Ask the opposite gender: No larpers edition

ITT you state your biological gender and ask questions you wish to know about the opposite biological gender and wait for their reply.

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Do guys generally dislike this kind of a natural dark blonde/mousy brown hair color? I'm just thinking of dying it to make it more light.

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i don't know about others but i think it's more about what color suits you. i think natural hair colors usually look better than dyed and i like brown more than blonde but that might just be me

Hair color isn't all that important to me. I do prefer natural colors over crazy colors, though. I think women look best with their natural color desu.

natural hair is nice

that being said, you can dye it if you like, just don't shave your head or whatever that looks stupid

>Do guys generally dislike this kind of a natural dark blonde/mousy brown hair color?
Our opinion is irrelevant as we're not the men you're trying to attract.

Do girls mind if im premature?

That's my hair color too
Why would I hate it?
And why do girls hate the hair style they currently have?

Yes obviously

This obviously

no i like that color a lot, its very natural looking

That is probably my favourite hair colour on a girl

Some people have very particular preferences, bordering on the fetishistic, but that's a small portion. Most guys don't notice, I find that all hair colors look pretty good.
Even if someone does prefer very light hair, they're not going to drop a girl they're interested in otherwise because she has darker hair.

How do women feel about acne in 20+ year old men, as in how often do you notice it when someone has it?
I don't have bad cystic acne but I do have around 9 pimples/red spots on my face. Sometimes they're better sometimes they're worse but it's never completely clear.
Makes me feel like a teenager and that people take me less seriously because of it. Doesn't help that I have shitty facial hair so I can't cope with a beard.
Is my anxiety justified?

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do femanons smell their own dirty panties

How a male classifies a female as pump and dump, girlfriend and wife material/tier?

I do not care about acne, what is most important is if your face is ugly or pretty. Pimples can be ignored, but your overall looks cannot. This made sense?

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>How a male classifies a female as pump and dump, girlfriend and wife material/tier?

pump and dump are either hot girls that have the personality of a rock, or ugly girls that you can use for a quick fuck
girlfriend and wife material are basically the same thing, they are girls you like spending time with and also attracted to

That makes sense yes, thanks.
As for your question, I suppose it depends in part on what that persons morals are.
Generally though, the more guys a girl has fucked, and the easier it is to fuck her, the less chance there is for her to be considered "wifey material" for most people.
That's not true for everyone of course, but most men do not want to marry party girls.

>pump and dump
Nothing I am interested in
>girlfriend and wife material/tier
I don't see women I don't know very deeply as wife material. Anyone I'm interested in starts out in the girlfriend tier

>the seething faggot who can't fathom valuing virginity made a new thread

Probably more personality than anything
If she's real interested in being popular and partying then she's pump and dump tier
If I can picture her being a good mother then she's wife material which is the only type I'm interested in

How many women have shitty dye jobs?

How do i find a sub boy irl? Do not respond to this post asking for my contact. I just want to know how to spot one of you out in the wild so I can have a cute sub bf

>Already made a thread about this but may as well asking here.

Do femanons really moan during sex?
I could never watch most porn because all the moans they make just sound so obviously fake and forced. It just ends up being cringy an unattractive. I know girls will do it to make the guy feel good and confident. But I can't imagine just fucking without a sound. So what do you femanon do while fucking. Just talk or do you actually make involuntary noises?

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Why are you whores so picky? What is it about you whores that men are supposed to compete for?

i heard they were flattered by it!

male(male(male)) here.

what's a legit pick-up line that would make you accept me as a legit friend and possible boyfriend

do you care if a girl has pot/fat belly but her body is nice and well balanced?

>i could never watch any porn because the moans sound obviously faked and forced

no shit it sounds fake, it IS fake. this is why i watch solo / amateur most of the time.

It would all be in the delivery. Pick up lines are dumb and everyone knows it so if a guy came up and had a really corny delivery that made me laugh then I would like that, but if he tried to be serious or sexy then it would come off as a negative

why do women hate ginger men

I do. Sometimes they smell nice.
I don't hate gingers.

Sub guys typically have very shy personalities so meeting one can be difficult. If you are in college or work try talking to the quiet guy

That actually sounds pretty ideal
A little chub is always appreciated especially if it's well balanced
It's only when a girl is obese that it becomes unattractive

How do I approach these guys? They always get scared and super shy when I try to talk to them, or worse yet standoffish.

no it's fine, i have a gf like that, that said though i'm more troubled about my own bad stuff and female personality - it's worse than men's outside sex especially when it comes down to money or other possessions. You can't change that so yeah both belly or this won't matter to most average/below average men
he will not respond to anything unless you will be aggressive, basically you can't just hook up with him like with a jock by flirting or taking his hand or implying something, you need to be aggressive and clear with what you want.

i turned off a few females like that and painfully waited for a long time before having something actually good and sensual until almost fucking 30
imagine a female having to wait to have a good sex and a good partner in life till 30
doesn't compute

Is PTSD a big deal to you guys? Sorry if it's been asked before.
It's not the biggest deal in the world, but I'd want to try and help you treat it.
I'd have to know you first. Advances from random men would make me anxious irrespective of the content of said approach. I know that's probably not the answer you're looking for, sorry.
I don't.

as long as she is not mentally ill, not a slutty whore, not a legit nigger, I won't care about her body features.
You know, having a 2/10 girl genuinely loving you and sincerely wishing to cuddle with you, is way better than a 10/10 girl who's bored to cuddle

>pot/fat belly
That's the worst body shape. Hourglass > pear > box > apple. I might have sex with her, but it's immediate disqualification for wife or serious girlfriend status because it's a sign of bad genetics.

I realized my gf was a pot/fat belly months later, and only because she dared to sit on my shoulders.
When you feel she's got real feelings for you, you won't care about her body features.

I want my partner to experience optimal pleasure but the majority of men are dicklets and average is inadequate. I dont like the idea of using a dildo or becoming a cuck, do femanons enjoy vaginal fisting?
Dont lie. We all know that you'll never worship an average let alone small dick the way you would a horse hung master like that

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Would guys eventually dump a girl if she constantly was worrying about her appearance? Like thinking she's fat and ugly and expressing it.

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don't really think about hair color a lot but I don't particularly like that one

hmm, if it reached the point where I clearly cannot help you with it and it greatly affects your life then I'd probably tell you to seek prof help
other than that I find insecurities to be normal.

Insecurity about appearance is something most females attest to
Would you leave me if I kept expressing my anxiety over my sexual performance?

If you love someone it hurts a whole lot when your partner is unhappy. It'll wear anyone down eventually

I actually answered this in the previous thread, it mostly depends on the kind of traumatic event you experienced and how it shaped your personality.

as a shy twink, you can usually tell fairly easily
>when he enters the room, does he have an anxious look in his face?
>is he constantly avoiding eye contant?
>do you have to be the one to speak to him?
>does he mumble?
>does he have a nervous kind of laugh?

>pump and dump
hot but very boring personality/not many shared interests
share many interests, my jokes work, she doesn't seem to mind my personality

i'm fine with some of that because i'd like to make her feel better about it, but if it becomes a constant obsession then it just gets annoying

I'm most of these but I am in no way a sub guy

btw you can easily confuse subs with autismos be careful

How do I find a boy who lets me beat him up? I used to train with a guy in kickboxing and beating him was so fun. I want to do something like that again.

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if a girl beat me up id feel so loved

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why not do kickboxing again then

Exactly. It's a very intimate thing.
I still do but none of the guys spar with me.

>Exactly. It's a very intimate thing.
but will you be sweet to me after im all bruised up?

How do I hint at a guy that I want to move further in a relationship?

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you say 'hey I want to advance this relationship'

Hmmm maybe. I dunno.

we don't really get hints, just fucking tell him what you want to do

No moans like you see in porn, those are absolutely fake. I think I make some little noises from time to time especially if something feels intense or hurts a little at first. Mostly I just focus on the sensation and don't pay attention to what it sounds like. Probably mostly our breathing. I'm not into dirty talk.

just tell the guy what u want, it saves a lot of time and trust me none of us understands shit about hints, the worst thing we can think of in a relationship is chad fucking u or u giving hints but we take it literally and it fucks the relationship. give the man a break and cut the fucking hints.

you're crazy in more or less the ideal way. do you have any mental illnesses?