Tell fembot im british

>tell fembot im british
>she stops replying

why do american girls hate this country so much?

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go die in a car bombing

European """men""" don't eat pussy

no one likes pakis so thats why

Don't worry! Dutch femanons like you tea drinkers

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but im white..even have blue eyes

based angel's egg poster.

yes that is correct, my skin is indeed white

It makes me happy to see so many anons appreciate Angel's egg

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thank you dutch friend, i like dutch accents when they speak english

I've had the opposite experience desu. Both with Americans and Europeans from the continent.

how friend?


British are cute... CUTE.

then why do they ghost me, maybe i just don't have the right voice or accent

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I can't say. Life's a shit... SHIT!

I'm not sure. They just make it sound like a good thing when I tell them. Maybe you're doing it wrong? It's not even like I have a nice accent, I'm from Wales.

i have also had the opposite experience
but it is annoying being e-friends with someone +-5 hours away
just dont mention it or wait until it comes out in vc when she will like your accent and if your accent sucks fix it! traps can do voice training: so can you

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i think i have the wrong kind of accent then, maybe they only like northern sounding accents or something like welsh, i'm just a boring southerner. i'm 0/2 in accent tests, it's over bros

British people genuinely repulse me. Awful people.

i don't know if its so bad that i need voice training, but out of the 2 times i spoke to an american girl, they didn't really like my accent

Because they can't handle our superiority user. That's why
T. 6'3 Slavic looking Brit

is your voice perfect? if not then why not do voice training?
i think of it like trying to keep a good posture

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based friend

perhaps user, perhaps

>maybe they only like northern sounding accents or something like welsh
The fucking irony if that's true. Getting called a sheepshagger-sounding cunt constantly by everyone on this miserable little island only to be praised by everyone outside of it.

aw i'm sorry user
to be honest though i'm canadian and some british tourists or people in movies are so hard for me to understand when they talk quickly, but i am also probably very stupid so maybe it's just their problem and not yours

Really? I'm always ashamed of my accent when speaking English desu. I really shouldn't worry. A lot of woman love British people

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aye it's a cruel irony, us southerners have been btfo beyond repair

thank you for the kind words friend, do you know what kind of accents you struggled with or just british accents in general?

yeah i'm not sure what it is, i always found both dutch men and women speaking english to be quite pleasant

>why do american girls hate this country so much?
Pretty sure every girl I know is an Anglophile to some degree
Obsessed with one direction and Tom Holland

i don't think that translates over to real guys, just celebrities

actually user, now you have me paranoid that i might sound really autistic and not know it, how do i find out if i sound autistic or not?

i'm sorry i'm not familiar enough with different british accents to really identify them but i do specifically remember that a group of people from glasgow were very difficult to understand and on tv the cockney accents kind of baffle me.
also i really struggle with irish and scottish accents but i genuinely think it's because i am dumb so again pls take with a grain of salt.

but you probably sound fine
you should strive for exceptional though!
you voice is really your online face when it comes to dating

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oh no worries user, all the accents you listed are notorious for being hard to understand for a lot of people. it's okay you aren't dumb, i can understand the difficulty.

i don't feel comfortable posting my voice on Yas Forums, but is there someone you can talk to that will tell you straight up if you sound autistic?

I bet he's a brummie
you're a brummie aren't you

I'm sorry, OP. Maybe she actually knows what a shithole this country really is, instead of the flattering image a lot of other nationalities have of us.

no, grew up around greater london area

Well I have never met a real Brit but I do know that all the girls at my high school pretty much latched on to the Australian exchange student we had

A real challenge would be to find someone who likes American guys

based and sheep pilled
where are you from in wales boyo?

no such people only exist online
people irl are two faced snakes who will never tell you the truth and certainly not if it be harsh
unless they hate you and seek to antagonize you in which case they will exacerbate your faults and never give due praise

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apples and pears and dogs and bones

i guess theres just something i'm lacking friend which others aren't, i'm pretty sure only british people truly know how shit this country is though.

yeah that would probably be more challenging, can't say i have ever heard a girl talking about how much she liked american guys

thats a shame, was hoping there was some kind of honest feedback kind of site

i don't have a cockney accent though, i just speak normally

>was hoping there was some kind of honest feedback kind of site
where do you think you are?

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Fuck you sound like such a cunt. Not in too much of a bad way though.
The powerhouse of a city known as Swansea.

where do i think i am? Yas Forums? i didn't say that kind of site i was imagining was Yas Forums

you must have some iteration of an accent depending on where you are from, people chat shit about "oh I don't have an accent"
ye fuckin do

you sound like sargon of akkad and this isnt a compliment
youre never going to find more honest feedback than as an user from anons - nobody really has any reason to lie unless their shitposting and being unduly mean

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>Fuck you sound like such a cunt
Cheers lad. I'm half Welsh myself, incidentally. My dad used to play rugby for Cardiff University. Mum's as English as they come. Always makes the Six Nations a tense couple of weeks in their house.

just a pretty clear speaking london accent, i would imagine. i know for sure that i don't sound cockney

British, and europeans in general are notoriously cold in my experience. You all seem to lack empathy or the ability to connect to others.
But it also could be that it's pointless to try anything when you live on the other side of the world.

Wait what. American bitches idolize that tea-loving accent. What u talking bout mate

Id go with the latter. Long distance is a shit show

London =/= cockney

would you say jacob rees-mogg has a cockney accent?

i found when i spoke to americans they didnt understand my, as a british person, hedging and euphemisms
for example, me saying 'thats not bad' really means 'thats good' and how for me to outright praise something means 'this is fantastic'
because often they might show me something i liked and id compliment it only for them to appear disappointed and react as though i disliked it
i will say, british people, or at least the ones i know and who i am, are more closed than americans or even most continentals. I'd say outside of scandinavians few groups are so much so.

no he speaks the queens, which is something that cockneys that think they're better than poor cockneys do

Yeah us Americans are very emotional and friendly. I think it's easier just to stick within my own culture, it's not objectively bad but it's not my personal taste.

Nah we're plenty emotional. We just express it by over consuming alcohol and verbally abusing each other. Though as I hear it you're finally catching on in the states.