1. your gender

1. your gender
2. do you let him in?


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>do I let my self in

>do you let him in
No, I won't let either in

Yes I always was the one helping the lone kid that no one really liked and basically told anyone that would try to bully to shut the fuck up. Not really a normie but I can pass as one so I don't really have problems even doing this.

> I let him in but whisper to his ear that he needs to be completly quite because he fucks everything up for him and myself if he does anything not normal.

>do you let him in
Yes, it's just the decent thing to do. Plus I'd rather not die in a school shooting.

>letting in apu? anytime

>1. your gender
>2. do you let him in?
Depend on him. If he has a good hygiene and don't talk during the movie, yes.
I mean, we're just all watching a movie, one more lad wouldn't change a thing.
But I admit I would be creeped out on how he knew my address like that.

But I'm like I'm pretty social and have friends varying from the basement tabletop rpg players to the normies dwelling in popular clubs and boat parties. I don't hide myself and will never do. If I helped that lad enough to have him consider me as a friend would mean I decided to take him under my wings.

>eww gross no

Yes, without hesitation.

I dislike any sort of social gathering that include more than me and one person.
So i would only let person who brings greatest amount of quality and quanity food.
Also i don't care much about my social life but i don't things for people out of pity.

In short :
>Yes and kick others

I also feel like I have to guide/help the guy.

Yeah, I let him in no problem and try to get him to get involved with the party and help him out if he fucks anything up or gets awkward. I used to do things like that in real life, and so that's why I'm a KHV today.

25, male
>let him in?
Hahaha of course not. Fuck no. What do I care about some loser faggot?

We would make good fathers I guess, lad.
Whenever I see a weak guy, I just can't help but try to nurture him into a good man.
Sometimes it works, sometimes the guy get discouraged and ghost me.
I just want to have kids damnit and help them grow into fine men. Or women for my small lasses.

>do you let him in?
I tell everybody to go home. If they wanted to watch a movie, they can do so at home.

Don't worry I promise we'll make it my friend.

Try to lie to him and tell him the plans were cancelled and that Im grounded. If he falls for ot no damage done. If it doesnt work I apologize like hell the next day. If I take over the group Ill indoctrinate autist bro. I can't do nothing for us as an autist weeaboo

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>Try to lie to him
do you really want to break his mom's heart by sending him back home with the pizza and all?

>do you let him in
Hell yeah I let him in, fuck the ''cool'' kids or whatever. I don't care if I get bullied because of this.
I'd also apologize for not inviting him in the first place and tell him that I don't know what got into me. After that I'd invite him over more and more so we could build on our relationship and become best friends.

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>I'd also apologize for not inviting him in the first place and tell him that I don't know what got into me. After that I'd invite him over more and more so we could build on our relationship and become best friends.

>of course I would
It would be unbelievably rude to turn away such a courteous guest, especially when all you are doing is watching a movie

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I'm not letting you in though.

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>I'm not letting you in though.

First of all I would invite him earlier

>inb4 cringe

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>>inb4 cringe

Heh, cringe? You're missing out on homemade pastries by the one and only me. We'll be feasting on pizza, pastries and drinking our sodie pops while you're alone out there, calling us cringe.

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>using cringe unironically
lmao go with the "cool dudes" and after 2 years see the outcome

i-i c-can be youw fwiend, user .. uwu

I'm pretty sure if I were to let him in and just tell the other guys that I didn't want to be mean and its a one time thing that they'd understand. I mean, people kill themselves over stuff like this. If I made them aware of that they'd put up with it for the one time I'm sure.

>lmao go with the "cool dudes" and after 2 years see the outcome

Yes, I would never be able to live with myself afterwards if I said no


Actually did something a bit like this at uni two years back. We had a course where there was a guy with bad speech impediment and a bum leg, so he had trouble speaking and kinda dragged his right leg when he walked. When we had to form groups for a project, he was kinda left hanging, so we asked of he would join our group. Later he said that he was going to just straight up ask the teacher if could do the work alone, as he was used to it. Felt bad for the dude.

I hate this because I'm in a similar situation. The guy isn't as hopeless as the one described by OP but he considers us best friends while I try to keep him away from the other people I know. I only ever meet him 1on1. If he showed up at my door like this I would die inside. So my answer would have to be...

>yes let him in because I don't have the heart to send him away, then sit there and hate myself for being such a softie and always attracting these people like some sort of one-eyed king

>implying high school me wanted to go to the "cool" parties.


But I'd tell him to play it cool.

Though I have been that guy at the door several times and haven't gotten in.

Depends how old I am
I'd always let him in but my game plan once he's inside differs the older I get.
I'm pretty charismatic so it wouldn't be too much of a problem but I can imagine everyone would have more fun than me, simply because I am automatically now on damage control mode

>do you let him in
yeah just tell him to don't sperg out also it aint that hard to find ppl to party even if its not with the "cool kids"

you niggas retarded? If you're that focussed on social status, here's what you do.
>"oh hey man! I was gonna surprise you, me n you are gonna have a sleep over together in a few days. we'll chill and play vidya, and I'll buy us a pizza to make up for that one. I think it'd be chiller being just me and you"
>Sperg will not realise how gay this sounds (hope to fuck cool dudes don't hear)
>Sperg will be upset, but he'll trust you or at least go away
>Never ask MILF Mommy for sleepover
>If he asks, say your mom won't let you have another
>from her either:
>no sleepover at all, he's still your friend but he trusts you less, so you have more time to spend with your booze chads
>or he ends up letting you sleep at his. begrudgingly accept, because whilst chilling with the sperg will be awkward as shit his mom's gonna fuckin love you because you're his first friend.


Decent plan, for some reason though I'm pretty sure if I tried that as soon as he got home he'd tell his mom and his mom would call my mom and try to make arrangements ahead of time for picking him up and shit
I just try to be more direct (not completely, I'm still a partially shit human) with people about crap like this
Thank God I'm not a teenager anymore

fuck being friends with cool kids. After I started secondary school (High school for americans, I think?) I was decently popular, but it was such a chore. Nobody felt like they were really your friend, everyone was just trying to keep up appearances to each other and never let loose. Evantually I got sat next to a nerdy kid one lesson who asked if I had a 360 and Halo, so I played with them that night.
Hands down, much more fun than hanging out with the popular kids. Everyone was just having a good time and not juding eachother over every little thing.

nah I dont think so anone

Of course, yeah, though it's kinda hard to imagine I'd be friends with the "cool kids" in the first place. They weren't really fond of me in school.

Ya see, if it's a sleepover mommy's presumably either going out or has some of her friends over or the other kids mother's, so it's unlikely she's gonna check her phone or be particularly fucked about making plans rn.
Also, I'd never do a fucking thing like this because it's fucked up. I'd just say, he's chill, I like him and if you don't leave because being honest and respecting your real friends is far better than ascending some bullshit temporary social hierarchy.

As long as you aren't a complete stuttering fuckwit and can tell a lie quickly and with a straight face it's very easy to pull that off. even if the dude doesn't believe it he's not got enough evidence to prove it and he's not going to stop being friends with you, you're all his sad ass has got.

>depends, is he normie or do i not know anything about him. its always nice to have a comfy autismo friend to watch a movie with so ofc ill let him in.

>let him in
yes! and get him socks

>yes, let him in

The only way he could ruin it is if he goes full autismo and does something stupid like shitting in front of us or attack someone.
I dont care about social status. If those "friends" ignore me afterwards, there was never any friendship to begin with

In fact, I'd try to rause his social status by announcing something like "Hey guys this cool bastard just brought pizza for us, lets give him a fuckin cheers"

i'm a girl and too mentally ill to have ever been the group gathering type. but let's say i'm having a "party" regardless, i'd probably kick everyone out and let him in. large crowds are exhausting after awhile and honestly, this kid doesn't seem like he'd be superficial or fickle. he seems like he'd be somebody actually worth connecting with and as long as he was comfortable being alone with me, that's what i'd prefer. i don't need people who are going to be as judgemental and close minded as the others who were originally there. my prerogative isn't to be cool. i want to be a good friend and have a good friend.

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>do you really want to break his mom's heart by sending him back home with the pizza and all?


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when this type of shit happened when I was a kid, I'd always let the sperg come to the party and I would ALWAYS REGRET IT 100%

I learned that less people is always better and carefully excluding people is one of the most important things that you have to do to be successful socially

It may seem cruel but surely the lad would understand. I would play it off saying there was no such party and hopefully sending him on his way with no struggle. Social politics are messy man...

He has pizza, if the other kids hate pizza more than they hate that kid then they can fuck off.

1. male
2. no and I would leave the house as well, because I can't stand school niggers

Well I wouldnt know anything about his mom pushing him to go, so that post is fucked for trying to guilt trip people into letting him in.
I would straight up tell him he wasnt invited because the other kids would be mean to him if he was. Then I would tell him he was welcome to come in and to not be surprised if everybody else shits on him.

1. why does gender matter
2. certainly. I wouldn't be watching the movie with the cool kids in the first place desu. I wish I could make friends who are nerds, but never got the chance. Booze tastes gross anyways, and one quality dorky friend >>> a dozen fake but "popular" friends.

>t. Chad
You coo, man. I like you.

and yes but sneak him upstairs to my pc and let him play and he will still probably see nothing wrong with it because he is autistic

Fuck man
I was this kid
I remember my only friend in middle school telling me to fuck off because I was bothering him too much
In first grade my mom forced me to go to this girl's birthday
I was the only guy there and definitely wasn't welcomed
My yearbook was full of phone numbers of kids because my birthday was in the summer and wanted to see if I could invite them to my birthday party which I never got
And here I am at 25
Still live with my parents
No friends no car
No real reason to live other than my mom would probably have to be put in an insane asylum

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>do you let him in
Already dealt with this slightly similar situation, so I definitely would. I don't mind seeing those so-called cool kids fucking off because they're the type of people I easily get annoyed by.

>of course
The cool kids would love to get the weirdo fucked up and make fun of him without him realizing