Write a letter to someone who may or may not read it

Write a letter to someone who may or may not read it.
Include initials for the schizos.

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In the end I never had a chance. I'm okay with still being friends. At least you are still in my life


I did what you said so now what? Or is the idea to make me never listen again?

Dear D
Im sorry but my time in this world might be shorter than expected, although I wish I had the guts to end it a long time ago. I cant grasp on to life anymore, especially when youre dealt shit cards. Theres no reason to be too attached to life, I dont know why Im here, do not care why or if I go either. I am so sorry.
I hope you can fight the struggle for your family, they need you.
Yours truly, K

We talk on the phone for 3 hours and I couldn't be more happy, you talked about the things you worried about, I laughed at stupid jokes, and I could hear your delightful laughter. I'm so glad we're friends. I wish we lived at least at the same country.

Please call me

You're all I think about. For the moment I wake up in the morning till the time I go to bed. It's you, it's you, it's always been you, before I even knew you. All I do is wait for you to reply to my texts and everytime I see a notification from you I can't stop smiling, I wish you would call me more. I fucking need you, so desperately. Don't fucking leave me, you fucking manipulative bitch

I forgot to sign it


I know she'll never read these; I don't care

I have so much on my mind, the memories about you are the worst gift you gave me, this emptyness in my chest won't go away because of them, why did you lied ...?
Why did you made me love you? Why did you lied ? Why did you said you loved me ? Why did you lied? Why did you come back ? why did I hurt you ? I don't know, I was hurt, now you are also hurt, I'm so sorry..., Why I can only say sorry ? Why did I lied ? Why did you lied ? Why only suffering came from something that was so beautiful ? I wish I could go back in time and make the right decisions... for us.
Did 'us' ever existed ?

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gave me a scare good job m8

Its been a year and then some, I still think about you every now and then, its not every day like I used to, now its every week or month but it still stings. Things could've been perfect but I fucked it up, we were drifting apart anyways but I wish I could've ended things on better terms because now if we ever see eachother again there'll be no chance at even being friends.

For some reason I feel as if we have not seen each other for the last time. I am awake because I have just been laying in bed thinking of you for three hours.

In the unlikely event you still search for my posts on the archive... why the fuck are you doing that? Anyway just wanted to say in case you ever go back on here the sex was amazing and i liked just having a chilled out friend to fuck without any of the lovey dovey bs of a relationship so thanks for that. After corona is over can I fitemeirl your boyfriend and winner gets the prize like how r9k says it works pls? [redpill intensifies] *tips fedora*
- T

You're the greatest guy I've ever fucking known, you calm, fun to hang around with and an all around great guy, I hope you can beat all your demons and have a good life no matter what path you choose and as gay as it sounds I really don't want to lose you, honestly I need to message you more and try to be a better friend
From ya pal -D

Stop fucking emailing me you cunt. Just because I bought something from your eBay shop once doesn't mean I want an email about your stupid fucking website twice a day for the rest of my life. Go hang yourself.
- M

Very neat. Nice.

It has been a while. I miss you and want to talk to you again, can I send you a message?

Dear Warwick Davis,

I'd love to kick you in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch you with the full force of my steel capped toe under your chin, send you flying through the air, you little faggot.

As you lie on the floor, coughing and wheezing and chocking on your own blood, your jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of your skull, I stand over you and laugh wickedly. You look up at me in fear and pain, your eyes searching, begging me for mercy. You find none. I raise my boot then stomp down, splitting your skull like a melon and finally ending your pathetic life.


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I'm sorry for ghosting you. I really liked you but I wanted to see if you would chase after me.

Please leave me alone creep, I do not want to hear about your plants any longer nor do I appreciate your encyclopedic knowledge(aka google) of anything.

Yeah get fucked plantfag

hey man leave plants out of this

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Hey S
i would like if u text me
don't be shy
i don't expect nothing from u
i would just like to hear from you and know how are you

Do eet faggort.

Dear ?
I have a crush on u. I dont expect anything real to come from it but that doesnt mean we cant flirt and have some fun.
I think you know it too. So make a move. Be a little bolder. We're both craving something to break the mundane.

Give me your heart and your bepis! NOW! RIGHT NOW! LOVE MEEEEEE

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Aren't you tired of being mad all the time?

I'm mad at myself for allowing myself to be mad. Good night.

That dreadful day is coming up again shortly, I wonder if you'll be there then. Doubtful. Will you wish you were there way down the line? Probably not.

Welcome to reality. Grown ups dont chase.


I wonder how you are doing in college. I hope youre doing well.. I know you are probably too busy partying or studying. I remember you saying that you would rather be a part of that crowd than the usual valedictorian style person. Anywho, I hope you are doing well.

Chances of you still being here are very slim and you even said so yourself but I miss having you as a friend and I wish you wouldnt flake so easily. It has been a year since we last talked and I wonder how you are doing too.

Too many people are memories now.


He is chasing me though so it worked

Then he is not grown up, and neither are you.

Only kids have an obsession with being grown ups

If you like someone why put them through that? I don't get it.

Hahahaha, Its not like the chasing game isnt infantile by nature or anything

Hello user,

Teehee, I am so glad that you have a crush on me. Unfortunately I must decline your generous offer. I will only put my heart on the line for someone who actually wishes to be in a stable committed relationship with me, and not someone who uses relationships as a source of entertainment. I do not wish to partake in your flimsy destiny beliefs just so I can be tossed aside once the novelty of your crush wears off.

Yours truly,
Every user with self respect.


Kill yourself

Why not, it worked on him

Because you hurt someone you like? Why would you hurt someone if you like them?

It shows he cared, I was worried he was straight, but he chased after me.

Fuck mindgames, that tells me all I need to know. I want nothing to do with you based simply on that.

dear op
i will not give you initials so you can data mine
sincerly user
shove a fat cock up your butt

I miss you and want to talk to you, please message me

Fuck people who call proving their love "mind games." What is the point if they can't even do this for you?

If you have feelings for me would you give me a sign? I'm starting to lose hope.

ok so you didn't message me yesterday but today will be the day, i can feel it.

you're probably confused about what went wrong. i am too. why did i leave you again? i don't remember exactly.

I miss when we used to play that game together...

have you been eating well lately? how do you even get so skinny? it's worrisome

>Probably not.
Why do you assume things for me? Your doubt always ruined things.

Have you forgotten all the time we spent together? Did it even mean anything to you?

hey, was that really you in that last thread? i was so sure it was you but was too scared to say anything. what would i even say to you?

you work too hard for someone no one takes seriously. i feel bad for you, for real. why do you try so hard?

Are you talking to other girls while you're talking to me? You don't treat me like I'm special

I would contact you or at least give you a nudge just to see, if only I had any notion it's what you wanted.

it's getting to me when you talk about how much you want to die. i know you're going through a hard time but how can you say that after meeting me? after that much effort i put into you? don't you appreciate me enough to say thank you, i will try my best to live because you're here to support me? i know this sounds selfish so i can't tell you this but every time you talk about wanting to die i just get seriously irritated.


I need help with this raid crazy journalists think Yas Forums is filled with hackers here is the discord eDbRRK

dear M
I loved you and still do. you once said the same to me. i just want to look at you the same.
yours, J
i almost cried thinking about this


Tay with what last name initial?

please come on to r9k today and check this thread. i don't know if you'll ever see this but i want to talk to you so badly.

when i look at your face for longer than 5 seconds i start to realize you are ugly. still love you though

>talk to you
>on r9k

i can't talk to them directly even though i have the chat window with them open right now. i just can't do it

for real. how old are you. stay hopeless

I feel this.
Tell me what's wrong my lost little one.

My doubt is created by people blowing off my concerns and fears as trivialities. Doubt is caused by people doing things they know upset me while at the same time saying they care. How can I not doubt?

i-is it you wondering if it's me? i'm at least legal, officer

dear user, drop your shoulders and straighten your back. stop tensing so much

wake up soon! i'm waiting for you to wake up.

there's an obvious way out of things that you aren't seeing. are you choosing not to see it on purpose?

fuck off ya glowie bastard

you were lying when you said you needed me. you were lying

Idk i'm not the one doing all this thing. I've tried to do it like a normal human been.