire life, inheriting neither, belonging nowhere, loyalty to nothing but the state, mentally fucked up from being raised by a single mother, just another potential robot in the end
better off dead than alive, sure wish my mom had aborted me

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stop pretending abortion is some morally good choice
it's not
foids and libs literally had to redefine the concept of life to make it not murder and rationalize it into "muh clump of cells"
people can get abortions but they shouldnt pretend it's anything other than murder. you are performing an immoral action to save yourself a whole lot of work. women get abortions bc they dont want to give up their free time and money and 20s lifestyle and the ability to whore around

in the animal kingdom some mammals and birds eat their young during times of drought and starvation. I basically see it like that

Next time dont breed interracially you fucking idiot

tell that to my parents faggot

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who the fuck starves to death in america?
as for medical care, there is no chance the baby would literally die unless it was completely unfixable, anyone can get treatment at a hospital no matter what, the parents would just be in a lot of debt if they didnt have insurance. But no parent is going to literally let their baby die over some medical bills, even if they're fucked up meth heads or something, they would get charged with neglect and manslaughter of a new born which would land them in just as much legal debt as medical treatment, if not more, plus jail time and bail bonds etc

Unironically fucking kill your parents and then hang yourself

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>is there something wrong with murder user?
This is a fair question in a nation that lacks God at its heart

Be the one to change this do not do the same mistake as your parents. Well if you are able to anyway.

>all this abortion moralfagging