Heloo do you want to get manipulated into making my cutu collection more bigu?

Heloo do you want to get manipulated into making my cutu collection more bigu?

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Hey yeah I'll fucking cut myself for you, what do you want me to do?

yes but you are too inexperienced to manipulate me into this

Are you even able to do that? I don't know

I hope the ward you're in brings back lobotomy

you can twy user but i alwedy cut for my ebf so youre going to have to twy weally weally hawd to win me over

Are you sure?
I'm out already.
My discord is bigudigu#0372 desu.

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I can cut for you.
Cut your fucking throat, you retarded faggot.


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No u retarded faggot.

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>No u retarded faggot.
Your penis is retarded! I saw it!

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No you perverted big tailed nazi.

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Wrong, user, nazis have small dicks and this monster has 9 inchus of pure love. btw he's a nigger.

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No its not.
I'm not a nazi desu.
I'm white as snowu.

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>I'm white as snowu.
The pic you send me said otherwise desu. I saw a nigger there. I saw little shades of gray in your foreskin.

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A very interesting character!

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>what is light?
Are you mad I unfriended you?

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Dude i'm really waiting for the day some of the ppl he send dickpicks turns against him! That day there will be so much rejoicing!

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>Are you sure?
yes, very sure

>what is light?
Something a nigger like you doesn't know for sure. No need to ask more questions! Now i should spam your dickpicks all over the internet!

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Bet you use a chainsaw while this normie still relies on razor blades HA

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>are you mad I unfriended you
Not at all. I only wished to get an idea of this bigu fellow, and I certainly did. I really do admire you, there's something utterly reptilian in your makeup. You don't find that often. Of course I feel a little bad for your victims, but they all want to be degraded in any case.

Hmm can be true but I gain experience with every new cutu.
They aren't victims.

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>I really do admire you
Don't you find him cute? I btw see him as a friend who is also a worthy opponent.

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>They aren't victims.
I suppose not. But still, you go hunting, you find your prey.

>They aren't victims.
YES THEY ARE This is something that makes me mad about you. Why you don't embrace your evilness? You obviously belong to jail and i admire how you manage to just stay free BUT FUCK accept that what you do is bad, you seem dumb not doing it.

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Most of them came to me on their own.
Getting people into doing things they might enjoy isn't evil.

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>Getting people into doing things they might enjoy isn't evil.
Convincing people that ruining their bodies is actually good is evil
Just embrace it, look at yourself in a mirror and say "i'm a crazy psycho"
And the become a slut and have sex with me.

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I'll never understand how can someone be so retarded to be made into cutting themselves

You see they already want to cut themselves. To have someone who will appreciate them for it only sweetens the deal.

Cutu is art. It's not ruining the body.
Cutu just sounds bad at first.
Some didn't and only thought it was nice for a moment but then regret it. Even though there's nothing to regret when cutu.

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>Cutu is art.
Oh, so want to fit the stereptype of the crazy artist! Ok Sander Cohen I got you!
btw, nigger

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You are a walking black comedy. I literally laugh out loud at the shit you type.

they use discord what more do you need to know

why dont you cut yourself if its so nice?

I would get caught and the feeling when someone cutsu for me is nicer.

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commit cutu to urself

Cutting is cringe. Self harm is cringe. Suicide is cringe.
Healthy living is based. Self care is based. Living to your fullest potential is based.

Fucking kill yourself retard. You aren't cute. I bet you are some fat hairy basement dweller beating his rancid cock to the manipulation and self harm of people you touch with your disgusting mindset. Not funny. Not cute. Not interesting. Not sexy. Die Die Die Die Die Die Die FAGGOT

why would i hurt myself?

>I literally laugh out loud at the shit you type.
Just keep in mind he is a psycho with a small dick.

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>I bet you are some fat hairy basement dweller beating his rancid cock...
That's a cute factor, for me that gives me some big erections i want to rape him to dead and also he will reply with a
to the shit you posted because he is she.
Bigu you're a nigger.

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I'm 63kg at 182cm and people always call me cute irl. You are weirdu.
It's not hurtu.

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>You are weirdu.
Says the weirdo. Go to a refugees camp and get raped.

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>I'm 63kg at 182cm
That's a skinny boy!

>people always call me cute irl.
im sure they do buddy that's why you chill on Yas Forums making trannies cut

>It's not hurtu.
it obviously is and you know it!

No u.
Ya being skinny is nice.
People irl aren't interesting and are all the same. That's why I don't have any interest in interacting with them.

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That's a question i had about she since forever. Just let him be crazy and hopefully wait for the day he kills himself. btw did you knew he sells nudes?

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As i said, a crazy artist. Now. What about dedicating to porn and getting bbc (specially mines)?

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>Ya being skinny is nice.
no its not. i hate being skinny no matter how much i eat i never gain weight.

Just eat more kek

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T-That's a fbi bait picu.
Kek just like says just eat more. I weighted 59kg but gained 8 kg after 3 weeksu of eating 3k kcals sweetsu every day but I lost 4kg again after starting to begin to eat normally again. So I stopped caring.

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I will cut myself for you if you paypal me money

Nah it wouldn't feel the same. You could ask xumi though kek he would be pathetic enough to buy cutsu so he can get attention. Unfortunately for you he's gone.

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I will send you my collection only if you send me yours

where is my beloved Xumi?

how much do they go for? and who tf is paying for that hes just some neckbeard right?

I want to take credit for you no longer wanting to take paypal money kek.

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Being replied by bigu senpai 2 times in the same post when he promised me to never reply me again. This. This feels awesome.

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I'll make my guess and say you are from burgerland. He is a 6 tasty feet 140 british currencies. And you know, slim women are kinda hot so yeah he is fap material. 30 dollars each one she said. But i don't want to pay that. I want to rape her so bad.

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Your collection is worthless to me bc they don't have cutud bigu.
He left chan bc everyone saw him as a clown.
People gave 30 euros normally for picsu and vidsu but I can make exceptions. Also I accept cutu as payment. I'm not a neckbeardu.
He wanted monies.

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I want to manipulate you to make one deep cut across your pencil neck, you degenerate german fuck. Nobody likes you. Even the psych ward people were happy to be rid of you. And I'm sure your mom would be delighted to hear that the world is finally rid of the cancer that is you.

im from germany but I guess tards like you think hes attractive but who tf pays for porn this is the most branilett comer thing ever fuking nofap and be normal

>He wanted monies.

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What if i cut big for you, what about then?

It's the feeling she is doing it for you only. Like a girlfriend but not so much because you aren't that good. And he is also from naziland. You guys should hang out someday.

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How big would it be? Like. Ending yourself?

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Why are you so mean?
It's very personal this way.
Cutu "bigu" would be nice.

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>Why are you so mean?
This is what you get for no giving me free nudes desu.

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Id rather spend my money on cam girls that actually interact with you im not that much of a simp after all and I don't want to get raped by some robot either

Not really close to that, but yeah i will cut for you if you send me your collection v. I haven't talked to someone for years and I want to see you bleed. I'm not joking, pic related

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B-but cam girls can't compare to a customized porn only made for you. Just imagine your name wrote in a girl's tits and you'll understand why ppl pay for porn.
The only bad this with this whore we call OP is that she wants you to cut yourself in order to get nudes. Disgusting. What a fucking nigger.

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I told you what you can do to get them for free. You would get them, I could make extra vidsu just for you and you would be marked with my name w-which is lewd.
Add me on discord and I will send you my collection. I posted it in this threadu.

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N-no I want to see you dead now desu.

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