Sudden Change

You suddenly become an attractive qt3.14 biological female! No one finds this weird, and everyone treats you as if you have been a girl all your life. Your sexuality has stayed the same, you're straight...w-wait a minute, that means you like men now! However given you were a guy, you don't know about the proper manners befitting a proper young lady, like sitting with your legs closed, how to interact with men, etc. Killing yourself doesn't work, you'll just wake up in the morning of the day you anheroed. How do you fare? What's the first thing you do in your new body?

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Try to get a loving, caring wholesome robot bf. Other than that, life continues to be the same. Guess I should also get some new clothes.
Oh and I'll try to become a streamer since that's the best chance of me having any kind of future, financially at least. Don't know if I'd really be able to stream though, I'd still have severe social anxiety and just be a shy sperg in general.

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I'd just wageslave and sleep all day like normal.

Obviously go on /d/ and try to get horny. Shut the fuck up about your hypothetical and turn me into a girl already

Would any of you try to date one of your male friends?

If your mind fuckery has changed us into thinking we have always liked men then the answer is probably.

would they see me the same way as they do now? wouldn't want my friends to simp for me because i've seen how some of them interacted with girls.
being the only girl in a sea of horny simps would make anyone i erm...give more attention to jealous.

>implying I have even a single friend

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Not always liked men, suddenly liking men.

They see you as you are, a friend.

Well that's quite unfortunate.

Would any of you guys exploit your femininity to gain simps and orbiters who'll give you guys money? Or would you stay true to your ideals.

>Not always liked men, suddenly liking men.
Then no. I will wageslave, masturbate to yaoi and sleep all day.

>They see you as you are, a friend.
I really hope that's true. They're horny testosterone fueled young men, after all. I have insecurities that some of them empathize with, and that could lead to...feelings.

>Would any of you guys exploit your femininity to gain simps and orbiters who'll give you guys money?
People used to mistake me for a girl online, simps and orbiters scare the shit out of me because i have social anxiety.

>Well that's quite unfortunate
I'm quite used to it at this point, there are still times when It hurts but oh well.
>Would any of you guys exploit your femininity to gain simps and orbiters who'll give you guys money?
Well If I was able to stream I wouldn't have a donation link or anything. If they wanted to support me then subbing would be the only real way of giving me money. I wouldn't give anyone special treatment for money either, I may be poor but I'm not that desperate, I'd only need like 100 subs to live a comfy life, if my parents allowed me to say at their place ofc. I just don't like using/manipulating other people, I find it disgusting. Even if they're normalfags like simps and orbiters.

cosplay as corona-chan, simple as that

>100 subs for a comfy life
Is this really the case?

>Becoming a fujoshi
Well I guess manga and books are pretty expensive, so you would need to wageslave.

Having a romance with one of them wouldn't be too bad...I don't think.

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>Having a romance with one of them wouldn't be too bad...I don't think.
I don't know which of my friends i would even date. My dad was either a normie or a chad when he was my age, and he still is close to all of his male friends but all of the women in his social circle left.

250 euros a month would be enough for me to eat good food and pay my parents 100 euros a month for rent as well as save up for something if I ever desire something. I don't want much in life, I'm a simple guy with simple needs, I am very low maintenance. God I wish I was a girl, I feel like I'd actually do well and I would actually have motivation to do stuff and try to ''improve''.

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So you're telling me that not only do i get free income beyond my wildest dreams through camgirling on the internet (not even getting naked, just streaming in risque outfits) but I also get a reset mechanic wherein if I discover a butterfly effect free gambling method like say horse racing which is fixed, I can go jump off a bridge and magically wake up the same morning to make a killing at the bookies?
Well for starters (and assuming I knew that the death mechanic worked flawlessly and didn't have a set number of resets), I'd buy a bunch of medication to overdose on, and build up to it over the course of a week, I'd also buy a webcam to get started on my free income streme via twitch ect.
I don't expect to make much on twitch because I lack any kind of personality, haven't had contact with another human in years and am a terminal neet, but worth a shot and I expect to make at least some money. if that fails, shove things up the ass and sell the footage, methodically work up using the sock method into impressively large insertions i could be proud of even as a man. it's not like I'd be getting employed anyway.
While I was gradual building up medication, i'd be researching ways to kill myself flawlessly and painlessly as possible because you do NOT want to wake up the day after an attempted suicide. More than likely i'd end up finding a deep streme in a secluded location, take excessive amounts of medication, and ductape something heavy to my head then wait to pass out while standing over the deep part. That or go innawoods later in the evening and find a deep puddle.
Then I'd try my absolute best to either win at gambling, game the stock market for tiny gains OR simply repeat the same day looking for opportunities to exploit.

Of course, this is all speculative, the most likely thing to happen would be my life would not change in the slightest, and i'd be using significantly lighter weights.

New proposal:
You get to be a giant bara wolf waifu with high level sword skills and fighting ability, BUT you live in a medieval isekai with RPG levels plus highly complex etiquette. The people of the world don't expect you to be as autistic as you are, and are still in that witch hunt stage of social development where deviation from social norms (or say, being a giant wolf eared muscle waifu) causes them to react with fear, mistrust or outright hostility (in other words society is still in the grip of mass mental illness which characterised the dark ages). You find yourself dumped into a forest with no idea what is going on other than the basic premise, assume you were teleported there like this after typing out a reply. You are the only one of your kind, and people in this time are highly religious and racist to the point of open hostility or at the very least huge distrust towards elves or dwarfs and vice versa, you don't speak the language and don't know any religious customs. the woods are filled with low level bandits and monsters.
But as far as things pan out you are a level 40 character in a level 1-15 world with the odd level 20 raid boss.
What do?

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Sauce of pic?

Checked and keked my friend.

What the fuck
it's not porn
What the fuck

Everything was nice until this
>But as far as things pan out you are a level 40 character in a level 1-15 world with the odd level 20 raid boss.
That's incredibly boring user, like, really boring. Also, swords < halberds and spears.

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>implying you could survive/thrive on equal footing in a world where 20% of deaths are from stabbings or violent bludgeoning.
Everyone here spends way to much time on the internet, and because it's a escapism fantasy thread wherein people go to dissociate from reality. I sure as hell couldn't enjoy it living on this world.
How about this.
>you get to choose your weapon class/what kind of animal (none furry) person you are but you also have to select a difficulty level that modifies your starting conditions on this Darwinist hell world and
>Only you know about levels/can see your own and only your own stats and menus, everyone else just thinks it's spiritual power given to them by the gods.

HARD mode
>You don't speak the language
>You're level 5-9, but still a huge muscular bara babe who's over 6ft 5 (198cm)
>You start with just your weapon (poor condition) and a dead animal.

Medium mode
>You speak a foreign language from a different race on this world
>You're level 15-18, and still a bara.
>You start with a survivalist kit.

Easy mode
>You speak the local language
>You're level 35-100 (your choice).
>You can view the human internet but unable to send data that would reveal yourself. Basically have access to a current gen gaming PC.

Ultra nightmare
>You don't speak the language
>You're level 8, but a loli.
>You start with just a stick, some rags and a basic survivalist kit/rations that will last you days at best.

Or use a custom setting that will disable achievements.

Fuck no. My friends are all either womanizers or already in relationships.

Sorry user, just not very interested in this. I spend most of my waking hours in fantasy worlds so I have quite the high standard for such things.
It's cool that you're actually doing something original though, keep at it.

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A child learns language much easier. Maybe it isnt so bad to be a loli in rags. I would need to find someone willing to adopt me.

I too spend an inordinate amount of time in fantasy worlds but the characters I self insert as tend to be overpowered in most of them because frankly I am a lazy weak willed individual. Please tell us more about your standards for fantasy worlds so I can maybe adopt some ideas for myself or get a better feel for making Quasi CYOA greentexts

Why would I like men instantly?
Anyway, marry my best friend and make our lives a living dream, cus whe both very similar to each other. It's so fucking easy.

>the characters I self insert as tend to be overpowered in most of them because frankly I am a lazy weak willed individual.
So am I but I self insert as someone who starts out as a regular joe but with years and years of intensive training has the capabilities of being someone really strong but still not overpowered. I find this world of ours boring so I don't want my fantasy world to be boring as well where I can just do anything, there's no risk or hardwork required.
And I've no idea what you could really do to improve these, I'm bad at explaining such things, sorry for just complaining but not giving actual feedback on what to do so it would be better.

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Order a lot of shit that are only socially acceptable for women to have but I always wanted (like those awesome cat ear headphones)

Like that would be what I have always wanted since kindergarten.

I'd keep on with my hobbies. But I think I'd get way more apprechiation since girls rarely fix cars and drift as a hobby.
I'd turn down every guy I meet. Also girls.

Oh yeah and I'd get into cosplaying again. But this time I would actually go to conventions with what I make.
Cosplay is be female or be pro after all.

>What's the first thing you do in your new body?
stick my finger in my cunny and lick it
no that's disgusting
i might pegg them for $1000

>he's not chad enough to wear cat ear headphones in public as a manly male

No my friends were all pretty ugly.

>No my friends were all pretty ugly.
shallow fuck

>Being salty over hot, gender-bent anons ugly friends
>Being upset over how he views a relationship with a man as a financial transaction
>Secretly wanting to date a female.
user you deserve to be lynched. You aren't a robot you're just a failed normie, a physically defective, mentally under-performing NPC. Now gtfo of this board and never return.

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Shit I fucked up, ignore that second point user is simply homosexual. All three of us deserve the bat.

You two should go on a date, bunch of cuties.

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explore my body. make internet money. get a boyfriend.

maybe depends on how they act

owo I wish user would stretch my asshole owo.

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Eat, be carefree, have fun living like a treasure. The real question is though, am I ugly?

What part of
>attractive qt3.14 biological female
do you not understand user? Ofc you aren't ugly, you are prefect, but in whos eyes though? OPs? Yours? Questions questions never to be answered.

>step 1: Become a Varbie
there is no step 2


I'd become a tranny. I like being a man.

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For once, trannys are actually based.

make an orbiter army that will all be my healsluts on videogames

Probably become a massive slut
Keeping a physical job to stay thin
Fuck all of them but make a point of it being fwb

Tricks on you. I'm already bisexual and prefer men. This would be great for me.
But to answer this no. My friends are like my siblings. I don't date male or female friends. At least not the close ones.
I'd probably turn into a bit of a whore if I'm being honest.
>Would any of you guys exploit your femininity to gain simps and orbiters who'll give you guys money?
My first instinct is to say yes. Because I don't have a problem with that. The guys who do it are disgusting but the girls are just ruthless. But I probably wouldn't do it personally cause having to interact with people that much would piss me off. I'd probably get a couple sugar daddy's though. I'm gonna do that anyways as is when I move away from my home town.
Create a mountain den. Raid local villages for plunder. Defeat and seduce men who come to defeat me. Give birth to human wold hybrid baby's. Become alpha of a giant human/wolf pack and take over the savage human nations. Bring in a new era of human demihuman peace with me as their Supreme ruler.

if i was cute for a day i'd probably let some down syndrome guys and pretty much any guy that i know will never get sex fuck me. however this is forever. in this case, i'll pick a robot bf who is decent looking enough. probably one of my sperg friends. he's a d3 athlete but somehow more spergy than me.

all my niggas get to hit

keep attempting suicide whenever i get bored

Try different ways of killing myself as a hobby.

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Based suicide posters. Dazi Sama would be proud.

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user, please for the love of god tell me the source on this picture. I can't find it no matter how hard I try and it's been tantalizing me for over a year. Please.

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reverse image search? lol?

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I'd be the same boymind and wear whatever robots want and help them lose their virginities. I'd use birth control since I don't like to have children

Use my new time travel suicide powers to make everyday perfect and correct every mistake I make throughout the day

>imagine this scenario
>you work at a job with this guy Bob
>normal seeming guy right?
>every day he'll seem normal
>then he'll make a mistake
>maybe just drop a paper
>something simple
>anything happens
>he immediately kills himself
>just pops of this plane of existence
>bashes his head in, stabs his throat.
>a million different ways
>but then he comes back
>every fucking day
>and it keeps happening
>you're the only one who notices
>no one else believes you

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Fuck as many nigger penises as possible till I am raped and tossed onto a sidewalk with my face bashed in

If I was really smart then I would keep some fast acting pain killers or cyanide on me. I could pop the pill and then respawn with the pill back

Am I a qt to myself or am I a qt to the world? how perfectly cute am I? am I 4'8" with perfectly black hair and bright shining unnaturally green eyes and gorgeously pale skin?
>Your sexuality has stayed the same, you're straight...w-wait a minute, that means you like men now!
My sexuality isn't based on liking the opposite gender it's based on liking women. But if I were to go along woth your scenario, would I remember being attracted to women? how would I feel about them now? would I care about being attracted to men or find it natural? would I still be a sperg incel who has given up on love?
>you don't know any of the proper manners
who cares about posture shit, the problem is making friends with women. Wait am I still friends with my friends? It's not like I've known more than one of them since childhood, so I can't be a childhood friend tomboy gf, especially since he has a gf.

>what's the first thing you do?
I would probably check myself out to see how well I match my ideal, and I would verify the social position you laid out in the prompt. Then I'd probably touch myself.
Who knows what would happen with my job, I'm probably 10 times weaker than I was. I'm not going to try and date a dude. I'm going to turn down everyone that asks me out because that's just where my brain is at. I'm going to stay home most of the time cause that's just how i roll. I'm definitely going to remember that iI need to be irrationally afraid of rape, even if feminist propoganda and statistics aren't true, even if I know nothing else about acting as a woman.

True. That would be a good way to go about it.