I have an animal fighting addiction
What do ?
I have an animal fighting addiction
Die alone and bitter
I mean realistically just stay away from the bigger animals like dogs and hawks, and you should be fine.
I'm talking about watching
i dont get it, what happened to that little croc? did it go into shock or something? how hard were those nibbles?
damn fuckin brutal. i've never seen a rhino beetle actually use its horn like that. it wasnt fucking around
I'm so proud of that mouse. I was rooting for him the whole time.
Keep posting some of these are kind of cool
Thats not a mouse thats a big fucking rat. No shit it was going to win
bro mice are actually badass
them fuckers can bite into mild steel
This was unfair. The enclosed space totally negated the advantage of flight.
is that blood in the video or just the lighting
>Step 1: dump the fights
>Step 2: ???
This could be some nice entertainment for my nightly browsing
right at the end you can see a little puddle of blood forming where the croc's head is
insects arent capable of strategy
it'd either just fly in a corner and sit it out forever,or it'd charge right into its horn just like that video
Lizard v mouse
I don't give a damn. Whatever it is, wingless bat, minature rhinoceros, mutant horse. It won, and I'm happy it did. Go be a whiny autistic pants-shitter somewhere else.
here you go guys
post the cool ones so we can talk about them here
putting small reptiles against a rat is unfair tho
if the croc was a little bigger he could have pulled it off
How can you not know the difference between mice and rats? Are you mentally handicapped or something?
Beautiful. The beetle executes the hornet with grace and ease. It was nothing but an insect to him.
Fight animals
Here are almost all the bug fights
For rats it's
Lucky I know some chink. I have to go to sleep so I won't be able to extract my favorite moments
There's this video game you should check out OP. It's called Pocket Monsters. You probably haven't heard of it, it's pretty obscure.
post more is what you do
GOD FUCKING DAMN IT I was rooting so hard for the lil gator
fucking dirty rodents
Go to
If not
As I said before after I sleep I will clip my favorite moments
>Fight animal
How is this original
Why are tarantulas so weak bros?
Yeah, rats are vicious creatures.
Sharko vs human
i like how the hornet gets cut in half and then its like "waaaaait a minute"
Rattata used hyper fang on Totodile.
Its super effective.
>dex virgins vs str chads
dude what the fuck how did the rat win
>lizard instantly looses
mammals are severely underrated
made me fucking lol while my roommate is asleep, stop
But can he win against this
>What do ?
Post sauce, obviously.
Already did that
This is disgusting, you pieces of shit. These poor animals are being abused. I thought you looked down on the Chinese for doing this shit.
I love China and I'm learning Chinese
they're just stupid animals you bleeding heart faggot
bet i could kill that faggot ass rat with my barehands
The part where it goes for the eye. Its teeth seemed to have gone behind past the eye and into the brain.
I like watching animal fights but not when they're enclosed like this.
rats can wreck most things around their size
Keep watching animal fight vids and stay based
holy fuck rats are metal as shit taking down prey its own size and its not even a predator animal
holy fuckin shit is that mouse on pcp? since when do they just freak it like that
How are you surprised some giant rat that is 5x the weight of the gecko won?
Based rat, i didn't think it will kill the crocodile.
I love rats, glad he made it. Hopefully he didn't become snake food in the end or something
cant find the full video of this webm
how did the little gator die so easy? he just got bitten on the mouth
also did the rats hand get fucked up?
okay that one is actually based because fuck wasps
Based Kabuto
he should have lived
that's it? i'm betting on
fuck centipedes man
is the dog okay? also why does the deer not give a shit about the cat but just attacks the dog that's minding it's own business?
Good question really
Rats>>every bug though
snakes are really shit tier for there size though too
small snakes get raped by bugs